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Long Range Shooting Rifle Options

Discussion in 'General' started by BC, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    OK call me a glutton for punishment, I think I want to give the 6.5 PRC another shot. Looking for a bench gun, heavy 20-22" barrel (if possible). Looking for repeatable accuracy, without going full custom, or breaking the bank. Help Is appreciated. Ski
  2. MGM

    MGM Well-Known Member

    Take a good look at the Seekins Havak Bravo. Had one in 6.5 PRC that was one of the most accurate rifles I’ve ever owned with Berger 156 EOL’s. Shot it out to a mile, sold to fund the purchase of an AI.
  3. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

    If its going to be a bench gun, why such a short barrel? I would go at least 26", otherwise you're just wasting that case capacity on a fireball.
  4. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    Because, if I asked for a hunting rifle, all I would get would be suggestions for thin profile barrels that overheat, when shooting groups from bench. Then I would be in the same boat I was with the Bergara Crest. Hoping a heavier rifle, chassis, barrel, with a suppressor, will help with my recoil sensitivity, and accuracy. If I went 24-26" with a 7-9" can... I could just swing the rifle like a bat an hit most things, and save money on ammo, I guess. ;) Ski
  5. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    Anyone looking for an ARC M brace 34mm 20moa 1.26 high mount? I’ve got one over never used and not gonna use
  6. Woofentino Pugr

    Woofentino Pugr Well-Known Member

    Some carbon out of the tube/gas block would be normal-ish. Shoudnt be alot.

    But as Redtail said, if your optics are mounted correctly (be careful with Vortex scopes tighting them in the rings, they dont need much in/lbs. Getting a bit hamfisted on them can mess the scope up.), then I'm betting the barrel nut is loose. Also agree with redtail on BCA. They are low cost for a reason. I do have a 10.5" BCA .450bushmaster upper side charging upper and it run flawlessly and holds accuracy. BCA uppers can be hit and miss. But from what I heard, they will try to make it right.

    One suggestion. Before doing a custom paint job on a firearm, get it running right 1st. Made this mistake myself and now hoping that the problem is the BCG is the problem. .300blk 8.5" wont cycle. Adj gas block. Gas hole lined up correctly. Either its the key or I messed up the gas restrictor screw on the gas block. Just havent got around to work on it since the club outdoor range was closed for the last 2 weeks. Its one of my deer rifles so being a single shot isnt that big of a deal, but would like it to work right.
    groundhogday likes this.
  7. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    The right chassis will add weight too.

    6mm creedmoor will get you distance without the recoil unless you need a magnum.
    skidooboy likes this.
  8. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    Looking at the 6.5 PRC as a magnum creedmoor for periodic hunting, where the creed isnt enough. Would like to utilize the Magpul hunter or MDT Oryx chassis. I like those type of ergonomics and esthetics. I would just go with Ruger again but I have 3 now, and looking for something different. Also, I cant get a straight answer on the Ruger 6.5prc offerings, conflicting info for action length some info says long, some says short. Magpul doesnt offer a Ruger long action in the hunter (or short action magnums) and doesnt offer an acis or any magazine for the 6.5 prc. I'm in a pickle. Ski
  9. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    I’ve been coyote hunting with my AI lately. It’s been great. Got my first fox, and I’ve got another one on the cams that keeps showing up. Also got the biggest coyote I’ve ever gotten, 54LBs. It was massive….that is a pretty big rifle I’m using, and the coyote makes it look like a toy. Getting them both mounted.
    Got another coyote last night at 375 yds, and missed a 2nd at 400 because I laid prone right into a god dam thorn bush and rushed the shot. This 6creed barrel also sped way up, and I was shooting just about 1” high, so that was part of the equation in the embarrassing miss.

