Republicans not racist!

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by 999, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    So you don't consider it racist to vote for someone just because of his color? :confused:
  2. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    It's hard to argue with how Rick framed the question. But you need to find a poll for those states that asks your question directly. You are basing your conclusions on your own assumptions.
  3. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    I still think that is oversimplifying and unhelpful, especially considering blacks voting for Obama. You vote for the guy you think will best represent your concerns. That doesn't necessarily mean you think the other guy is racially inferior. If racism is one of your primary concerns, well, the black candidate has undoubtedly experienced more of it than the white candidate has.

    Look at it as a hypothetical. We all know that no president will eliminate racism. All other things being equal, which candidate do you think will reduce racism more, a black or a white?
  4. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    What you are saying is spot on and I agree with you. Still has nothing to do with what you quoted from me.

    I'm not oversimplifying anything. The statement you quoted wasn't oversimplified. It was just plain simple.

    If you vote for someone solely because of their race then you are a racist in my opinion and I everyone but 999 would agree. Doesn't matter what party, what cadidate or what race. If you do it because of skin color then you are being racist or at the very least prejudice.
  5. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    Disagree. Racism is generally understood to mean hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

    A "black" person voting FOR Obama just because he is 1/2 "black" is not racism because it is not a vote against white people. It has nothing to do with hatred or intolerance.

    Women excited about Hillary's run were not motivated by hatred for men, they were inspired by the opportunity to try to elect a woman.

    To put it in the simplest possible terms: just because I love the color blue doesn't mean I hate the color red.

    Some would say that your espousal of the "black people supporting Obama are racists" argument would be yet another example of simple-minded right wing thinking... or perhaps the brainwashing of right wingers by those who force feed them this kind of flawed logic.

  6. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Your ignorance is impossible to argue with.
  7. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Let me phrase it another way, voting for or against anyone simply because of their outward appearance is stupid.

  8. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    You might be missing a point here. Let's take the term "black people supporting Obama." That statement alone doesn't suggest any racism at all. However, throw in "because he's black" gives it another meaning completely. Generally, when someone prefers a candidate because of his skin color then there is some prejudice involved. They're indicating that they prefer a person that has black skin. Arguing whether "prejudiced" or "racist" means the same thing is, for the most part, useless. Either term means that someone votes based on race. Call it what you want.
  9. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    Racism will end when black people stop believing that the white man holds them down. Look at Reverend Wright they said he hates America. To me it's not that he hates America but more that he continuously preaches this to kids. If your taught your black you dont stand a chance guess what you are going to grow up and believe. Black people need to learn the difference between discrimination and ignorance. White or black if you walk around with your ass hanging out of your pants and cant have a decent conversation, dont go to school to learn and advance yourself. Guess what you are not going to get the best job in the world. Race has nothing to do with it, its your own fault. I know this cause I had to learn the hard way. But that is also the beauty of America I fucked up when I was 20 almost lost my kids wife threw away my scholarships. Because I had it in my mind I was black so no one gave a shit about me, but I changed got a good job thats sending me to school and my life is great at the moment. Society just has to come to grips we're not white americans or black americans or mexican americans we are americans. There is no race for america, america stands for freedom
  10. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Now wait a minute, if a black person votes for Obama because he's black, its not racist. But if a white person votes for McCain because he's white, that IS racist.
    What the fuck kind of drugs are you on?
  11. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    That's what killed me about the Jesse Jackson's statement towards Obama. Obama was trying to tell young black men to stop leaving their children and be responsible but Jackson said he was talking down to black people.
  12. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    But this has been happening for years. Look at the trouble Bill Cosby periodically gets in because he says the same message.
  13. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Bullshit. No matter how determined you may be, racism will continue to exist. I agree that no one should let the existence of racism to define thier lives, but so say it will stop when blacks stop thinking it exists is just dumb.
  14. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Its kind of like the New Guard (Obama, Cosby) vs. the Old Guard (Jackson/Sharpton).
  15. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    If that's the way you feel, you're living in the wrong country.

    We do everything based on appearance. :D

  16. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Meaning the Old Guard that knows if the message of the New Guard increases and start to be taken to heart, they're going to be out of a paycheck? :D
  17. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Like the appearance you appear to be on some increasingly stronger drugs with each posting you make? :Poke:
  18. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    Why don't you just admit you're a dumbass, and a racist and we can move on? :Poke:

  19. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Maybe in your mind.
  20. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Truthfully, are you retarded? Cause you're definitely coming across that way. You have yet to defend your position with a SHRED of intelligence or legitimate facts. Instead, you tout your opinion as if it is the word of God. Guess what dumbass, you're not only wrong, you're delusional. On a good day. And the thing is, people on both sides of the fence see you for exactly how ignorant and stupid you are being.
    Now why don't you do the world a favor, go crawl back in your hole of under that bridge you work at as a troll, and please, PLEASE do not reproduce in this lifetime. The world can't take that, I don't believe.:up:

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