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Discussion in 'Track Days' started by JimboC, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    You do know that this is a racing forum and not a general sportbike one right? Kinda like how on most general sportbike forums the trackday superstars trash the "street squid".
  2. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    Ugg.......... I should have never came back in here.

    I guess I am bored enough to allow you to continue to troll for a response, and I keep taking the bait.

    You keep thinking we all suck at our jobs, and will keep making hundreds and hundreds of STT customers completely happy with my performance of my job and their trackday experience because of it. In 3-4 years of coaching I have gotten exactly ONE complaint. I accidentally cursed in front of a customer. Sue me :lmao: My "record" of happy customers speaks for itself, no matter how much you hate it, me, and the org.

    Good day mongo.
  3. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    Yes. You are wrong.

    I Instruct in N
    I coach in I
    I ride in A...... that is my "payment" per se. And again, racer practice is YOUR words, that you are trying to put in MY mouth. Childish
  4. kiggy74

    kiggy74 As useful as an...

    I'm not offended, I currently ride an even mix of track days and races. I just feel that racing depends on a constant stream of track day riders who are willing to take things to the next level. I think the success of any club racing organization absolutely depends on the track day orgs, including STT. In that regard, this thread or the attitudes of those who are minimizing the track day experience are doing WERA and club racing in general a huge disservice.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I'm not trolling for a damn thing, this is my BBS, if I want to change your words I can actually do so and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Why would I when you say what you mean so eloquently all on your own?

    I don't hate you, don't hate your record and don't hate the org. I honestly until a few posts ago never looked at your signature. I don't give a shit about you other than I find everything your saying to go against everything I knew about trackdays, their intent, and how they're run. So I'm learning something no matter how much I disagree with it. You say you have a lot of happy customers running it as a race practice day, so be it, I have no proof otherwise. I've just never known anyone else to describe how they run a trackday the same way.
  6. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    Very eloquently put, and basically what I tried to say in much less words :beer:
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Racing existed long before the first trackday and we'll be here long after they've fallen out of popularity. Racers race. Trackdays are not racing. Trackdays for the most part don't send many racers our way, I'd bet we still get more racers every year who have never been on the track than we do from trackdays. We send out coupons to NESBA and STT - and get very few back. That shows me there are those who prefer the trackday pace and those who prefer racing. Yes, there are a few crossovers but for the most part racers who do trackdays do so to ride with their friends who have no intention of racing.

    So no offense to anyone but our success does not depend on trackdays, far from it. Our success depends on racers who want to race and how well we take care of them.
  8. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    You cant stop can you.

    NEVER did I say I "run it as a race practice". Never did I say the WORDS race practice. Never did I say I encourage race practice to students. Never did I say I encourage people to push limits. Never did I say doing so repeatedly or for long periods (race length for instance) was a good idea. Never did I say I use my time coaching as race practice.

    All those things are things YOU keep trying to put in MY mouth to discredit me, or the org I work for, or both. NOt sure which.

    I want to fucking quit responding, but feel compelled to when you are making completely FALSE statements, as if I said them
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    And oddly enough nothing at all like what you actually said.
  10. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    No, oddly enough nothing at all like what YOU said, when incorrectly quoting me. :up:
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    No, racer practice is EXACTLY what you described. Pushing it hard in any given corner 100%. Putting in a 100% lap. All of that, every single bit of it, is racing practice. Since you are telling me that is also what happens at your trackdays then YOU are the one saying it's the same as racing practice.

    Again, YOUR words, no twisting necessary.
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Um, okay, I do have one thing that I will nuke you for, that is lying. Not one single thing I have quoted has been changed. Period. Every single quote from you in my posts is your words. Some you have gone and changed later but that's on you, not me. I'll expect your apology for lying about me.
  13. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    I changed ONE post and marked it as "edited" (well today or recently, not sure if i did earlier in the thread at all, and dont want to be called a "liar" :rolleyes)

    I dont mean quote as in quote box, or that you edited such. I guess that was not clear, and I apologize for it not being clear. NOt for what I said.

    I mean you using phrases as if I used them, which I did not. Twisting my words to suit your agenda. Putting words in my mouth that I did not say.

    Not physically editing my posts or quotes :thumbsup:.
  14. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    Fucking BBCode...... wish it was the same across all forums :lol:
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I am not using any phrases as if you were using them, I am using my own phrases. What you describe as a trackday is the same way racers describe racing practice. So I use the terminology I am more familiar with. What you describe is nothing like I have heard trackdays described in the past. I am not putting words in your mouth, I am merely telling you what you're actually saying since you sure as hell don't seem to know as you're typing.

    At this point I'm going to have a smoke, go to sleep, and then once I get up I'll go watch riders push it 100% in some corners but not all then occasionally push it 100% for a lap or two. Where I am tonight they don't call that a trackday as you do, they call it qualifying for AMA Pro.
  16. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    And with that, I hope this can be done. You wont stop. Neither will I.

    In the end, I have pressed my luck far enough I suppose. I only came back because I wanted to clear up what I was percieved as saying.

    Fuck it.

    this thread will die, and it wont matter. I will still teach a bunch of new riders to love an awesome sport, and welcome them to this crazy addiction we have.
  17. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    Yes, I do. But this is the "trackday section". :up:

    maybe it is just me, but on the forum I help run, I dont allow bashing of stunters, in the stunt forum, or drag racers in the drag racer forum etc.

    Honestly I dont agree with anyone bashing anyone for how they choose to enjoy their bike, as long as the way they choose to do so does not negatively effect others who did not choose to be involved (meaning doing so in an appropriate venue) But that is personal opinion and everyones varies.

    Not sure where you were going with that, but felt like you deserved or expected a response (NOT trying to farther any discussion/argument though) :beer:
  18. kiggy74

    kiggy74 As useful as an...

    Interesting. Personally I would have never considered racing if I hadn't first been exposed to a track day. Hell, I wouldn't have known that club racing even existed. Many of my friends that I ride/race with share a similar background.

    I will tell you that I've never once seen a WERA coupon at an STT track day, and I've been to a bunch of them. Is it too late to get one? :D
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  19. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    I misread your original post. But it doesn't matter.
  20. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    The track to the 1st timer or someone new can be extremely intense because that's probably the fastest, quickest, most intense motorcycle experience he has ever had....hopefully anyway. A CR's job is to slowly introduce each person to the challenges of riding safely and quickly.

    But racing, gridding up and hearing the bikes rev up and concentrating on beating everyone to the 1st corner is MUCH more intense than any trackday...as it should be. There's more on the line at a race, something to proove, everyone wants to win. PRETTY FREAKIN INTENSE!

    I actually get more nervous at a trackday. There's always someone there to proove how fast they are, making questionable close calls. I usually just let them buy. I'm not taking a huge risk just to beat some squid back to the pits.

    I've done about 10 trackdays, all with Nesba and STT, I will say that in my opinion the Nesba CRs do a better job of policing the questionable behavior.

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