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  10. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    Dude that AI is sick. You may have covered this in a previous post but what are the build specs? What glass especially?

    and yea that yote is fuckin massive. As far as the 400 yard shot, if that’s the type of shit you’re beating yourself up over, I think you’re doing alright :crackup: In my 3 gun competitions for the last 2 years I don’t think I’ve had a single shot hit at 400 under duress yet and there’s usually at least 1 per comp.
    Dillonjohnson likes this.
  11. groundhogday

    groundhogday Well-Known Member

    Recommendations for a predator call? I'm guessing there are many available that will do the job just fine.
    I ordered an EP5 Gen 2. Do I need 35X? No. But they were about to increase prices, had 30% off discounts, and the glass is allegedly better than the Gen 1. Hopefully I can see my impacts on paper at 400+ yards with it.
    I ordered one of the Outlier chassis too. They're being a bit disingenuous with their "influencers" spouting prices way lower than a complete chassis or a finished barrel. But a complete chassis except grip with a bag rider and their most expensive stock and forend was well under $400 shipped.
    Dillonjohnson likes this.
  12. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    I’m just using a fox pro prowler. Killed my last yote in 3 mins. I’m sure there are better ones but it works for me. Not a lot of pressure on them so it’s fairly easy
    Dillonjohnson likes this.
  13. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    Coyote wolf monster @ 54 pounds. I’ve got my thermion on my 6creed and loving it. Great little round
    Dillonjohnson likes this.
  14. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    Nice Yote Dillon! I would like more info on the AI build as well. I shot a small 8 point whitetail behind the house, with the 7 year old granddaughter in the blind with me, Friday night. It was hard not to make that memory with her.

    I know I should have passed him up but, Shoot him grandpa got the better of my trigger finger. It still was one of the coolest things to ever be a part of. From setting up the blind, teaching her about the animals, to the shot, tracking, field dressing, dragging to the house, hanging him up.

    She later thanked me, told me how cool it was, and she wants to do it more. I was stunned she didnt flip out during the field dressing. Usually she is pretty timid. She did great. Making memories. Ski

    rowan grandpa buck.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
  15. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

  16. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    It is the Accuracy International AXSA (Short Action), Multi Caliber, so it uses the QC barrel system. As of right now I'm using 6 creed, and it is a good round. When I shoot targets in the summer I'm usually swapping back to 308 or 6.5 creed for the long barrel life. As far as optics go, I'm using the Pulsar XG50 Thermal right now. I had an Nvision Halo XRF, but I sold it (essentially downgrading) and got this XG50 and am happier. I do a lot of work with one of the largest thermal dealers in the US, so I'm pretty fortunate to be able to play and test all of them. In the summertime I'm running Tangent Thetas or ZCO day scopes.

    I was also able to pick up a demo pair of Pulsar XT50's and by God, these are the best things I've ever bought for night hunting. 1280P is AMAZING, with an EXTREMELY wide FOV for scanning.

    The AI stuff speaks for itself. Swap barrels for anything short action cartridge related in about 30 seconds, and it holds true to zero 99 percent of the time. I flew to Utah with it completely broken down, chassis separate from the action, and barrel removed. Screwed it all together in the hotel room, went to this range and shot out to 1000 and it was dead nuts. They are expensive, but man are they repeatable and accurate.

    I had 3 coyotes at 690 yards about a week ago, but I'd just swapped over to this pulsar, and I didn't have it Doped out that far yet so I was weary and didn't go for it. I'm 100% sure after this past weekend I can make the shot now, as long as I don't make the same mistake as the one at 400..It's funny because just a few short years ago, shooting steel at 4 and 500 seemed impossible, and now I'm bothered when I miss a coyote at 400 LOL

    As far as a caller goes, I'm sure anything would work, I've even heard of people using a bluetooth speaker..... however I literally just bought a MFK loaded foxpro X24. It is cool, and the MFK sounds are really clear. I also bought a few mouth calls. I have never used a caller, I live in the country and it's not uncommon to see 4-5 coyotes a night, so a bait pile usually does the trick. I ran the caller fri-sat, with no luck. It is weird, the last time I missed a coyote, I didn't see another one come close for about a week or two. However, if I make the shot, I usually see another one the same night, or the following. I figured now that I have a caller, I'd be able to call them back in no problem, but it wasn't the case. It also doesn't help that everyone and their brother have thermals in my area, and 90% of them should not even own a rifle from the stories I've heard, so the area is pressed pretty hard, and I think the coyotes do know somethings up. They are relatively smart. We will see how it goes with the caller; I'm hoping it was just a slow weekend.
    redtailracing likes this.
  17. Dillonjohnson

    Dillonjohnson Well-Known Member

    From Sunday AM freezing my ass off with no luck…

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    skidooboy and redtailracing like this.
  18. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

    Dillonjohnson likes this.
  19. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    Only 52 were built. I think that's the appeal. Rare gun that was tested but never adopted.
  20. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    but it's DERPA!

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