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I'm about to pull the trigger!

Discussion in 'General' started by Cannoli, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. Sig

    Sig Well-Known Member

    The only factor is that nobody gives enough a damn about macs to attack them. If their install base keeps increasing then this will change rapidly.
  2. Sig

    Sig Well-Known Member

    13.3"? Is it a netbook?

    I'll take a thinkpad over a mac any day of the week.

    As for the windows haters:

    1) mostly it's 3rd party apps that cause windows problem. Not always, but mostly.

    2) why are people with macs always so concerned about it running windows? If your mac OS is so wonderful........just use it. :)
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Same reason people used to be concerned about running graphics programs on pc's when they were mac specific. If people would write their programs for both platforms it wouldn't be a big deal, you know, like M$ does...
  4. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Still getting a chuckle from folks buying macs and ditching the native OS for MS creations. :D
  5. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    No, its not a netbook, its a regular laptop. And I've always had Windows machines up until now. The ONLY reason I use Boot Camp is to run Softplan, my architecture software. Its is Windows only. Every other program I run is Mac. It simply runs better and much faster than Windows.
    And I've owned Thinkpads also and honestly don't think they are anywhere near in the same league qualitywise as the Mac is now. Judging by a lot of the reviews and feedback I've been reading, quality isn't the same it used to be with Thinkpads.
  6. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Read above, didn't ditch the native OS. Use the native for all except one program that I have no choice on. And the Windows on the Boot Camp side of the Mac is running much faster than it was on my other notebook.
  7. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    You mean Lenovo? After prepping year after year of new and old laptops I've yet to see one fail. Absolutely among the best quality available. If it can be broken, one of my field adjusters can do it.:D Every bit as good as the Thinkpads of old.
  8. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Yesterday I was in one of my many meetings. For giggles I summed up what notebooks everyone had.

    12 people. 9 had Levono's. 2 Dells and 1 Toshiba.

    And no its not because we get a good deal on Levono's.
  9. derby369

    derby369 Well-Known Member

    is that why microsoft releases security patches for their OS on the second tuesday of each month?

    as other have mentioned, most people do it just run a specific app.

    my "run-windows-virtually" app is quicken for windows... why don't i run quicken for mac? 'cause it sucks*...

    it's never been feature-equal with q4w and, if you can look over that "small" fact, there is no migration path for your data between q4w and q4m. i know, unbelievable...

    i've auditioned all the mac-native financial solutions and, unfortunately, nothing compares to q4w.

    *quicken sucks so bad on mac that intuit gave up on it and decided to rewrite the whole thing from scratch. the new product, "financial life for mac," isn't even going to be feature-equal with previous q4m iterations! no business features, weak/non-existent investment/loan and reporting capability. and, yup, STILL no migration path from the windows side to the mac side.
  10. Game

    Game zip tie master

    Thanks :up::beer:
  11. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Interesting, I keep hearing how much the Apple is compared to others. Ran up a Lenovo, lowest end, with somewhat comparable stats. Its a 14.1" instead of 13.3" which is a difference I think is negligible. My oh so expensive MacBook Pro came in at only $100 more. Hmmmm.....
    Beyond that, I have the 3 year total protection warranty. Got it for $186. Everyone else's seems to run damn near twice that.
    As far as in meetings, Windows is the standard for mainstream business. You'll find a big contributor to that is more business based programs and hardware such as smartphones and pda's being geared to Win. Of course, I have a conduit to translate my Mobile Win to Mac and it works great.
    Now, go into a graphic arts and advertising office and see how many Mac's start popping up. That's where things start shifting. Same for when you start checking video editing and production. Its just geared to a different performance sector. Or it has been. Now that the Intel chip is being used, things are changing and its going more mainline.
  12. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    I designed my current rig after the workstations Skywalker Ranch was using at the time. It's not a Mac.:tut:

    PS:Industrial Light and Magic used Linux based workstations for the longest time. Dunno what they run now.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  13. Mud Whistle

    Mud Whistle Get my icebike ON!

    No dog in this fight, just thought this was funny. :D
  14. derby369

    derby369 Well-Known Member

    this is old, but...


    ILM is comfortable with multiple platforms. Its 1,400 employees use a variety of operating systems. The art department has Macs, with the rotoscopers and painters transitioning to OS X. Hendrickson sees OS X as a possible player. “What attracts us is the BSD-like Darwin core and network compatibility.” ILM has few Windows boxes, besides those on business side. “There's no advantage to a Windows conversion for us”, says Hendrickson. “We're a UNIX shop and probably always will be.”
  15. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    I tried the 13.3" and the processor didn't go as high, so that's why I had to bump to this next one up. :up:
  16. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    So you know I didn't provide my example to show that Windows is used alot in the more "business" atmosphere. I provided for other reasons.
  17. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    OK, you win, you're all knowing. Windows wins, Macs blow. Happy now?
  18. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Finally someone with some sense. :D

    I posted the example to show that in the meetings in the company in the group with the people who produce Windows, Lenovo is the laptop of choice. Yes choice.
  19. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    OK, I missed the part about people who PRODUCE Windows. Of course they won't be using the Mac. I thought that was the brunt of the conversation, not what the better Windows notebook was.
  20. tess3133

    tess3133 Got her back!

    Me too! :up:

    "This is my rifle, this is my gun, this is for fighting, this is for fun!" Haha!

    Don't get caught calling that rifle a gun, that 7.78 pound "gun" gets heavy real quick! Can we say muscle failure :p

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