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Damn...and I thought antifa were bad

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by SPL170db, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    And yet you blame the guns not the criminal behavior?
  2. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    Will you even acknowledge that the US having far more guns than anyone else is in the top 3, top 5 reasons our murder rate is so high? IMHO it's number one if for no other reason than it's physically and mentally much tougher to stab someone to death than shoot them.
  3. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Ignoring it, they're ENCOURAGING it. Welfare has eliminated the father/husband from the family unit and led to multiple generations of aimless, jobless, frustrated males.
  4. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    You need a brain.

    Were you born in the state of Illinois?
    Have you lived or worked in Northern Illinois?
    Did you drive through Chicago on a weekly basis for your job?
    But you are compelled to think that I need a geography lesson from you.
    Typical libtard.
  5. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    When have I ever denied the US being a gun loving country???

    Do you have the ability to keep track of people's positions on issues? :D This thread certainly isn't the first time we've covered this topic. I had a video linked awhile back that does a good job explaining these silly comparisons, and IIRC no one really rebutted the merits made in that video.
  6. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    I thought I made that clear. Please explain to me how legalizing drugs would effect it? Law enforcement has utter failed in the war on drugs, to the point it's a joke. I've said it before and I'll say it again it might as well be legal since pretty much all if it is easily available. Put me in any city USA (to include the ones with the best FAMILY UNITS and most cops) I'lll score weed, coke, or heroin, in a half hour.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  7. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    No, because I'm not a liberal.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  8. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Wrong again.
  9. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member


    I forgot the word "illegal", but otherwise stand by that statement.

    Do you think it's easier to haul a truck up from Mexico full of guns or drive 15 min away with your girlfriend's cousin or whoever is buying shit?
  10. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    Que the "mainstream media BS" remark...
  11. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    All of these illegal guns just materialize whenever enough bad guys get in a room I guess. Just say Tech 9 in the mirror 3 times.
  12. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Apparently you didn’t bother to even read the articles you linked -or- you don’t know what the definition of majority is. Ironic that you even took the time to capitalize in order to add emphasis.

    First sentence directly from the CBS link that you posted states:

    According to this year’s Gun Trace Report, 40 percent of “crime guns” are from parts of Illinois outside of Chicago — 20 percent of which are from Indiana”

    So a MAJORITY of guns used in Chicago crime are purchased in the state of Illinois and not Indiana.

    Feel free to stand by your incorrect statement all you want. At least you’re consistent with you convictions. Facts be damned. :crackup:

    Here is a map for Mr. libtard geography that breaks down the percentage of crime guns origin. 85685ED3-F178-4EBF-A338-8A3D5D1480E2.jpeg
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  13. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    60% of recovered guns are from out of state and the vast majority are legally purchased (at one time) handguns. I said Indiana and should have just said out of state. I didn't really anticipate Mississippi getting into the Chicago gun trade.
  14. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    And once again demonstrating just how stoopid libtards are when they blame the state of Indiana’s gun laws as the reason why Chicago is such a shit hole of crime, especially when a full 80% of “crime guns” didn’t originate from the state of Indiana.

    Never mind libtards coining the phrase “crime guns” in the first place.
  15. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    Being wrong about the make up of states that fuel illegal gun numbers is something I'm totally ok with. Fact remains that the majority are legally purchased and the majority are legally purchased out of state. As far as crime guns...wtf...who cares about the phrase. Is a car that is used in a robbery a get away car or no?
  16. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Why you gotta bring logic into this? :D
    Take Paris suburbs, Marseille and Corsica out of the French side and see what happens.
    SnacktimeKC likes this.
  17. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    States don’t fuel illegal gun numbers, criminals do.

    The only issue I am making is that you have the liberal leaders in Chicago pointing and blaming Indiana’s gun laws as the reason for Chicagos own “gun crime” issues when in reality the facts show otherwise. They blame the state of Indiana for their own social failures and lack of leadership.

    I care about the phrase only in the sense that it tends to put the focus of the crime on the gun and not on the individual who committed said crime while trying to further their gun control agenda.

    Clearly gun control laws have failed in Chicago and instead of focusing on criminals and their own failed social programs they continue to focus on guns and Indiana as being the reason.
  18. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    If they were a strawman purchase then they were not legally purchased.

    I find it hard to believe that 60% of the gun crimes committed in Chicago were used with stolen guns?
  19. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    I'm trying to understand this here...

    Illegal or legal? Huh? Maybe its illegal guns bought legally? Or is it legal guns bought illegally?
    Robby-Bobby and XFBO like this.
  20. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    The purchase transaction itself from dealer to buyer was legal I presume. Strawman is illegal, but not something I think a dealer has any magic insight into. So what do you mean by "stolen"? We don't have an epidemic of home break-ins resulting in gun theft anywhere in the US that I'm aware of, so traffickers and dealers are the two options, but even traffickers have to get them somewhere.

    Majority of illegally possessed guns were legally purchased from dealers.

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