The wait is over. Need help from the iracing gods on the beeb..

Discussion in 'General' started by assjuice cyrus, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    I think in that race I qualified with a 56.o and ran conservatively. Mid 56's the whole race, then I dropped off into the 57's towards the end.

    One thing I learned is that you can youtube 'Iracing Miata (insert track here) and you'll find some tutorial videos of a hot lap. I forgot the kid's name that I look for, but he's incredible.

    The other trick is after your race or qualifier, click on results- click the winner (or someone faster)'s helmet, you can watch their replay. You won't see their brake / throttle trace, but you will see their line and how they are driving the car.

    I was driving the car like I ride the bike- i.e. if you can stop slowing the car before the apex, you entered too slow- but that's not how many of these fast guys drive- depending on the type of corner, often they get the car rotated very early and are back on the gas well before the apex.
    code3ryder likes this.
  2. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    This week is Charlotte and that track looks pretty unforgiving with the walls. My process nowadays is to run a test session with the driving line enabled. Then get rid of it and find some reference points to look at. Then start practicing and see what kind of times I can run consistently using my own track knowledge. Then start racing and maybe watch a few fast guy videos.

    I believe @600 dbl are said he could set up a WERA race??

    In the mean time, when I enter a race, it says there are 350 drivers entered, but in my race there are only 15 or so cars, so I don't know how Iracing does that.
    code3ryder likes this.
  3. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    iRacing runs splits as to try and keep skill levels evenly matched and that is all done by iRating.

    You can view the splits in the results tab as well as click on the split to view the full results.

  4. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!

    So my next purchase will be a computer. I don't know anything about building them so this will be a turn key ready to go. I plan to run triple monitors (or maybe one big curved one?) and I want it to look good but I'm not worried about the super high refresh rate options that require way more computer. I'm just looking for a solid setup that is as hassle free as possible.

    Kenny was nice enough to give me a link to an example, but I'm looking for more info about the range of what do I get for more or less money? If I can spend $100 more and get better graphics that's an easy choice, but if it doubles the price of the computer I'm probably not interested.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.
  5. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    Do you know how to follow instructions ?
    Computer building is not that difficult.
    But if you're too afraid :) Then I would suggest as I have before to get the best motherboard you can afford.
    I use an Aorus Z390 . That way you can upgrade easily.
    You can look here for suggestions
  6. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!

    I am confident I could physically assemble one by plugging things together, but that page you linked is complete gibberish to me. I don't know anything about what components I would need, and I don't care to learn the differences between all the different graphics cards and processors. I've learned when to pick my battles of doing things myself and learning computers isn't on my to-do list.
  7. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    Well, I ran another league race. The heat race was good. The track had already dried out a ton, so it was like being on ice. But I had a good line on the inside, and that helped. I was in a fight for 3rd place in my heat. Top 3 transferred directly to the A feature. Coming out of turn 4 on the last lap I made a small mistake and slid just slightly high and lost traction and missed 3rd place at the line by under .100 seconds. That put me starting 5th in the B feature. Then on the second lap a guy went from the outside wall and dive bombed to the bottom, right across the nose of my car, I saved it from spinning, but another guy punted me from behind and into the infield. My night was done. Oh well. It is a really aggressive league, but it is fun. Now to get some practice for my nephew and my league for Friday’s race. We already have almost 30 drivers who have joined. Should be fun.
    Gino230 likes this.
  8. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    I gave you that link so you could see the different options. You plug in a price range and it will give you suggestions. Or you could just post the price range you are looking to spend. And others can give their 2 cents on it.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2020
  9. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    FWIW, I ordered exactly what components @600 dbl are sent me and assembled the whole thing in an evening, and that's having never done anything computer related before. I used one youtube video series and it was pretty step by step. He even runs you through the configuration setup. I haven't had any problems yet, but I have only been running Iracing and haven't done anything else pretty much. I was worried about configuring what ports are used for what, etc, but it turns out windows is pretty smart, so it downloads drivers for the installed components automatically.

    The only thing I've done so far is download a driver for my Logitech wheel, which helped get the FFB settings working better.

    It's not hard, you get more for your money, and if you want to upgrade or get out of it you can part it out individually.

    Just my .02.
  10. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!

    What did you order? Are you using monitors or VR? I'm only looking for the computer to run iRacing, I don't really need it to do anything else.
  11. Gino230

    Gino230 Well-Known Member

    This was the exact list:

    I'm running a single 31" monitor.
  12. Monsterdood

    Monsterdood Well-Known Member

    And I bought a pre-assembled ibuypower from best buy and it was ready to pick up in 1hr. :D I've built my own PCs in the past, but I was ready for a more turn key solution. I don't think it cost me a lot more if any compared to a build it yourself approach. I priced up a similar system and got a similar price so I just pulled the trigger. I've added Fusion360 and Prepar3D (a flight sim) and a few other things so I'm pretty happy to have the extra computing horsepower compared to my wimpy old laptop.
  13. Monsterdood

    Monsterdood Well-Known Member

    Good tips, I'll try that. If you ever accept my friend request, maybe I can try to join your session and you can have the immense satisfaction of beating me! I like the Charlotte road course. Some tricky off camber turns though for sure. My first race on it I was sitting in 4th with 2 inconsistent drivers I was sure I could pass when the time was right. The 2nd place guy spun, and as hard as I tried, I couldn't avoid him as he slid back across the track, boom 4x incident points. Then I spun myself for another 2x.... whatever lol...
    Gino230 likes this.
  14. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    Hey knuckleheads.
    Look on the homepage for Teams. Then search TEAM WERA BBS Racing.
    From there send me a request to join.
    Just about every person here who is an iRacing member is on it.
    In the future I can create a league and then send everyone an invite.
  15. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    Budget is key. Yes, some parts you can go cheaper on, others is a place to spend the coin. Unless you want to overclock and get stupid sustained power to the CPU and high overclocks, spending $500 on a mother board is pointless.

    VR is more demanding on the sim, especially in higher settings. A single ultra wide uses less of everything, triples use in-between the two.

    Refresh rates are important. Would you rather see the brake marker approaching at 60 frames per second or 144 frames per second? But again, budget and how involved you want to be in this determines everything. Sim racing is my hobby, so I don't mind dumping money into. If this is something you want to do a couple times a month, there's no point in spending a bunch of money.

    While it's a little old (I believe before the new Radeon 5700XT cards) here is a good break down on video cards

    CPU's are simple. Unless you are stupid like me, an I7-9700K is the best choice, but any of the latest gen intel will work just fine. If you plan on splitting the duty (hehe, I said duty) between sim racing and other games, the price per performance goes to AMD's 3rd gen Ryzen.

    Like Kenny, I am more than happy to help.
  16. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    2K budget

    1500 budget
  17. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    I have aRyzen R5 3600x and a GTX 1080, it is an amazing all around computer. Runs every game I throw at it, and still is great at video editing and anything else.
  18. Monsterdood

    Monsterdood Well-Known Member

  19. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    Only thing I don't see in those specs is the Ram speed, which makes a difference.
  20. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    It's 3000, and it doesn't make that much of a difference. AMD is more sensitive to RAM speed than Intel. 2400 to 3000 may get you a couple of frames on an Intel platform.

    That's not a bad price on a pre built. I'm always suspect on the power supply and motherboard for pre builts, as that is where they skimp to save money IMO. I'm not saying it's bad or a piece of junk and won't last, I'm just being a nerd.

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