Dear God...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by LMcCurdy, Mar 26, 2005.

  1. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    who cares? what does that have to do with interruption of life?
  2. bgoodwin

    bgoodwin Half Ass

    "Oh look, honey, our baby has a physical, mental irregularity, looks like we will have to kill it"

  3. Shingle Monkey

    Shingle Monkey Schuck, Schuck

    That is a decision you and your wife has to make...

    My wife and I didnt have the test done...didnt matter to us.
  4. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

    ya know, if you would have left those eggs alone, they would have become chickens. :D
  5. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    yes. and when i found out that those eggs might leave me taking care of unwanted chickens, i smashed them all up and threw them in a trashcan. :D

    edit:CB beat me.
  6. Shingle Monkey

    Shingle Monkey Schuck, Schuck

    :D So its ok to kill baby chickens...when does life start?
  7. bgoodwin

    bgoodwin Half Ass

    I believe as long as the chick is indside the shell, the shell can decide what is best for the chick.:D

    Long live chicken abortion!
  8. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    flaw in your statement BTW. do i have to explain to you how chicken eggs become chickens?

    cause you want kill fertilized eggs, and my joke was concerning unfertilized eggs. :p
  9. bgoodwin

    bgoodwin Half Ass

    Ckicken eggs are fertilized before they are layed.:Poke:

    The chicken egg thread jack :D
  10. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

    i have no problem with disagreeing with someone, just when someone tries to push their views upon me after they know how i feel.

    DSS is there to protect children. those children are lifes that are independant of their mother. ok, here is one way to think about it. if a mother shoots herself in the haed and dies, can those kids live? yes. if a pregnant does the same, will the fetus live? no. that is the cut off i will go by on this topic.
  11. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    shhhh, i'm in reference to his defense of abortion. sperm/egg/child.

    not actual chicken eggs you goof. :D
  12. bgoodwin

    bgoodwin Half Ass

    Sorry Brad, I live in one of the top poultry producing counties in the U.S.
  13. LMcCurdy

    LMcCurdy Antique

    You guys are :confused: ing me.

    If a woman swallows, is that murder.

  14. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    so basicly you have no argument. i get it. so, can the mother take a pistol and shoot her own womb? throw herself down a flight of stairs?

    the fact is, (and you all ignore it) that an aborted fetus WILL BECOME a human life. interupting the cycle takes a human life. end of story.

    and how can anyone force a view on you anyway? weird.
  15. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

    so more babies are killed where you live that anywere in the U.S. ?
  16. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    what? you having a hard time telling the difference in poultry, and humans?
  17. bgoodwin

    bgoodwin Half Ass

    No, but if she chokes on it, it might be Manslaughter.
  18. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

  19. LMcCurdy

    LMcCurdy Antique

    :D :D
  20. bgoodwin

    bgoodwin Half Ass

    Must be a ckicken fuc... never mind.

    Whoa, I just hit the low road.:eek:

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