Top Gun Maverick.

Discussion in 'General' started by cortezmachine, May 28, 2022.

  1. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    There is great value in pure escapist entertainment. Not all movies or books need to be enlightening, most aren't.
    Funkm05, BigBird, brex and 3 others like this.
  2. Jim Moore

    Jim Moore Well-Known Member

    Lawyers on the fantail?
  3. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp

    Four of ‘em - the landing signal officers (LSOs). They’re the other pilots standing at the back of the ship who help guide you in. Your landings are graded based on which cable you snag, how often you’re waved off to go around again or whenever you miss a cable on landing (bolter). Each ship has a scoreboard so flyers can see how they stack up against everyone else on the cruise.

    Landing on a carrier isn’t that hard: your glide slope isn’t as steep, so airspeed is up, you never have a crosswind, don’t have to flair and, of course, you have the aforementioned lawyers helping you all the way along.
    Jim Moore likes this.
  4. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    When my brother was stationed at Ft. Monroe, we were able to go to Norfolk several times and I was able to get tours on the Bush, Truman, Eisenhower and the Enterprise (CVN65).

    When we did the Enterprise - the sailors in charge of the flight deck gave us a really in depth demo of how they could get all the aircraft off in like 28 minutes (or something nuts like that) in an emergency. They kept asking us " do you guys really want to hear this? It's kind of boring" - Nathan and I were enthralled - it was so cool.

    FYI - My Dad drove truck for 30 years and could've kicked Tom Cruise's ass but wouldn't have wasted his time:D
  5. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    wanted to see it in IMAX with the wife and it was out of there in favor of the supposedly worst Jurassic Park ever :\
  6. cha0s#242

    cha0s#242 Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand

    I'm off to see the Jurassic Park movie this weekend with my 6 y.o. I know it's not gonna be great, but my son is a huge fan of the franchise and I promised him we would see it in the theater since it's the last one and I want him to see the dinos on a big ass screen with huge sound. So that's the sacrifices you make to be a good dad :) I'd much rather see Top Gun, but I think he'd get bored.
    BigBird likes this.
  7. 5axis

    5axis Well-Known Member

  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Why in the world would you ever go to a movie expecting any of that? It's entertainment not world changing discourse :crackup:
  9. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    That was a serious expectation when you walked into a theater to see Top Gun? You're doing entertainment wrong, buddy.
  10. Jim Moore

    Jim Moore Well-Known Member

    I was wondering about the word "lawyers." They're definitely not lawyers.

    I'm not sure where you're getting your info about landing on a carrier, but it's not quite right. First, a 3-3.5 degree glideslope is pretty steep. You're also pretty slow, because if you're even a little too fast you get a hook skip. Third, there's always a "crosswind" because you're landing on the angle deck and the ship is driving away from you at 30 knots. It's true you don't have to flair, but there's a burble as you pass over the fantail that you need to correct for, and a weird little wind event from the breeze coming around the island. Quite a few factors to contend with. But it is fun on a nice day with calm seas.
  11. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    Nope, wasn't expecting anything... my post was just reflecting my observations.
  12. prm

    prm Well-Known Member

    Lawyers is too kind of a term..

    But the good LSOs do come in handy on occasion. I spent a week at Miramar as a young lad prior to flight school. My ‘tour guide’ for the week was the guy the LSO school is now named after. What a character!
    Zoomie, Jim Moore and BigBird like this.
  13. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    You sounded disappointed.
  14. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    Your six year old will be happy. You'll earn "good dad" points.
    cha0s#242 likes this.
  15. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp

    My information, recollection really - is coming from the mid-80s, sitting in dad’s lap in an A-7D simulator. “Lawyers” is what I heard some Air Force guy referring to the LSOs as, so that stuck, too.

    But you’re right - I mean, that, your rate of decent is actually slower, thanks to the ship moving forward, it effectively shallows your glide slope even though the actual angle you’re coming down is steeper than it would be if shooting an approach on land.

    I do remember watching the TACAN to start your turn when 1/4 mile abeam of the LSO platform.

    And yes, respect to shooting traps in any condition, again - the AF jokes come out.

    Shooting night traps onto a ship full of 4,000 dudes? Fuck that. :D :D
    Zoomie likes this.
  16. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    The family all watched Top Gun Sunday in anticipation of watching MAVERICK. The Boy and I scooted out for a 1pm showing at Destiny today, knowing the wimmins would be upset we saw it without them: We both walked out saying “We need to see this again!”.

    And I really can’t stand Tom Cruise the person.

    It’s legit. I can’t recall the last movie I’ve seen twice in the theater. Will go see it again, in IMAX next time.

    It’s like a love letter to the first one. The tie ins to TG were not salacious and well integrated. The in-flight cinematography was awesome. CGI was minimal and non-invasive. And having Val Kilmer in this was portrayed perfectly IMO. It hits you in the feels a couple times.

    I can’t speaks for the technical aspects but others here have, but it all seemed well done. I do think the scene at the bar where the team all comes in for the first time was a little hokey, and some of the comraderie they bantered with was a tad over the top. But for pure entertainment value, and if you enjoyed the first one, it’s worth the price of admission.
    Badger911GT3 likes this.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    My only issue with the bar scene is there's no way they wouldn't know his name given the storyline of the first movie, even if he never went higher in rank after that would make him even more known - and it was on his jacket.
  18. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    It was great entertainment, but there were some wasted opportunities. Just typical 'Merican fluff entertainment.
    R1Racer99 likes this.
  19. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    Because of the beeb, I saw it with my buddies, with the full understanding that I would want to see it again, as may here said it's worth seeing 2x in the movie.

    Unfortunately, I think the IMAX boat has sailed on the movie, but you live in Canada basically, so it probably just came out in theaters there.
    pjzocc likes this.
  20. prm

    prm Well-Known Member

    I thought it was good entertainment. Agree about bar scene and the egos. Meh. There were a surprising number of subtle technical bits that were spot on. The F-14 startup, the circuit breakers, laser codes, ‘consecutive miracles’ at least the name, G limit published vs. actual, and fins on bad guy missile to name a few. And of course a few creative liberties like the fact that Topgun is not at North Island (hard to have sailing or beach scenes in NV), nobody does briefs in hanger bays, the helmets, and flares vs. radar missiles.
    R1Racer99 and pjzocc like this.

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