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Roadracing World needs votes in a poll

Discussion in 'General' started by indiana roadracer, Jan 17, 2001.

  1. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    Yeah, a guy with all your money can surely afford the airfare to fly all of us to your house for the party. Just wait until the power is back on out there, m-kay? [​IMG]
  2. thiam1

    thiam1 Guest

    If they're gonna pick a British mag, they could at least pick Superbike or Fast Bikes. PB is not even fit for toilet paper!
  3. WERA74

    WERA74 Poser and proud of it!

    Aren't you all glad I'm not riding RRW? We'd have crashed by now...

    Hey, its the best RR mag going. That's old news here. You all are going to give JU the big head...
  4. Wera#124

    Wera#124 Well-Known Member

    ....again (oops) [​IMG]
  5. thiam1

    thiam1 Guest

    I have no idea what you just said...
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Heck, neither does he... And it isn't caused by the latest concussion - this is normal [​IMG]
  7. WERA74

    WERA74 Poser and proud of it!

    ...25% to Perfomance Bikes 44%???? Who is voting there? Obviously they are products of our system of outcome based education, where colorful pictures and flights of fancy are more important than well researched information and real- world journalism. Awe, whatever...
  8. WERA74

    WERA74 Poser and proud of it!

    Concussion- based education?
  9. SpEdette

    SpEdette Zombie

    I voted. And here I'm supposed to be the unbiased pr rep. [​IMG]
  10. thiam1

    thiam1 Guest

    I have 3 theories:

    - some squid web site got wind of this thing and all members are voting for PB.
    - PB editors heard of it and spent the day voting themselves.
    - the AMA heard JU was about to win, and shifted all human resources to voting on that site. (Mongo, can I say this? I mean, with WERA being tied with the AMA and all...)

  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Hey PR Rep - while you are here, are you guys doing a boothe at either of the bike shows this month?
  12. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    Yeah, if you can count how many times you've hit your head on the pavement, you pass the first grade. [​IMG]
  13. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    Is boothe Canadian? [​IMG]
  14. SpEdette

    SpEdette Zombie

    Beats me. No one tells me anything. I suggested we be there with an LMP and a bike, and I know my boss has all the info, but who knows. I will be at the 24 Hours of Daytona during the one show, I know that much.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You can say anything you want... that pesky first amendment thing [​IMG] I however will be the official defender of the AMA, not against past transgressions since they were before our time but we will try to help in the future.

    I still think they do a decent job but then again, I've been on the side that has pissed off racers in the past (and present, and I can guarantee future) so I'm slightly more understanding of their position... Of course they probably aren't real happy with me since I was quoted by name (the first time ever even) by an editor of the biggest motorcycle racing mag (speaking of which, what is the proper terminology? mag? paper? rag?, I'm guessing mag since CU has used it in print) who'm shall remain nameless but has been spending waaaayyyyyyyy too much time on the BBS...

    I miss the days of being an unnamed official...
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yup, saw that Due was online this evening and figured I'd throw in an extra e and u on occasion so he didn't feel slighted - WERA is after all "North Americas'Roadracing Leader"
  17. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Yeah, I seen that. He even gave info about the BBS. Now we are going to have all kinds of riff-raff hanging out on the board. I guess if you would have posted it under "Mongo" he would have had to qoute "Mongo". [​IMG]
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Now that would work - only those from the BBS and a handful of old time cornerworkers would know who it was...
  19. WERA74

    WERA74 Poser and proud of it!

    "Mongo" sounds like 6'8" 350 lbs, few cards shy of a full deck kind of guy who finds pleasure in "thumpin'" people who make him "mad". Now who would associate "Mongo" with our beloved Sean?

    Wow, this concussion thing really works!
  20. brian

    brian Well-Known Member

    ok ok i voted like 145 times and RRW is now in the lead. now its up to you guys to keep them there. i did my endurance for the day.

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