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Long Range Shooting Rifle Options

Discussion in 'General' started by BC, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    I just ran 50 rounds through the Ruger American after cleaning the chamber and they all did fine. The 3 that gave me issues still gave me issues so, surprisingly I think it’s the ammo in this case and not the cheap ass Ruger action
  2. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    I am using a Pulsar Xg50 LRF. I've used a bunch of different brands and models, really good friends with a big thermal dealer. Nowadays they are all really good, you can't go wrong. Pick a budget and buy one. 9-10k thermals are definitely better than 2k ones, but 99% of people are shooting them within 200 yards, with the majority being 100ish, and a regular 384 resolution with a LRF will do the trick any day of the week. Pick one with a 2.5-3x base mag. Maybe more if that's your cup of tea, but 3x is perfect for me. Every click of magnification essentially halves your resolution, so the more zoomed in you are, the more blurry the image is. This is where high dollar thermals come into play. I can clearly ID a coyote 1000 yards out. Regularly am making 500 yards shots this year with much more success I thought was possible.

    I will add that the video the scope records, is about half the resolution you are physically seeing through the scope while using it. I am not sure why, but that is the way they always have been. The video they record is much lower quality than reality. It's amazing what a modern 640 scope can see.

    I use a Foxpro X24 loaded with MFK sounds that I got on Black Friday. I like it a lot. I think most all callers will work though. Depending on where you live, coyotes could or could not have ever heard a caller before. If they've never been called you can seriously use a Bluetooth speaker and get them to come in. My area is pressured, so I feel like a better caller makes a difference, but I do not know this for sure. When its 0 degrees out and I'm frozen, I'm eliminating variables.
    skidooboy likes this.
  3. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    Got the Burris PH to link up, loaded my bullet info, mounted, leveled the scope. Now I need to get to the range for mechanical zero, and locking that into the scope, for everything to work. Ski
  4. groundhogday

    groundhogday Well-Known Member

    And Tikka drops the Ace. Midwest Gun Works has it listed at $1750, but sold out. Gonna be a problem for RPR sales. There's a target version and a hunting version, both in the same chassis. There's a rimfire variant too. Chassis looks really nice.
    skidooboy likes this.
  5. groundhogday

    groundhogday Well-Known Member

    What's a good 3" 12 gauge load for coyotes?
  6. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    #4 buckshot.

    Took the Burris Ph to the range with the suppressed 6.5 Creed. Zeroed it at 100, updated the mechanical zero to match the scope digital zero, at the range via the ap, and bluetooth connection to the scope. Jumped from 100 to 200, dialed the scope until the heads up display said 200, shot 3 rounds two out of 3 were touching an inch and a half orange target dot, the other wasnt far off, group was so the ballistics in the scope worked. I was rushing as it was getting cold and the wind was picking up so, the groups were not my best, as I wasnt fully committed to doing my part solid. Still moa or better though. Now to test it at further ranges, to verify accuracy further out, pretty happy so far. Ski
    creedmoor burris ph.jpg
    StaccatoFan, tony 340, Jedb and 2 others like this.
  7. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    Fox number 3 and 4 of the year. Before this year I’ve never gotten one. I have 2 more on trail cams behind my house, so it’s a matter of time. I could’ve had the one a few days ago, but it was -15 plus the wind, so I spared it’s life.
    Building a little bit lighter of a rifle to hunt/target shoot with. Manners PRS stock showed up this week, tt trigger, impact 737 action and stuteville 6mm barrel should all be next week. Looking forward to not lugging around a 25lb rifle to hunt.

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  8. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    Let us know how that manners stock is. I'm curious on the adjustable LOP for a rifle for a kid. It looks cool but didn't know how function or sturdy it was
  9. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    Why hunt foxes? Chickens?
    Jed likes this.
  10. lizard84

    lizard84 My “fuck it” list is lengthy

    I see doxies!
  11. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    6.5 prc smacked a hog. I talked to the guys at the farm and they’ve had a lot less feed out for deer and stuff and we’ve seen WAY fewer hogs. I still find a way to find them but it’s harder. I've not shot one with my thermal in like 9 months and only 2 during the day.... though I'm hunting a lot less right now

    this rifle is sweet.. Now I've just got to not screw with it, like putting it in a chassis or thinking i need a NXS 2-10x42 which would be really great to take advantage of the PRC round yet still be lighter weight
    groundhogday and skidooboy like this.
  12. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    I've heard good things about it. I'm usually a chassis guy, so we will see.

