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Dear God...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by LMcCurdy, Mar 26, 2005.

  1. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

    so long as that fetus is inside the woman, it is her decision on what happens with it. once it is born, it is a life in of it's own. kind of a double edge sword in a way though, IMHO. in a case like Lacy Petersen, double murder should apply due to the fact that she chose to keep it and then was murdered by another person. if a woman is pregnant, and chooses to end the pregnancy, it is her choice, and should be honored no matter what YOU(or anyone else) think is right.

    and once again, i will say, don't agree with abortion? don't get one.
  2. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    witty. you may have to pay pissy kitty a royalty on that statement.

  3. Shingle Monkey

    Shingle Monkey Schuck, Schuck

    What were those pics from...2nd trimester abortions? Why, were they genetic defects, fetus die in the womb...why were they aborted?
  4. bgoodwin

    bgoodwin Half Ass

    Almost looked like an intelligent coversation and then.....:rolleyes:
  5. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    that's just where we disagree, just because the mother can, doesn't mean she should.

    i wonder why we have a D.S.S. dept? by your logic, what fucking differnce does it make if the mother chooses to feed and clothe her kids? it's her business after all. :)
  6. Shingle Monkey

    Shingle Monkey Schuck, Schuck

    That would be for the roof boy crap that fatbrad said..ooops did it again...sorry brad...love ya:D
  7. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Well, with the number of people desperate to adopt there are options.
  8. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    shhhhh. time to think..... is KILLING a child right or wrong?

    what, will a "blob of cells" become if left alone by a murderous doctor and irresponsible mother?

    answer the questions please. :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2005
  9. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    actually, i think you did it because you are losing this argument. :D
  10. Shingle Monkey

    Shingle Monkey Schuck, Schuck

    Depends, it could be a simese twin, still born, down syndrome baby, an unwanted baby....or it could turn into an ass that post on the wera bbs.

    Sorry for the poor spelling, Im just a roofer:D
  11. bgoodwin

    bgoodwin Half Ass

    The Culture of Death rolls on.:(
  12. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    nice duck and weave. :up:
  13. Shingle Monkey

    Shingle Monkey Schuck, Schuck

    lose? what would I win?

    This forum along with the internet is entertainment for me.....its so far from real life..if I got wraped up in winning I would be MadRoofer:D
  14. CRAKitty

    CRAKitty I taste like chicken

    When does life begin? The 'experts' can't even provide an answer.
  15. bgoodwin

    bgoodwin Half Ass

    Sooo... Down's Syndrome babies should be killed?
  16. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Oh wait, no one wanted to hear my opinion. :D

    I'm off to check out buddyhead.com.

    Play nice ya' Freaks. :D
  17. Shingle Monkey

    Shingle Monkey Schuck, Schuck

    I say its when that baby knows that its alive.....
  18. Shingle Monkey

    Shingle Monkey Schuck, Schuck

    Well you know there is a test for it....do you think they have that test because noone wants to know?
  19. LMcCurdy

    LMcCurdy Antique

    Anyone hunt Easter eggs today?
  20. Shingle Monkey

    Shingle Monkey Schuck, Schuck

    2001 the average cost of an abortion is 2 sets of race tires

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