Fire Mueller

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by sheepofblue, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. R1Racer99

    R1Racer99 Well-Known Member

    How do you know anything about his investigation? Do you have a source for this bullshit or any of the other bullshit you posted since then about your lord Trump? Pretty sure Mueller hasn't released anything.

    Also, has this fucking guy ever done anything wrong in your opinion? It's one thing to agree with someone's beliefs or actions in office, but the way some of you speak is about this guy is ridiculous. Try thinking outside your Trump box for once.
  2. R1Racer99

    R1Racer99 Well-Known Member

    Also, to the original point of this thread, if someone were innocent, why would they have to worry about being investigated? And why the fuck would the supporters of the current leader want to stop any investigation? If he's so innocent, won't that come out? If he wasn't so dirty you all wouldn't be so worried about people looking into him.
    SnacktimeKC likes this.
  3. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Read the book I referenced, then ask again.
  4. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    The whole Mueller thing is just another shiny thing for the real powers in DC to dangle in front of the public to divert their attention while the dirty work is being done. "Nothing to see over here...Look at this sparkly thing dangling on a string!"......
    sheepofblue likes this.
  5. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Because it isn't about Russian Collusion and never has been, it is about finding something and tripping people up and searching for skeletons...anything and everything, charging them and strong arming them into say shit to keep it going...exactly as it has been going.

    I Muller had anything, he wouldn't be charging folks with Tax crimes...from before 2016
    XFBO and Spang308 like this.
  6. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    That is because you are an idiot. Plain and simple.
  7. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    You are a fucking moron. Ever hear about Enron? Dumb ass....all you have to do is connect the dots of the players on his team of investigators and you can figure out what is going on.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2018
    sheepofblue and Spang308 like this.
  8. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    That’s too much work. That’s crazy talk.
  9. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    The level of LWN dick sucking of Mueller is amazing, but not surprising.
    If this exact same shit were being done to Hillary or the biggest piece of shit to ever stain the White House, the media and the mindless sheep LWNs that make up the demshit party would be destroying him.
    So blatantly obvious to those with an IQ over 50, which is why no demshit sees it.
    kangasj and XFBO like this.
  10. code3ryder

    code3ryder Well-Known Member

    You mean like that quick Benghazi investigation that resulted in all those criminal charges and findings of wrongdoing?
    Very articulate Trumpish response.

    You guys seem very scared that they are getting close to your god and just want it to all go away.
    SuddenBraking and R1Racer99 like this.
  11. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    This is how I know you are an idiot.
    kangasj, XFBO and Britt like this.
  12. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

  13. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure whether it's denial, classic TDS or just raw stupidity, but it's out there for sure.
    I love how they act like the Hillary Benghazi and Email investigations were conducted fairly, or should I say thoroughly. Truly elite level idiocy.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2018
    tony 340 likes this.
  14. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    Nobody, and I mean not a single sane person that bothers to take the time to look up the panel of Mueller's investigation, could reasonably come to the conclusion that it is even remotely impartial. I don't mean just Google the names. I mean research who they are, what their background is, and who they're connected to. Guess sheep are lazy.
    I'll give you lazy idiots a's Hillary and Obama.
    This is a coverup. Plain and simple.
    What kills me, is they are motherfucking the first president since Reagan that actually gives a fuck about them.
    Orange man bad...what a bunch of idiots.
    Banditracer and Fonda Dix like this.
  15. wood600rr

    wood600rr Well-Known Member

    Perhaps we are tired of seeing $40,000,000 evaporate waiting for someone to find something on someone that my have never done anything inappropriate.

    If someone is guilty of a crime, they deserve to be punished for it, but a witch hunt focused on the leader of the country because people can't accept the results of an election is ludicrous.

    It's been 2 years, if there were crimes committed they would have been exposed by now.

    It's time to bring a conclusion to this travesty of justice and move on if there's not evidence of a crime.
    Banditracer likes this.
  16. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    The root problem is Mueller isn't investigating a crime. There never was a crime. He's investigating people in search of a crime. He's kicking in doors and searching for anything he can hang on anyone remotely connected to Trump in hopes he can strong arm them into signing onto his fabricated version of events. There is no other reason Paul Manifort is in solitary confinement for a 12 year old tax violation. So far, process crimes and issues not at all connected to Trump in any way.
    They know the Russia narrative is false because they flat out created it. There is absolute proof in FBI emails and text messages, yet somehow the witchhunt continues.
    My biggest issue is how this investigation abuse is allowed to continue unchecked.
    kangasj, Banditracer and Britt like this.
  17. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Fascinating watching that giant WHOOOSH sound going over isn't it?

    Trump has absolutely nothing to fear with this fake investigation. The real story is the coup attempt that is happening. This is much bigger than your orange man bad delusions, but some of you are too stupid or intellectually dishonest to realize or admit it. Trump is just a temporary and inconvenient little speedbump in the bigger plan.
    Spang308 likes this.
  18. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    Some of you idiots like storytime. Maybe George here can shed some light on the situation for you in a short 3 minutes.

  19. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    Once again, accuracy. This investigation is about protecting swamp asses and strangling Trump and his administration with investigative bullshit enough to limit his agenda to a minimum. They hope to get rid of him by any means necessary, but if they can't pull off the outright coup, keeping him from exposing the swamp and limiting his legislative agenda will suffice. They'll wait him out if necessary. That is why the corruption needs dealt with, prosecuted and jailed. If they are allowed off the hook, they'll only come back more emboldened. You don't throw a snake in the bushes to get rid of it. You cut off it's fucking head.
    Sadly, it will never get to the top and the true string pullers behind the scenes. Far too insulated for that shit.
  20. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    I doubt there has ever been an impartial investigation in Washington.

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