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Possible terrorism in Manchester UK?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by SPL170db, May 22, 2017.

  1. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    It sure sounded like fear mongering to me. Agree with guns never killing anyone, but that still doesn't mean that this argument to declare war on Muslims isn't just a bad.
    The stuff about turning the desert to glass was another thread I believe. I don't have time to go find it. XFBO claimed that I said we should do nothing about this:

    We are already the most incarcerated country in the world. Adding to that only makes sense if you stop locking folks up for victim-less crimes (i.e. legalize MJ).
    It sure sounded like that is what the talking head was advocating in that video. Maybe I missed the point in all of that anger and hate she was spewing. I would be happy to be enlightened as to exactly what she was proposing.
  2. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    True enough but I have heard of a white supremacist walking into a church and killing a bunch of people. So we should just declare war on white supremacists. Or anyone that might be associated with them including all of those flying Confederate flags and lobbying for keeping all of the Confederate statues up. Guilty by association. Just like all of the peace loving Muslims.
  3. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    One white supremacist killing nine people is not equal to 40 years of radical Islamist killing hundreds of thousands of people globally.
    XFBO likes this.
  4. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    WWII probably could have been avoided but for a lot of opinions like that.
    Fear is a useful thing. It motivates you to protect yourself.
  5. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    Yes, but fear can also be twisted to make people do bad things. Hitler was pretty good at that, since you brought up WWII.
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    So do nothing. Sounds like a stellar plan.
    Big Sherm likes this.
  7. dsapsis

    dsapsis El Jefe de los Monos

    Venom. It's a common approach he takes here. From page 1.
    The fact that blkduc routinely either fails to see or to recognize these types of statements is consistent with his keen observational skills regarding human behavior. :D
  8. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Yep, like carbon credits or pipeline protests.
  9. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    Got any ideas that don't involve genocide? All I've seen from celebrities are open boarders and singing as loud as possible in solidarity whatever the Fk that means.

    I think we should put chick fil a, air conditioning and some sports bars in the middle east. People need things to live for like spicy chicken sandwiches. When you're house doesn't have a roof or spicy chicken... you get desperate.
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I never said it wasn't. I am merely asking who said we should let in masses of immigrants with no vetting.
  11. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    :crackup:I'm calling BS on this. I guess it depends on how you want to define or classify what incarceration actually is.
    China has over a billion people incarcerated. Plus there are a number of other countries as well who basically have their entire population enslaved.

    We should just make everything legal and have no laws so we don't incarcerate any more peeps. LOL
    Lib thought process is amazing. :D
    XFBO likes this.
  12. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    If by genocide you mean eradication of the extremist element, then no.
    Big Sherm and crashman like this.
  13. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    Strategic bombing and SF hasn't worked so, I don't know how you get rid of that element without killing a ton of innocent people.

    Gonna have to have a major cultural shift in that region
  14. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Maybe he is confused. This quote, when read out of context, seems to support open borders. However, Cankles in talking about trade, not humans.

    “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.” -Cankles Clinton
  15. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    Agreed with those for sure.
    If by Lib you mean Libertarian, that you for the compliment. Being an enslaved population sucks, but it is all on a sliding scale. Even the regular folks in China have more freedoms than the Egyptian slaves or those in Nazi concentration camps had. Even here in the US, we are not completely free.

    Of course we need laws. Anarchy sucks and would lead us back to something like Feudalism. Not exactly a good form of government. I just want to see victim less crimes eliminated. Do what you want as long as it doesn't impact me. Laws should protect people's safety, freedom and property. Laws should not control behavior unless it impacts someone else's safety, property or freedom.
  16. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Exactly! If you notice, the muslims that live in the nicer areas aren't fucking crazy like the ones that live in shitholes.
  17. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    You break eggs. It is what it is. The world, and war, are brutal things. The sooner we remember that the better.
    crashman likes this.
  18. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    How they live is not a function of where they live. It's a function of how they think and what they believe.
    Their society and surroundings are a reflection of them, not the other way around.
  19. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    I really noticed the disparity in Kuwait. One side of the road was a development and the other was a car on fire and camels

    Morocco knows how to party BTW
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    And yet another amazing insight that is not based in nor reflective of reality :crackup:
    Steak Travis likes this.

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