First female enrolled to BUDS

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by cortezmachine, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The problem is the logic so much as you want to argue something I'm not talking about. This subject is a perfect example, I have agreed the command structure and politicians won't ever do it right. No argument there. But you keep putting that back into the mix when I'm talking solely about womens ability to do the job.

    I also don't disagree women being in a special forces unit might affect things - however until it happens no one can say if it'll be bad or good or indifferent. That's where a lot of you keep throwing in assumptions that make no sense - especially when you're talking about people as touch mentally as the SF peeps.
  2. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Quoted for humor. :crackup:
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I need more coffee :crackup:
  4. JBraun

    JBraun Well-Known Member

    There was absolutely pressure. I have plenty of close friends in the SOF community, and we've talked this subject to death since Leon Panetta stood on that soapbox in 2011. It's people like him, career politicians with ZERO combat experience and no understanding whatsoever of the demands of Special Operations jobs that push this stuff.

    What facts did I make up? That men are stronger, faster, have more endurance, a more durable skeletal structure, and are in every way imaginable more suited to do the job? Those are facts. Think strength doesn't matter? The most high-tech lightweight kit weighs 80lbs. If you have an affinity for grenades, it's much heavier. Put that on and walk around the block. Jump out of an airplane with it on and a pack hanging between your legs and see how many bones are broken when you hit the ground. It matters.

    I was in a wedding this weekend where I was the only non-operator in the wedding party. Turns out my PJ buddy knows a guy who cross-trained with the Navy for some specialty. He actually knows quite a bit about the woman in question, and he said that she's "one bad bitch". He said if there was ever a woman who could do it, it was her. So she was the best option available, and probably tougher than 99% of men on the planet, but we know the outcome.
    tony 340 and Hollywood like this.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The outcome is the same as 99.9% of the men on the planet. Duh.

    I never said strength doesn't matter, what I said doesn't remotely mean that - that's the kind of made up shit I'm talking about....

    The women in the rangers were pushed, in this specific situation I don't see any evidence at all of her being pushed or the Seals changing their requirements - you keep saying there was, so more made up shit. Of course it's all based on your many SF friends yet I've never met a single one through racing ever :crackup:
  6. JBraun

    JBraun Well-Known Member

    I never suggested that you hadn't met guys in SOF. Just seemed odd when you said they were split on their opinions about fighting alongside women. I've never heard one person with actual combat experience say that, but maybe I just hang out with a bunch of knuckle dragging misogynists.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    If you go back and read what I actually posted it's not overwhelming support and many have had the same no wimmens they're evil and too different mindset. But a number have told me they don't have a problem with them being given a shot if they follow the exact same procedure as the men. They don't expect them to make it any more than they expect most men to. They're not even sure if any can, but none of us are as they haven't been given the shot.
  8. JBraun

    JBraun Well-Known Member

    I didn't go back and read it, but fair enough. The powers that be have decided that women can try, so they will. I personally do not believe that a woman could get through selection solely based on physical differences. I know that's a position that leaves me open to ridicule, but I can't see it any other way.

    My fear is that the same sociopolitical pressure to allow them a shot will begin to tighten again after enough female applicants fail. It's only a matter of time before the cries of discrimination ring out and the female standard is introduced. At that point you've officially weakened the team.

    In reality neither of us is qualified to take a solid position on the regulation of it, and if I'm being honest, mine is co-opted from people who are. If they change their opinion, I can't argue with them. You, on the other hand...:D

    I realize I won't change your mind, and you won't change mine. This has continued because it's an entertaining debate, but it's getting old, guessing for you as well. :beer:
    V5 Racer likes this.
  9. JBraun

    JBraun Well-Known Member

    I should add that I don't believe the cries of discrimination will come from the female candidates. If they made it that far, they're clearly tough as nails and probably not making excuses. It will come from someone in an office analyzing the applicants' failures and crying foul.
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Totally agree on that part. No matter what the idiots will always jump in and screw it up.
  11. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    ducnut, Fonda Dix and blkduc like this.
  12. L8RSK8R

    L8RSK8R Well-Known Member

    That was a long read. I quit after 15 minutes. I'll come back to it when I sober up.
    Seems to me like a waste of money surveying this shit.
    If you're willing an able to serve your country, get it done.
  13. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Yep, but neither men nor women should be placed in roles with specific minimum standards that they fail to meet.
    G 97 likes this.
  14. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Why are ones physical abilities seemingly treated differently than ones mental abilities. Either you are qualified for the defined standards or you are not, no exceptions.
  15. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

  16. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    But the standards are (insert -ist here).
  17. 88/532

    88/532 Simply Antagonistical

    Look no further than Hollywood in which standards don’t exist. They continuously cast women as super elite bad asses that can match every move their male counterparts make. Too many simpletons then want to know why its not that way in the real world.

    Public education has basically done the same thing, make it easier for people to be placed in positions they are not really qualified for by lowering standards. The federal government, state governments, and local governments are full of these people now.
  18. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    I'm actually kind of impressed to see that 15% of women were able to the pass the combat fitness tests.
    auminer and G2G like this.
  19. 88/532

    88/532 Simply Antagonistical

    15% of the dumbed down version created to help them pass.
  20. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Was it? I didn't read the article; was operating under the assumption that that small percentage passed a legit version of the test.....legit meaning that exact same test the men are put through.

    When bullet are flying past your head and there are full grown wounded men that need to be dragged out of a hole to safety I don't give a rats ass if your feelings are hurt because you have to pull the same weight as a man does.

    Save the dumbed down physical assessment tests for when people don't die if you can't pass them.

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