Coparenting only works if your coparent isn’t a spiteful, vengeful covert narc that doesn’t hesitate to weaponizing your relationship with your children. Or so I’m told.
Good the way hyperdyne wrote that gave me the impression he thought I didnt want to be a parent. I love being a parent just to be clear.
And don't use a rented woodchipper that has a tracking tag, or use a web enabled/Onstar equipped vehicle. Not that I've thought about this shit...
Try this; Recognize that while you're not perfect, the primary underlying issues lie with her. Something is broken in her. This is someone you care/cared about. Have compassion and empathy for her, understanding she may not actually be able to overcome her own mental demons. Not saying that's easy, but it might help reduce some of the negativity towards yourself. My ex isn't a bad person, but her actions were bad for MY life. Although I'm now insulated from the damage her poor decisions can cause, it still makes me really sad she can't step back and realize she won't ever find happiness until she can acknowledge her issues.
It's a dig at the co-parenting term itself. When I had the facegores I used to get so aggravated at the "look at us co-parenting and how awesome we are." Whatever..
Your good man. I feel for everyone in this thread. Espescially those with kids. Its been a couple of years now and it still sucks when my kids aren't around.
It sucks. And it kinda doesn’t. You appreciate and enjoy the time with them more. AND personally I use the time to do things like cut the grass so we don’t have to do that shit when he’s with me and we can do fun shit. At least that’s how try to make it provide me balance.
All good points. My kids are both teenagers now and I play a small part of their life as most parents do when the kids are finding themselves. When they aren't here, I don't feel like a family anymore. To your point I do chores to keep me busy, clean the house, etc.. But that void still resonates.
My kids are teens as well. I have joint custody; 7 days with them and & 7 days without them. It seemingly is prepping me for the empty nest stage of life earlier than expected. That void that you speak of has gotten smaller. I immerse myself in hobbies and do what I wanna do. That takes the sting out of that once massive void that it once used to be. That and the fact that they are growing and want/need to venture out into the world.
This is completely about her. Doesn't make me wtf any less. Leave your faithful, reliable, gainfully employed but boring introvert husband for a guy with a proven record of being a non-contributor fuckboy... Nothing dries a woman up like a good guy.
This is what keeps me from posting on this thread about the breakup that will be sure to come eventually. I’ve decided that I will endure whatever bullshit is thrown my way so I can see the kids 7 days a week. As many years as I can get that, the better. I just can’t imagine missing such a significant portion of their life. Actually maybe I should be a better person so I don’t have to miss it, but that’s another discussion.
I was a divorce/custody battle scarred kid and my wife knew this. She would threaten child support bullshit at me, whenever I’d try to talk about her stealing large amounts of my money etc. She knew I would endure everything to make sure I didn’t miss a day with my girls. Now she’s sweating bullets since our youngest turned 18 last year. My wife is completely fucking heartless to me………absolute angel to everyone else, so when I’ve gone to friends and family for help, nobody believed me ever. The only reason now that she’s not out on her ass, is I’m trying to keep a ground base for my daughter as she is doing great so far into adulthood. I don’t want to mess up my daughter’s forward path, so I’m yet stuck tolerating my wife still. Only now she knows it, and she now fears I will be going to her elders about all the crap she’s done……….including stealing the money I had set aside to buy my daughters first car. Opinions and differences aside, best of luck!