That is a decision you and your wife has to make... My wife and I didnt have the test done...didnt matter to us.
yes. and when i found out that those eggs might leave me taking care of unwanted chickens, i smashed them all up and threw them in a trashcan. edit:CB beat me.
I believe as long as the chick is indside the shell, the shell can decide what is best for the chick. Long live chicken abortion!
flaw in your statement BTW. do i have to explain to you how chicken eggs become chickens? cause you want kill fertilized eggs, and my joke was concerning unfertilized eggs.
i have no problem with disagreeing with someone, just when someone tries to push their views upon me after they know how i feel. DSS is there to protect children. those children are lifes that are independant of their mother. ok, here is one way to think about it. if a mother shoots herself in the haed and dies, can those kids live? yes. if a pregnant does the same, will the fetus live? no. that is the cut off i will go by on this topic.
shhhh, i'm in reference to his defense of abortion. sperm/egg/child. not actual chicken eggs you goof.
so basicly you have no argument. i get it. so, can the mother take a pistol and shoot her own womb? throw herself down a flight of stairs? the fact is, (and you all ignore it) that an aborted fetus WILL BECOME a human life. interupting the cycle takes a human life. end of story. and how can anyone force a view on you anyway? weird.