Rule proposals for 2007

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by lizard84, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. Yamaha Fan

    Yamaha Fan Well-Known Member

    I am not asking for anything as far as rules changes and I would not E-mail Sean to block your request. I trust his judgement.. I have said what I have to say here, he looks at this and at comments made, others can weigh in should they feel inclined. :up: Notice that I only pointed out how much parity currently exists.. and that while HP figures differ in the end lap times are very consistent.

    As for last year I was not in the hunt (nor this for that matter) while I was competative at the GNF I was not going to be a Dani and risk your championship, you won it and you deserved it! I was riding hard trust me... :D
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2006
  2. wera 688

    wera 688 in the mosh pit

    They can be beaten, just at a track without a one mile straight away !
  3. #156

    #156 Well-Known Member

    Where the hell you been? You were suppose to be lined up beside me in v-5. I had to try to get to the front from the last row by myself. I thought we were friends! I made it to 4th at one time but joe would have none of that. I can honestly say i missed you out there with me !!!!!!! Oh mongo , If you let bob in f500 , you have no reason not to let me in also! :beer: :beer: :beer:
  4. Yamaha Fan

    Yamaha Fan Well-Known Member

    No rules against you joining the fun.. just get yourself a F-500 bike and come on out :up:
  5. #156

    #156 Well-Known Member

    Yea I know, just shooting the bull. I like v-4 just fine and maybe i can get tim and bob to come out and play next year. I think v-5 is what needs to be changed. You got 120 horse powered bikes against 50 horse powered. Its not like that in any other classes i know of.Just my opinion. :D
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Trust my judgement? What is wrong with you people today!
  7. melch

    melch V7 Pusher

    Sean will you consider letting(on a trial basis)7mw run in the LWsolo's with the SV's.Will ya Huh

    so will ya huh huh

    will ya?Huh,answer me damit,huh????????????????????????????????????will ya
  8. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    I would like to see a MW senior superbike. I would also like to see V7mw bikes in LWT solo's. Sorry JP, I still do not think the 250 belongs in V7mw.
  9. ducnut748

    ducnut748 King of Speed

  10. charles

    charles The Transporter

    The 'Battle of the Bobs' has begun...round and round it goes, where it stops no one knows...:Pop::clap:
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    No way on V7MW in LW Solos.

    I keep thinking about the MW CORC, dunno yet.
  12. Steve Fahey

    Steve Fahey I need a new avatar

    I think you have the opportunity to add one more good class here (and make a few more bucks) with that idea. I know personally that I stopped racing CORC quickly when I realized that my bike wasn't really competitive against some old dude on a "modern" 1000 or 750.
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yeah I know, I've actually been thinking about it for a couple of years but I don't want to get into the same old bullshit next off season when all the MW CORC riders want to run with another class because then they can ride up to the HW CORC, and so on and so on. The class was created as a place for older riders to go have fun and ride, nothing more than that.
  14. lizard84

    lizard84 My “fuck it” list is lengthy

    The cure for that is a CORC lightweight, MW bike are not that far off the HW times anyway, but a LW CORC would open up a whole new group of over 40 riders to CORC
  15. Yamaha179

    Yamaha179 Well-Known Member

    I have a couple of thoughts on the Rules Thread.

    First, our part of the sport naturally declines. Vintage just shrinks as time goes by and we should be happy that our younger, more modern, brothers and sisters are there to support us. Yeah, they are obsolete race bikes not true vintage bikes, but once ours were just obsolete too. We hardly ever see "real" vintage bikes at our races any more; you know the G 50s, Manx Nortons, Aermacchis, and if we didn't have the support of our V5, 6, and 7 cousins we might have one class that ran on Saturday.

    What this leads to is that while there may be a need for refinement of rules in the newer classes, why do we need to change the older classes? The 2 stroke vs. 4 stroke battle has gone on forever but things seem to be working pretty well now. Witness the F 500 battle at the GNF between Buff and Mark. The Championship for that class was won by a fellow who worked very hard for it bud did not win that race. He happened to be on a two-stroke, but I'll bet he still would have won it had he been on a similarily prepared Honda.

    Please leave the class structure alone. Consider any changes and only refine what needs it and give us a couple of years without change. And thanks to all the Obsolete Folks that have joined us...
    Lyn Garland
  16. hinshaw929

    hinshaw929 Well-Known Member

  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Don't tell Bob but I gotta agree with Lyn
  18. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    They like us............THEY REALLY DO!


    The hospitality of the vintage ranks, and the Garlands led me to sell my SV for a V7mw bike..........and I have never regreted the move.

    Others will see the light.

  19. fullmetalF4i

    fullmetalF4i C. Lee #826

    i think we should maybe consider changing the sponsor for the vintage series, as kmc eluded to, the only peeps that give us a 2nd look is Bridgestone.
    dont know if you have any power of that there mongo but its just an observation (either that or Pierlli should start offering us contingency if they want to keep their name on the title.)
  20. KMC


    we have no say as to who sponsors the sportsman series. pirelli pays out for all classes except vintage. we're obviously not worthy of their contingency monies.
    what i stated is that i don't understand why pirelli is the sponsor of our series, yet they don't pay out for vintage.
    i'm sure bstone makes out as they don't have to pay the big money to have their name as the major sponsor of the series, yet a lot of folks (especially vintage) ride their tires.
    good for bstone, and sticklick, i mean stickboy.

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