Great EX husband/wife

Discussion in 'General' started by Frenchier6, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    In another thread I made a comment about my Ex husband being a great ex. MCracing524 asked me " What makes him a great ex he funding your racing?"

    So I decided to ask some of you that's been thru this sad divorce porcess or breakup, if your Ex was easy to get alone or nasty.

    My ex and I are great friends. We actually went out to a Boogie on Main party last Friday together and had a great time. For sure people gave us the LOOK but we had fun confusing the DRAMA people :crackup:. Of course there is days where I know why we are no longer together :crackup: but I have to say that our friendship is strong and I wish him the best. I guess deciding to be friends instead of enemies is/was the best thing for our kids. :up:

    And for the record MCracing524, no funding for racing but sure helps me with my resume and job relocations :up:
  2. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!

    I have the perfect ex-wife.

    I haven't heard from her in a few years and have no idea where she is or what she's doing.
  3. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I have no ill feelings for my ex at all. We are still friends. She appears to be happy with her boyfriend and their new baby so I'm happy for her.

    At no point was our divorce nasty. It wasn't a happy thing but those were mutual feelings and not nasty. We've known each other since we were very young and were together for over 20 years.

    To this day, anyone that hurts her would have to deal with me in return.
  4. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    :crackup: That would be awesome but we have kids so I am stock with him for the next 12 years until Big D is 18
  5. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    kudos to you two:up:

    To be adult enough and to realize that it is time to move on makes seperation alot easier...
  6. :D Nice thread and comeback yourself frenchy!:Poke::D I think it is great you and your ex are still able to be around eachother and get along. It makes a huge difference for the kids, though hanging out and doing things together can cause some confusion so becareful with that, for your little man as well as the both of you. Not to mention ill feelings for boyfriends or girlfriends in the future...they may not understand, though some may.:up: Anyway, cool thread.
  7. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Well, do undestand that he's in Chicago and I am in Ohio so we are far enough appart that hanging out together is for special occasion only (this past weekend was our son's 6th bday and didn't go to the party together but did find each other there so we hook up with old friends)

    Now, when I do find a boy friend worth mentioning to my kids, the ex will know first for pure respect...I hope he find someone first to make it easier on me when I do find him :up:

    I do not mind the single life... first time in over 15 years so I am loving the "do whatever I want when ever I want" moments LOL
  8. Ahh I got ya! See how having some of those minor details alleviates extra typing.:Poke::D Mainly by me!:crackup:

    Um question though...WTH would anyone want to reside in Ohio?:D
  9. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Did I mentioned my EX is helping me with relocation :crackup:

    I work for an oil company (please don't hate me now LOL) and been relocated from Indiana, to Chicago, to Florida, to Ohio :rolleyes: but working on moving out again by next year. Time for a new place to start a new life :up: and warmer climate LOL
  10. Did I mention I'm from Michigan originally, moved to Indiana, then down here to Georgia? :D I moved down here partially because there are more tracks closer together, and the season is longer. I won't say it is really hotter down here then it is in July up there...but just think of an extended July say 3-4 mths continued heat and humidity.:D With a longer warm up and cool down season. I was half jokingly asked if I wanted to go work in our Anahiem's tempting because I enjoy CA. but I declined because of the expense to live out there...but the weather upgrade was for sure weighing heavily on my mind.:D
  11. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    He tapped dat azz, didn't he? C'mon, girlfriend, we're among friends here. :D

    Anyway, my story is the same as Scotty. Last contact was right before sending papers back to court some years ago.
  12. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    My ex and I use to do things together.... occasional lunch and such but now we don't do that. Wouldn't be fair to her boyfriend.

    When I sold her motorcycle for her I had to go pick it up at their house so I met the boyfriend. That made her nervous she later told me. She said she was stunned at our behavior. He and I talked cars and motorcycles for almost an hour. I think she thought we would be jealous. I told her to relax that I had nothing against him. Neither of them did anthing wrong to me and that I'm happy for her.

    She was also VERY nervous telling me she was pregnant. She never wanted children when we were together. She still wasn't really ready. I told her to stop worrying because she would be a great Mom. She actually got pregnant while still on birth control. I was told that by a mutual friend of ours. She's had a baby girl and loves being a Mom just like I knew she would.
  13. I would say for married couples who are without children between the two of them...the walk away and never speak again is much easier to do. It's near impossible to do when children are involved.

    Your question should be answered though! :D I got a giggle out of that myself.:D
  14. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    He wished :D I love him but that physical attraction is GONE... LIKE BYE BYE... ZIP OUT OF HERE... ADIOS... AUREVOIR... Even drunk and desparate I wouldn't do him... I have values you know :D
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    John, it's pretty cool that you can have that kind of relationship.
  16. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    You mean you acquired values. :D
  17. Good on ya bro! Be honest though...surely there has to be some resentment...I could hear it in your typing.:D Good on ya for not showing it for her sake though, obviously she cares about you as well or she wouldn't have been worried about telling you. It's good to hear that even though the divorce rate is higher then it's ever been...that people are well some anyway, are still able to be civil with one another.:up:
  18. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Does anyone? :crackup: :crackup: Oh now that's funny especially on the BBS :crackup:
  19. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Yeah, I'm glad. We don't talk a lot except through email. We would probably talk more but I pretty much stay "away" out of respect for her boyfriend.... because if he ever mouth off I would have to hurt him. :D

    Just kidding of course. :p

    Her boyfriend has a sweet old Dodge Charger almost entirely original and in mint condition. Got a smokin deal on it too. It looks just like the General Lee but without the graphics.
  20. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    My brother and I and another group of three brothers have been best friends for over 30 years. As we speak, two of those guys and my brother are all going through divorce/breakups with very young children involved. It is pure nastiness.

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