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I need a new handgun...lets talk guns today. :D

Discussion in 'General' started by Kris87, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    I have a pair of Cimarron model P .357s for shooters, and an antique OG Colt gen 1 made in 1889 in a display case.
    The guns that won the west.
  2. kenessex

    kenessex unregistered user

    If you like Rugers and I do, you should get an Sp101 or GP100 in 357 and a Wrangler or Bearcat or Single 6 in 22lr, to start with. I really like the LCR series, but they are really light and the recoil can be a bit much if you don't reload. Of course you should also have a Blackhawk in either 44 Mag or 45 Colt (if you reload).
    If you don't want to invest a lot in your first revolver, then I recommend getting a Rock Island model 200 with the 4" bbl. I really enjoyed mine and it was dead reliable with a decent trigger. I gave it to my niece since her only pistol was a Taurus G2C and I wanted her to have something that fit her needs better and it was just sitting around for me.
    DmanSlam and gapman789 like this.
  3. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    Will this do?
  4. sbk1198

    sbk1198 Well-Known Member

    Haven't been on this thread in a couple of years but wanted to check with the beeb and see if any of you guys have got any suppressors lately and if so what was the wait time for the stamp nowadays? Talked to a local guy the other day who has an SOT license and he said he had one recently that only took a few days! I couldn't believe it since last time I looked into it they were taking about 9-12 months, so I wanted to get a few more opinions.
  5. gapman789

    gapman789 Well-Known Member

  6. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    Going through silencer shop, with a trust
    After all my side was sorted out and correct; the end to end process from buying online, to them shipping to my local, followed by pickup was ~30 days, end to end.
    I figure I'm going to make a few more purchases this way, as it's relatively painless process now.

    Good step by step on how to do it with them: https://www.silencershop.com/how-to-buy-a-silencer
    Prices are at MSRP or a bit of a discount, and they upcharge you $5 on the tax stamp ($205 per supressor).
    sbk1198 likes this.
  7. sanee

    sanee Well-Known Member

    if you file individual it really is a few days. great time to be alive :)
    sbk1198 likes this.
  8. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    Everyone else has pretty much answered this but keep in mind, depending on how you order, it could still be 4-6 end to end. My last suppressor only took 5 days to clear the ATF but there was close to a month prior to that for the place I bought it to shop to my FFL, conduct the form 3 transfer, perform the SilencerShop side of the transaction, etc. So it ended up being like 5 weeks end to end. Buying local stuff that’s in stock obviously speeds this up immensely but in my case, no one carried the one I wanted locally.
    sbk1198 likes this.
  9. sanee

    sanee Well-Known Member

    regardless its still fucking awesome compared to back in all our days of 8-13 months
    sbk1198 likes this.
  10. Rhino48

    Rhino48 Well-Known Member

    Already cut for moon clips, perf center barrel profile, which is sort of take or leave it, but that looks like a decent deal to me if you are looking for a revolver. Looks like a $100 mail in rebate too.

    Smiths quality has slipped recently, but I still prefer S&W to anything else., as do most serious revolver shooters I know. I broke a friends 686+ 3" at the range, only had about 200 rounds through it. A pin broke off the cylinder "hand" and it was kaput. But still, I had a Ruger GP100 and the action quality could never touch the smith and actually function.

    I have about 12k rounds through an early 686+ with only replacing a couple hammer nose bushings - easy cheap fix. had maybe 5k through an older 686 that I stupidly sold.
  11. RonR

    RonR Well-Known Member

    I had a couple trust come back in 2 days recently which is what the non trust 4s have been coming back in for the last few months. But with success comes failure as in many of the popular cans are on back order due to extremely high sales numbers.
    StaccatoFan likes this.
  12. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    Oh for sure. I just didn’t want him to do what I did and forget about the other parts of the process and then get antsy when it takes a month longer than you had built up in your head lol
  13. Rhino48

    Rhino48 Well-Known Member

    I did one through silencershop but didn't have access to a kiosk, so I had to do mail in cards. Luckily I have them at work. But from drunk impulse buy on a sunday night, through doing cards, and the various back and forth with my local transfer guy, I had it in my hands in 12 days. This was NOT a trust, those still take months I've heard.
  14. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    In my case, Silencer Shop + Trust, the issue was getting the other trustees into my trust.
    1x needed to update their photo
    1x needed to give me the correct email he'd created his account with & upload a new photo.
    1x took 2 weeks to create the account (as life happens with his two small kids).
    That probably added 2 weeks to my process.

    Then, as @redtailracing indicated, the back end transfer (from dealer with the can to my local dealer) and the associated updates to Silencer Shop added a couple of weeks.

    Overall, for a 5 week process (now that my trust/trustees are sorted out) that I can buy from my desktop and go pick up is a lot better than it used to be.
  15. Photo

    Photo Well-Known Member

  16. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    On a trust, simply have yourself as the only trustee for that paperwork uploaded to their system.
    Then have an additional trustee addendum with the other names for your official printed copy you keep at home.
    Or opposite - have all your trustees in the original trust, then an addendum stating you revoked membership for the others. Then you can shred that addendum for your copy at home.

    Super easy.
    Canadian Bacon likes this.
  17. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    Don't know that I'd recommend that.
    The whole reason that trustees are now under scrutiny and have to pass the ATF was that ineligible people were able to have access to NFA items via Trusts.

    I don't believe the ATF has tried to validate names on trust vs. names added after the fact via addendum.
    I know I don't want to be their test case, or the one they use to prove a point.
  18. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    That's cool, I could have added check with your lawyer if it makes you feel better.
    My lawyer wrote up my trust and gave that advice, and knows the law very well.

    And it doesn't matter at all when someone is added/removed compared to when items are added. He has done hundreds of thousands of firearms trusts.

    However, check with your lawyer.
  19. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

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