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Should Mladin be concered about Hodgsen

Discussion in 'General' started by cgordon3, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    How many times have people told Oddo to go and get himself buggered in defense of your racing ambition despite your lack of top finishes? You want to pull punches, I can post several on that one...

    I for one have admitted I would never go pro because my skill level lies in my profession, not riding. And yet I admire all of those that pursue the dream. However when you make a foot-in-mouth statement about a group I am a part of, and have a dumbass attack and make a stupid comment to an AMA elected board member as well as a grass-roots series owner, you deserve the right to be called chump for commiting career suicide.

    The only tip cup you might be seeing with your attitude is the one you'll be panhandling outside the Fontana race looking for gas money home.

    Grow up and learn not to bite the hand(s) that feed you...
  2. Elmo Buckweather III

    Elmo Buckweather III Well-Known Member

    Mr. Vella, sir:

    Take it any way you want. I didn't take your inquiry as being sincere given the spread between it and your posts, and given what I have seen of your communications in every form.

    I have defended your right to pursue your racing dream. I have criticized Oddo's relentless, stalker-like pursuit of you across the Internet. But I gotta tell you, sometimes it is really difficult, given the stuff you post without apparently even understanding how it will be perceived, to not cheer on Oddo et. al.

    BTW. I could have predicted this topic shift. Any time I post, somebody who disagrees with me, brings up my kid or something to do with kid. Fortunately for me, people who disliked my father, did not then target me. The sins of the father are transported onto the son. I hope that 15 years from now people are not giving your kid shit or using them in an argument, because of something you did, said or posted.

    And BTW, I am just posting here as a bored citizen seeking some diversion while home sick. I am not working, I am not on duty, and I am not representing or speaking for anyone or any group other than myself. If I make no sense or mistype, I will blame it on the fever and beg forgiveness later.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2005
  3. WebCrush

    WebCrush Banned

    Great, so you chased off a troll. Thanx, I appreciate it.

    Career suicide? I don't think I need to be worried, I don't expect any factories to be knocking on my door in the need future.

    If being on the AMA board makes you untouchable, then I don't want to be part of the AMA. Its a sad day when others can dish out crap but if someone slings it in their direction, 'be afraid' *shudder*.

    in case you haven't noticed, i don't give a shit at the moment
  4. WebCrush

    WebCrush Banned

    John--I didn't target your son nor did I give him any shit. He helped me out last year, and when I go to return the favor and see how he is, you give ME shit.

    I'm not shitting on him now either, but you somehow seem to believe I am. I'm fine with Chris, his dad's an ass, though

    (and before you all go searching for everything i could have ever possibly said, i think all i eve mentioned of chris was his habit of breaking bones and overuse of explitives in his published opinion articles)
  5. Elmo Buckweather III

    Elmo Buckweather III Well-Known Member

    Well, we agree on that, at least!
  6. Chip

    Chip Registered

  7. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    And it's moments like these that define true character. It's what happens in moments of turmoil that shows when people crack under pressure.

    Let's define career suicide for you. Not only are you insulting ana AMA board member, your also insulting the owner of the largest publicly read magazine in the sport. Who oh by the way also has the ability to keep you out of it. Not really good for the sponsorship recognition Adam. I may not be pro, but I know enough about buisness ethics that you keep you mouth shut when it comes to your bread and butter. If you want to suppoert your entire career on your own dime, then fine...
  8. Chip

    Chip Registered

    I agree with this statement as well.....:beer:
  9. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Really? What year was that? Is a snow shovel a regular pit tool up there?
  10. Elmo Buckweather III

    Elmo Buckweather III Well-Known Member

    Hey Hyper, I appreciate your support, but that's not how it works. Guys I disagree with get all the attention they deserve. It isn't allocated on a political basis. Adam Vella is entitled to his opinion, and it is his right as an American (he is an American, isn't he?) to be completely, totally full of shit when he expresses his delusional self! If he wins a LRRS race, and we cover the race, the report will say he won and probably include a quote thanking his dogs and his sponsors.

    Of course, the chances of that happening are kind of a long shot...

    This isn't really personal for me. He's just another character in the landscape of racing. Really.
  11. WebCrush

    WebCrush Banned

    Career? What career? I'm not racing for a living, I'm developing software in my basement. I race for fun, not for money and any exposure I've ever received in the past has either been by accident and done in an insulting manner as well. At this point, I might as well start the shit flinging, at leasts it gets attention.

    RRW hasn't put me in their mag in the past, I wouldn't expect them to do so in the future either.

    I won't go into detail about the hundreds of times in the past I've defended JU's magazine, editorials, views, articles, etc from those who called it "John's World" and put it down. I didn't ask for credit or thanks but when the only things that same person has to same to me are insulting, damn right I'm gonna bite.

    And yes, I insulted a board member. Am I supposed to dance on egg-shells around him? Is there some sort of rule that you can't insult those who are on the board? I believe he did it for years. Now he's on the board, and I don't see much changing.
  12. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious riumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." -- Theodore Roosevelt

    "Far worse it is to make a fool out of oneself, to accumulate unmitigated failures, even though checkered by glorious internet renditions of said events, than to take rank with those who quietly enjoy accomplishing tasks within reach of their limited talents and neither enjoy world championships nor fiery internet crashes. -- Some Negro

    JU, quit now. You know the forum is no good for your blood pressure.
  13. Atom Tan

    Atom Tan A.C.'s little secret

    no hate here--

    dude...... YOU have issues
  14. Elmo Buckweather III

    Elmo Buckweather III Well-Known Member

    Ah, Adam, Adam. Just last summer you were so pleased to be listed as "Adam 'Webcrush' Vella" in the FX results at VIR on roadracingworld.com. And now it turns out you've never gotten any attention of any positive sort.

    And nothing has changed? Safety concerns are addressed. Tracks have made course changes. There is an increase in Airfence deployment. Timing and scoring now works when it is supposed to. Split qualifying sessions means the factory few complain less about seeing you on track. FX and Superbike rules make competing in those classes less expensive than it used to be, vis a vis throttle bodies etc. Officiating is better, and more consistent. Riders get to comment on rules before they go into effect. More tracks buy into the concept of Thursday practice so more non-factory guys can get their bikes set up. Etc. You have no idea how much better it is.

    Again, Adam has a right to hold an opinion that is unsupported by any fact or measure of reality. And he exercises that right to its full extent. Having said that, the worst he can expect from me is a rare expression of my personal opinion that his website posts are exactly what they appear to be to any reasonable man.

    And, I believe his wife to be a saint!
  15. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Cheese and rice John, facts have no place in this debate.

    Now sit there and think about what you did. ;)
  16. WebCrush

    WebCrush Banned

    What fun is being in the boat if you're not allowed to rock it?
  17. Elmo Buckweather III

    Elmo Buckweather III Well-Known Member

    I successfully diverted the attention I was devoting to coughing and hacking into a day at the BBS!

    Is that a good thing?

    I doubt it, but I will plead fever. I will get a note from my wife, also a saint.

    What the hell. :D
  18. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Smacking the guy who's getting water in the boat in the back of the head with an oar.
  19. Elmo Buckweather III

    Elmo Buckweather III Well-Known Member

    And after it all, I still like Vella better than Oddo. At least the guy gave it a try. Not a very successful try, but a try...
  20. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Damn, that was beautiful. :bow:

    Now, quit before you blow a gasket. :D

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