Republicans not racist!

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by 999, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Doesn't make a bits worth of difference if its by state or not, its still perception, not hard facts.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I see the bold font now. The south has its problems, but the incessant implication that racism is a southern or republican issue is a tired argument. I know many southern democrats that are quite racist and have a few blue state "progressive" democrat relatives that make Senator McCarthy look like a communist.
  3. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Wealthy, muli-generation politicians in this country are elitists. In the south slavery is what affected their elitist ways(threatened their livelyhood) the most and it became a racial issue. Wealthy white southern democrats fought de-segragation too and in time lost.

    In the north de-segragation wasn't as big of an issue because the numbers just weren't there.

    Racism is everywhere in this country.

    Wealthy elitists are everywhere in this country.

    I was stunned at how much the Hispanics in South Florida are racists against blacks. What's up with that?

    That survey Robert posted is no surprise at all to me.
  4. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Racism is based on one’s perception of people who are not like him. It’s ALL perception.
  5. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    What hard facts are there about racism? And why dismiss perceptions if they are sampled in sufficient quantity to be statistically valid? The majority of whites don't think there's a problem and the majority of blacks do, but you're saying what, exactly? That everyone should be ignored?

    I'm not making conclusions, it's just that the the initial premise to this thread was useless junk.
  6. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    The NE snobs are as descriminatory as any gun yielding redneck I have ever met in the Southeast. But is just my personal opinion based on personal experience.

    Just because I don't want to donate my hard earn money to adorn someone's feet with the latest Air Nike product doesn't make me a racist.
  7. Crashfest

    Crashfest Guest

    No cite needed. It's self evident.

    If you are a segregationist, you ARE a racist.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2008
  8. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Well, racism is in fact based purely on the individual's perception. The belief that one race is superior or inferior is perception. Not fact. Just as an individual's belief that they are being discriminated against is based on their perception. In neither case does it make the hard facts more or less real to that individual.

    In essence it does not have to be complicated. Some black people don't like white people who don't like asians who don't like hispanics who don't like indians etc. Whether its due to their perception or some act that occurred to them does not make it any less real.

    Someone with no knowledge of the Civil Rights movement might watch video of the Sit Ins at Woolworth and think those people were being bashed because they didn't pay. Without accounting for a person's background, experience and location it's impossible to discern what they perceive as reality.

    Everybody's reality is different. And that's a hard fact.
  9. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

  10. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

  11. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I'm one racist mofo because I think the human race is better than the other races.

    As far as skin tone - eh, who really cares how tan or pale you are?
  13. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

    Tell that to Schrödinger's cat. ;)
  14. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    That would make you a specieist, I think. Or a UFO nutter :D

    David Suzuki (Canadian treehugger scientist who mostly does media stuff) wrote a great article on how race no longer has a valid genetic basis. Nature has been eliminated from the nature versus nurture argument. Wish I could find the link.
  15. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Don't think I've ever encountered one of those...
  16. Smokes35

    Smokes35 Well-Known Member

    there are no rednecks in the south east... only mexicans, puerto ricans, and old people! :Poke:
  17. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Whoa there big dawg. Steeltoe likes em tan with prominent tan lines. I'm weird like that. Hmm, but those pale redheads... Damn, you're right. Who cares?!
  18. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Which of those are yielding their guns? Certainly not the Mexicans or PRs.And, a statistically invalid sampling of the ol’ farts I know indicate more and more are carryin’…
  19. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Neither have I! :D

    Gun-Wielding! Better:Poke:
  20. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I've really come to love the pale redheads. We have some beautiful ones here in East TN.

    But those beautiful Latino women in South Florida were tearing me up last week. I need to live in Miami. :p


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