That "Comey is a straight arrow" shit was hilarious. He's a fucking Washington hack. He'll do what he's told like a good little patsy. I bet that conversation Bill had with ol' what's her name our glorious AG was about the consequences should the recommendation go the wrong way. "My friend Bob made some bad choices. He went out to sea one day and didn't check the weather report before he set out. Turns out he went the wrong way and headed into a hurricane. He had his whole family with him. They all drowned and ended up as shark shit. It was very tragic."
Now this I really dont understand how shes running for president. I think this proves intent.
Nah man, Liberals will just remind you that REPUBLICAN head of FBI, James Comey, conducted his extremely thorough investigation and found no wrongdoing....period. In their world, nepotism, fraud, corruption suddenly doesn't exist or apply to them.
I thought he found illegal activity but said that in his opinion there was not intent so he let her skate.
This. As we know the Clintons have been involved in a string of murders going back to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.
And like him, you can't read/interpret statutes worth a damn. You and he would be correct if reading the statute that REQUIRED 'intent'. IIRC, there was another statute immediately before or after the one you are quoting that only required 'negligence' and she was absolutely guilty of that. That's putting aside the fact that the hack [Comey] didn't want to connect her insistence of putting the server in her own home with INTENT, which would have been a cakewalk IMHO. Not that a political hack of a Democrat, like you, (meant w/ love of course) would speak ill of your kind but just curious, did you see the latest video of Clinton, back in 2010, making a video addressing her staff on the importance of properly handling classified info and utilizing the proper protocols put forth by her Dept....using secure computers, etc...? But she just made an innocent mistake.....right? Bottom line is this, there was NFW she was going down [by trial] that wouldn't have eventually brought Barry down with her. There is no way Barry didn't know what she was doing and there's also no way he never emailed her during her tenure as SofS. This case/trial would have brought down his Presidency/Legacy (to the brainless who actually think he has one). Even if true that he didn't, it would have just gone to show you how clueless he was as CIC. Most corrupt Presidency ever, all the shit allegations combined during the Bush years don't measure up to these assclowns.
I strongly suspect that the Clinton's unseemly association with the Princip family is the only reason that Hillary survived that barrage of Bosnian sniper fire. It's truly amazing how far back in history you can find clear evidence of a vast left wing conspiracy.
There is no way a rational person can deny that Obama has created an impressive legacy, albeit perhaps not exactly the one he intended.
Which is a very interesting and very questionable ruling. I did not think that ignorance of the law was ever a valid defense. At least it never was any time I tried to use it...
Your partisanship causes you to reach false conclusions. I'm not voting for Hillary, and I never have. She is the second most despicable person running for president. Also, I was merely stating what Comey said, so your vitriol is misplaced.