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Guys whose wives back them up.

Discussion in 'General' started by DrA5, Oct 10, 2016.

  1. DrA5

    DrA5 The OTHER Great Dane

    What's it like? 25 years in and still waiting for that feeling.
    Lawn Dart and VFR#52 like this.
  2. beac83

    beac83 "My safeword is bananna"

    I wouldn't know. My ex never backed me up.
  3. condon66

    condon66 Member well known

    If it hasn't happened yet it likely never will, unfortunately.
  4. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    It's a struggle at times. I Just decided a few years ago that I'm going to make this whole self employment thing work, and she's more than welcome to come along for the ride. Or not.
    jrsamples and DrA5 like this.
  5. nhammond54

    nhammond54 Hammond Brothers Racing

    Sorry pal...after 23 years I let mine go not back someone else up!! It is not going to ever happen for you. I have never had one that would back me 100%
  6. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Sorry Doc.

    I got the only good one.
    jrsamples and DrA5 like this.
  7. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    Hate to tell ya but apparently your wife has a sister. I have to admit my wife has stood by me for everything thus far, even when didn't agree with me.

    They are rare though. She is e only one I've ever been with like that which is one of the many reasons I married her.
    jrsamples likes this.
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    She's got three.

    Take your pick. Hell, take all three. :D
  9. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    If I wasn't already marked, I'd say "6xidb?" :D

    Yarn, don't get mad, I couldn't help it. Ya boy left the door wide open:D
  10. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    35 years. Something must be working.
    pickled egg likes this.
  11. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    The back door at that!
  12. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    3 of them!:crackup:
  13. stangmx13

    stangmx13 Well-Known Member

    Mine doesn't really back me up day to day. But she bought me an R6, so I deal.
    BigBird likes this.
  14. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    The grass most definitely ain't greener, my friend. ;)
  15. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    Mine backs me up, and also shuts me down.....LOL. We support each other....it isn't easy, but we work at it like any good relationship.

    I would really like to jump on Tyler's bike and do a race and she really doesn't want me too. So much so that she said, go buy a racing go-kart or dragbike and do that....you and road racing just don't seem to mix well. In reality I've proven her correct. When I road race I tend to crash, and since I owe millions between the loans on my business and my building, I can't afford to take that risk and screw her and my kids.

    Oh well, I bought a dragbike and a Superkart. LOLOLOL
    pickled egg likes this.
  16. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

  17. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    This is how mine is. I think sometimes getting shut down is support. Largely depends on how it's done.
  18. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    Bullshit, no complaints about mine. Lol
  19. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    In what aspects are you wanting her to have your back?
  20. DrA5

    DrA5 The OTHER Great Dane

    Dealing with the issues I have with self-employment, family issues......stuff that is typical in marriage. Having to go to battle on two fronts gets tiresome.
    nhammond54 likes this.

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