    So to be 100% honest, the first one I got I had no clue it was a fox. Now, I have learned the body language and can differentiate them. But yes, neighbors have chickens. I don't think they are very aggressive towards anything else, but I wouldn't put it past them to hop my fence and eat one of my Dachshunds. I'm also kind of filling up the basement/mancave with mounts, and fox mounts in my opinion look awesome.

    Yes, I have 4. All Minis, ill find a pic of the a-holes.. they are probably the main reason I have so much coyote activity because they bark at literally nothing.
  13. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    My buddy and I did a coyote tournament last weekend, and I hate doing them, but he convinced me, and we totally got skunked. To be fair, I only went out for about 2 hours, and the following day I had a wedding all day and pretty well all night. Shit weather, warm and windy...I recently found out that a pretty well-known coyote hunter near me has been using a suppressor, which he is legally allowed to own because he has an FFL and a SOT in Illinois, but to my knowledge you cannot hunt with them whatsoever in IL....Anyone know the legalities on this? Seemed like a pretty wild unfair advantage, he's constantly posting on FB how he's getting Solo doubles and triples this year, like a LOT of them, when he never pulled that stuff off the years prior. I don't care he uses them, I wish we all could, but to brag on it gets on my nerves lmao. When I pull the trigger, I won't see another coyote there for 2 weeks, but the vids I'm seeing of his they literally act like nothing happened when he picks off the first dog, funny how his videos have no sound, only music...
    groundhogday likes this.
  14. lizard84

    lizard84 My “fuck it” list is lengthy

    We had a mini, Cooper is pictured on here somewhere, was named on here. Cooper crossed over about 5 months ago, was nearly 19 years old. Picking up a 9 wk old male mini longhair next Sunday.
  15. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    My mom just got a long hair male mini last weekend.

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    Boman Forklift and lizard84 like this.
  16. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    Well, I just keep building them. LOL! After the grand daughter liked sitting for deer with me, I started buying stuff to build an MSR/AR platform in 350 legend for her birthday in March. I utilized a Shaw barrel, I had cerakoted black, as it came in stainless only, Aero precision upper receiver, bcg, and their M-lok handguard. Topped it with an older Leupold variX 2 3x9x40 and mated it to a Sig M400 lower with a Larue MBT trigger, we had collecting dust in the safe. It should be a good shooter for her in this platform especially with the Bear Creek Ballistics radial brake. I may find out on Sunday, if I can make it to the range. Ski

    rowan 350.jpg
    StaccatoFan and Jed like this.
  17. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    I'm patiently waiting for my shithole state to allow us semi autos again. I miss building new ones. Free tax $ the state desperately needs so they can go blow on useless shit.
  18. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    Done. Gonna see how I like the Ckye bipods. They’re expensive, wonder if it’s truly better for in the field use, vs the atlas and accutacs I typically use.
    Manners PRS-TCS
    Impact 737R
    Stuteville Precision 6mm Creed-26” 7.5 T-A419 match break
    Triggertech diamond 2 stage
    Ckye Pod PRS
    SPUHR Mount
    Pulsar XG50LRF

    Ready to take care of some song dogs this weekend. Gotta weigh it once I get home. Definitely lighter than an AI, but this manners stock has some weight to it. Barrel contour is a bit heavy, but shaving 4-5lbs off my current setup this thing feels like it weighs nothing in comparison.

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    skidooboy likes this.
  19. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    So that new rifle shoots great. I’m getting the best groups I’ve ever gotten out of factory ammo, and through a thermal which is impressive.
    However, somehow they did not machine the feed ramps on the action at all, so it’s basically a 90 degree wall for the bullet to ram right against so I have been having to hand feed the rounds. I finally got ahold of a guy at Impact that was willing to watch a video and look at pics explaining the issue, so now it’s back in the mail, getting replaced which sucks. 2400$ barreled action somehow went through multiple gunsmiths hands and no one caught it.

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    Steak Travis likes this.
  20. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    It is unreal how many fox I’ve had lately. I’m seeing 4-5 a week behind my house.

    Have only taken a few. One from last night.

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    skidooboy and The Todd like this.

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