I've lived in and traveled to a lot of places. But, I have always said that my ultimate destination will be Spain or Chile. Chile to me is like...
The USNI article is a good article. After reading that, two things come to mind. How does on hit knock out all comms? Is this a design flaw...
Still way to early to speculate on the cause or chain of events that led to this. However, I wonder if an over-reliance upon automation is going...
I kept on meaning to comment on this but kept forgetting. Whoever was on the EBR there, NICE!!! Loved seeing and hearing that out there.
A lot of it depends upon what you are doing and the operational tempo/readiness of the unit. As a flyer, you live by the flight schedule on a...
I guess my humor flew right over your head.:Poke: And technically, they are Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).
I have a few shots of the tight turn that are pretty good. I was trying to get some good shots of guys exiting T3 (crest of the hill?) with the...
Yup, that was me and my little one.
No, those are the manned drones. (a.k.a. Air Force pilots) If you want really cool planes, P-3's are the most awesomest aircraft ever!
I was on the airshow side Saturday as friends I flew with were there for the show. I thought the airshow side was pretty weak. A few good WWII...
Someone rang??
Show me a model for Globalization that has the country with the largest economy and largest resources benefiting. I'm not talking about a...
Here is the response from the troops;
A couple of things here. First off, I never argued preference. Secondly, looking through the past discussion and in the renewed discussion, my...
Separate names with a comma.