Does anyone have any advice on divorce...

Discussion in 'General' started by CycleWorx Inc., Aug 17, 2010.

  1. bpeeples

    bpeeples Well-Known Member


    +10. The ONLY useful advice so far is "get a lawyer." I got badly screwed in my first divorce. I gave away the farm. I am a lawyer and I represented myself. The result was clearly malpractice. Unfortunately my insurance did not cover self-inflicted wounds.

    Listen to Dits. Good luck.

  2. CycleWorx Inc.

    CycleWorx Inc. Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I am going to talk to an attorney soon just to make things easier. As far as a paternity test, there is no doubt the kid is mine, at all. Just ask Hyperdyne :D She is a spttin image of her daddy :up:

    She did not leave more for someone else and we were truly in love for the first 6 years. The problems started when I kept advancing in my career and I did not shut off "boss mode" I did not realize I was doing it and she never told me. She has felt this way for sometime and she just recently told me the reason she wanted to have a baby was to fix our relationship becuase she did want to be with me but it did not help.

    I am doing much better now than I was. I have been surrounding myself with friends and just having a good time. She has not been the same person since our daughter was born and I talked to her about seeking help butshe would and did not think there was a problem.

    There has been no paperwork filed yet and I am gicing her time and space. I still hope she comes home, but if she does, she is not just moving back in. We will seek counceling to make sure this does not happen again.

    I appreciate all the kind words. This is why I spend all my time on here :D
    If anyone is interested, I have a race bike and an enclosed trailer for sale on the cheap. I want them gone so look in the classifieds.
  3. Absolute

    Absolute Well-Known Member

  4. john ross

    john ross Well-Known Member

    Space = new guy friend:Puke:
  5. Hey, I'm not the guy that said "put some color in that hair and get a facelift." So quit posting, using my name, ok?

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