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great bush website

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by mtiberio, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    A site highly touted by the Socialist Review and the Green Party.

    I'll bet you have a list of conspiracy theories a mile long.

    If this collection of "articles" is what you consider unbiased news and commentary, then I'm not surprized at your opinions.

    Just don't expect me to take them seriously.

    At least five or six times a week local papers print letters from readers with similar rants containing all the same sort of nonsense (in one I really enjoyed recently the writer drew comparisons between Bush and the President depicted in West Wing, obviously oblivious to the fact that TV shows are fiction). The funny thing is that they don't realise how unhinged they appear to everyone else. They, of course, are just more convinced than ever that they are a part of the minority who are so smart that they see what the rest of us can't. I'm reminded of some of the people I used to see walking the sidewalks in Boston, ranting at everybody or nobody, depending on circumstance. They were convinced they knew some secret truths the rest of us did not. Of course, they were the ones wandering the streets screaming at people while the rest of the world went about the business of making the world work.

    Even Dennis Kucinich told the editor of the (Manchester, NH) Union Leader that comparisons of Bush to Hitler were nonsense.

    There's a difference between being educated and being indoctrinated.

    Just out of curiosity, what "educational experience" set you on this path?
  2. mtiberio

    mtiberio Well-Known Member

    Actually I don't hold any conspiracy theories (that I know of, ok maybe lbj had jfk killed). I didn't hold common dreams out as unbiased, all news sites are biased (except fox of course 8^)). The Comon Dream web site is a collection of interesting articles that are some times conspiritorial, sometimes a joke, and sometimes quite enlightening and interesting. Interesting in the fact that the authors are willing to speak about things that the mainstream media won't touch.

    I also read Al-Jazeera's web site, National Review, New Republic the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal. How else is one supposed to become informed? Listening to that drug addicted racist hypocrite Limbaugh?

    My educational background includes a Bachelor of Science degree from U. Mass, Amherst, cum laude 3.88 cum. Back then I fancied myself a Libertarian and became truely soured on the gop because of their claims of being "conservative" (read libertarian) all the while being "authoritarian" (read facist). But now mostly vote dem nationally and gop locally. I find both parties to be full of hypocrits, I just perfer the odor of dem sh*t to gop sh*t...

    As far as why I feel Bush is a war criminal. He invaded a sovern nation for no reason, and caused the unecessary deaths of thousands.

    the debate is not whether or not WMD's will be found, the debate is do we have a right to say Iraq can't have them. I maintain we don't.
  3. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

  4. mtiberio

    mtiberio Well-Known Member

    so, we had no right to invade...
  5. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    um, yes we did.

    read a newspaper, or watch a news account. or, look up what U.N. sanctions mean.

    the get back to me.
  6. mtiberio

    mtiberio Well-Known Member

    sanctions based on an unjustified war (gulf I) hardly are justified...
  7. And you are wrong. Apparently you haven't done enough reading. WMDs are covered by various treaties and documents, including:

    - the Geneva Protocol of 1925 (signed by Iraq)
    - the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1991 (Iraq refused to sign)
    - Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention of 1972 (signed by Iraq)
    - Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) of 1968 (signed by Iraq, re-affirmed by Iraq in 2000)

    These are just a few. Iraq has violated them all. So - we do have the right. Iraq gave it to us, and to the rest of the world.
  8. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Why do you consider the first Gulf war unjustified? Kuwait was an ally attacked by Iraq in order to annex their territory. How is aiding an ally to repel an invader unjustified?
  9. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I have to admit Mr. Corner has a point, especially considering that the war was stopped after pushing back Iraqi forces out of Kuwait when they could have gone to Baghdad.

    On the other hand, if people are ongoing they use violations of UN sanctions/resolutions as an excuse for the war, it is difficult to justify starting it without the UN approval.

    I still say the best way to justify that war would have been to say "we hate the bastard and we want him dead." It doesn't necessarily make it right, but it avoids the embarrassment of being entangled in a web of lies.
  10. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    Well said Papa! :clap:
  11. Yamaha Fan

    Yamaha Fan Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Look! Another member of the He-Man Bush Haters Club, Alfalfa!

    I had one like that for Clinton, it was intelligent things he said, no wait that was a roll or toilet paper and I used it...
  12. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Re: Re: Re: Look! Another member of the He-Man Bush Haters Club, Alfalfa!

    Clinton's problem was not what he said as a speaker, but what he did with his beaker.

    Rodger Doyle
    Copyright 2004

    I made this up myself. I slay me!!
  13. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Look! Another member of the He-Man Bush Haters Club, Alfalfa!

    He was doing some fine work with it, by his own admission. He was just using it in the wrong people. If there is one thing you can not accuse him of, it is of having good taste.:D
  14. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    After responding earlier I took the time to read the entire thread and I thought I'd let you know that your all wrong. :D

    Your welcome. :p
  15. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Look! Another member of the He-Man Bush Haters Club, Alfalfa!

    By his own admission?!?!?! Now you're the one who slays me. he admitted only to Monica and only after he was backed into a corner after lying his ass of.

    Or maybe you meant "by his own emission."


    But seriously folks . . .
  16. Yamaha Fan

    Yamaha Fan Well-Known Member


    If your concept of what was going on in Iraq for the past 25 years was consistent with a sovereign nation your delusional. It was a country Hijacked by a criminal Arab mob….

    During the war and since the death rate in Iraq has gone down, our President has prevented the unnecessary death, rape and torture of thousands of innocent people, yes some have died to do this but the facts are the facts.

    Right to have WMD? you’re an IDIOT you would probably let your kid play with a loaded gun because “he has a right to”. With certain things the right has to be earned, that is REALITY, a place far far away from anywhere you have ever been
  17. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Re: Re: Re: Look! Another member of the He-Man Bush Haters Club, Alfalfa!


    Seriuously? As an avowed Clinton hater I'd like something like that to torture my wife with.
  18. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Look! Another member of the He-Man Bush Haters Club, Alfalfa!

    I didn't say he volunteered information. Counsel, I expected better.:D

    The slaying continues
  19. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Potato Fan's main strategy of argument seems to call the other person an idiot, or worse an "IDIOT"

    But I guess he's not really mad b/c I don't think he's called anyone a "DOUBLE IDIOT! yet.

  20. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Look! Another member of the He-Man Bush Haters Club, Alfalfa!

    You sir are an IDIOT!

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