2023 WERA MotoGP Fantasy League

Discussion in 'General' started by vfrket, Nov 13, 2022.

  1. vfrket

    vfrket Lost Member

    I am in already! Dave has my money :)

    I predict the Ducati's battling each other hard but ultimately Pecco does not repeat and someone else comes out on top at the end of the year with consistency.

    Will it be MM, the Beast, FQ? Can't wait till the real new bikes roll out and real testing begins!
    Youpaiyou, BigBird and gixer1100 like this.
  2. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    uhhh....well ok then....

    Let's see if the modification I make to my algorithm, aka, new darts, will help me rise to the top again. First loser position is better than second loser position, but top step is all I'm looking for next year.
    SundaySocial likes this.
  3. vfrket

    vfrket Lost Member

    So... we are a step closer
  4. Phl218

    Phl218 .


    The Pecco/Beast/MM battle will be glorious
  5. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    Shit I gotta start making some spreadsheets and shit
  6. vfrket

    vfrket Lost Member

    Dave did bring up a good point, sprint race vs Sunday race. What are we gonna do. I can't imagine this makes it easier for the game host
    Phl218 likes this.
  7. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    Truthfully, I think we just stick to Sunday's Race. It's a lot already to deal with, and now we'll have even more information. So yeah Sunday only is my vote
    SuddenBraking, IronCactus and Phl218 like this.
  8. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    Sunday only is my vote too
    BigBird and Phl218 like this.
  9. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    I think it'd be fun to do both races with half points for Saturday just like they score it. But I do also understand it might be a pain to deal with for our gracious host.

    Also, it feels like last season just ended. Can't believe this season is already around the corner. But I'm definitely stoked and ready to get back in.
  10. jksoft

    jksoft Well-Known Member

    I can make it work either way but will need some time to make the changes before the season starts if we decide to include both races.

    I kind of agree with redtail in that it would be interesting to include both days but that is a bigger investment of time for everyone playing.
    IronCactus likes this.
  11. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    Since it seems doable, How about a separate Saturday and Sunday Champ?

    $60 For Saturday only
    $100 For Sunday and $40 for optional Saturday

    Just an idea while it's Jan
  12. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    I'm in but I really want to be able to keep the last round pix for when I'm out of town and aren't able to login to change them.
    That really screwed me last year.

    Honestly a MotoA SBK league would be awesome. :)
  13. jksoft

    jksoft Well-Known Member

    This was in the works last year and if there is enough interest i can finish it for this year. I did have some communication with MA about doing this last year but had a few things get in the way.
  14. backbone

    backbone scarred for life

    Put me down 100% for the MA league. 90% for MotoGP and i haven't been able to watch much of those and I wasted paying for it last year. It's amazing how much racing you are able watch these days. I just don't have enbough time for all of it.
  15. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    I'd absolutely be down for both. Fuck it, World SBK too! :D
  16. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    interesting ideas on how to handle the 2 race format. i dont care either way, just want the season to start! to anyone else on here who doesnt play - if you follow gp, you should. it made the season a lot more interactive for me, and i wonder why i didnt start earlier. thanks to you guys for doing this.
    backbone and BigBird like this.
  17. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    this 100000x

    It really makes you look at everything in a race weekend, and you end up learning a lot about the teams, weather, tires, riders, etc.
  18. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    @dsapsis ready to take our money?

    and To all of the Beeb.....Join the game....it really is a good time!
    IronCactus likes this.
  19. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    One mid pack finisher less this year here. Have fun guys!
  20. vfrket

    vfrket Lost Member

    Midpack, BS, you finished 5th overall! How is that mid-pack!?!? Get your $ out!
    BigBird likes this.

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