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Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by guerrilla, Mar 29, 2003.

  1. guerrilla

    guerrilla Real King of the Jungle

    Why is it that no less than 75% of the country supports what we are doing in IRAQ yet all I here about are the weirdos laying down in the middle of the streets in protest?
  2. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Please afford me the opportunity to address your question. There are two possible answers: 1) Please explain your question, I just don’t get it. 2) You are mean spirited, why are you directing so much hate towards me?

    Please keep in mind that this is just my opinion. Therefore it cannot be brought to task or questioned. Facts are irrelevant in this case.

  3. guerrilla

    guerrilla Real King of the Jungle


    I am truly glad that we live in a country that affords us the opportunity to voice our opinions. My question/opinion is that while it is perfectly within an individuals rights to march, protest and speak out legally it is not within their rights to create a civil disturbance. It is my opinion (and the fact) that a minority of our people feel one way yet a majority of the news coverage regarding support vs. opposition goes to those individuals that chose to do it in an illegal manner.

    Please if it is your OPINION that we are doing the wrong thing or going about it the wrong way do it the way a RESPONSIBLE citizen is supposed to write your congress person. Send letters to newspapers etc. Hold peaceful / respectful demonstrations while remembering that YOUR opinion is just that. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DISRUPT THE LIVES OF OTHER AMERICANS THAT HAVE THEIR OWN OPINIONS.

    No hate intended. I respect your opinion and make it a point to listen to those individuals that respect my opinion and try to respectfully explain their side(I want to hear it). I am not saying I am right, I am not saying the United States is right, I am only saying that IF YOU LAID DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET TO PROTEST YOU ARE WRONG. And a wierdo :p
  4. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    I don't think he got it G 97
  5. guerrilla

    guerrilla Real King of the Jungle

    Please Explain Then??
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    That is what is called a joke. He's making fun of the normal response you get here to most any questions.
  7. guerrilla

    guerrilla Real King of the Jungle

    Mongo I been out for a while thank you so much for clearing this up. So my response was not especially for G97 it was for all the other WIERDOS out there. :eek:
  8. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Why only 75%? Because you couldn't 100% of Americans to agree on anything. Free money? You'd probably get a few voices saying it isn't right. :)
    Plus don't forget that most of the percentages pro or con are merely from a pole of a small number of Americans (calls to 1000 homes or 200 people on the street).
    I could get you numbers saying only 10% of Americans support the war (simply call people in Hollywood). I could also get you numbers saying almost anything you want. Polls are sometime skewed by the pollsters.
  9. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    I would oppose free money because our grandchildren would have to pay for it. :)
  10. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I don't have an kids, much less grandkids, so gimme gimme gimme. ;)
  11. Rat

    Rat Well-Known Member

    You're kidding, right? If all you are hearing about are "the weirdos laying down in the middle of the streets in protests", I have no idea what you're listening to and/or watching. Have you missed all of the videos/cell phone calls/videophones from the battlefield? Have you missed all of the generals showing you videos of crap we've blown up? Have you missed all of the retired military people with their maps, 3-D images of Bradley fighting vehicles, tanks, rockets, missles, etc.? Have you missed all of Rumsfeld's 'reports'? Did you miss Dubya' and Tony Blair?
  12. Slider82

    Slider82 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Why

    I believe he was referring to what we are seeing portrayed as the coverage of the anti-war sentiment in the US, if I'm wrong I'm sure he'll correct me.
    The people lying in the road are anti-American, not pacifist.
  13. pseudocode

    pseudocode Well-Known Member

    Because those of us who understand the need for military action in Iraq also understand that those who oppose it do so based on emotions and not facts. This is evident each and every time you see one of them interviewed on radio or TV. Their response is usually, "war is never the right answer" or "violence is never justified." Well, what exactly does that mean? On what concrete evidence are these statements based? These statements contain no facts. Conversely, those who support the military action in Iraq put forth valid reasons which overshadow the reality that war Is, indeed hell. I can honestly say that I would prefer military action not be necessary. But, I recognize that in this instance, it is.

    Because most that support the military action recognize that its opponents are not rational, most don't bother to try to counter their argument. When emotions cloud rational thinking, trying to break through with logic and rational thought is like banging your head against a brick wall.
  14. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    Re: Re: Why

    Which is exactly what some of us think when we view your juvenile logo :D
  15. pseudocode

    pseudocode Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Why

    Lighten-up dude. Even we "tight collared right-wing conservatives" have a sense of humor. Yes - my logo may be viewed as juvenile. But it is intended as humor and I can back my views up with facts.
  16. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    Re: Re: Re: Why

    I'd debate that point. I'm not out protesting, but I feel a little different than you about those that do.

    I'm very patriotic, I think we have the best country in the world. But if I feel we're headed in the wrong direction I believe it's my right and my duty to speak out and take action.

    Just bitching about a situation does no good (that foes for BOTH sides). If one really believes in their stance, go out and change by example and involvement... not name callling, bitching and stone throwing.

    Both sides of this degate are out there marching these days... I think that's GREAT. Just slapping a flag or a peace symbol on the back of a car is as far as most people care to go with it... I'm glad to see some folks getting off their asses. I got all the volunteer time I can spare in a different area and leave this one alone.
  17. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Why

    I think you mean you can interpret the facts to support your point of view, just like those with opposite viewpoints use the same info to get a different conclusion. You can't prove either point is correct.
  18. pseudocode

    pseudocode Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why

    Fair enough. :) This is obviously possible as evidenced by the spinning of facts by media and academia to push the country leftward over the years. Yet despite this, the majority of Americans still support the military conflict in Iraq.
  19. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why

    I wondered when one of you guys would start screaming the liberal-media-bias theme song again. Please support your claim with some FACTS (sorry, couldn’t resist):D

    I think you might be surprised with some of today's campuses. When I was teaching the last few years the student body was considerably conservative and the faculty I worked with, whether conservative OR liberal, usually tried to keep their viewpoints OUT of the curriculum.

    When I taught freshman how to write persuasive essays, I let them choose a controversial current event topic and dig up 10 “facts” to support their view. The following week they had to use the same 10 facts and write an essay supporting the opposing side. They learned to look at both sides of an issue and develop and support a reasoned argument (gawd forbid that happen on the BBS).
  20. pseudocode

    pseudocode Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why

    There are a myriad of examples out there but have neither the time nor energy to go hunting for them. I do recall a recent incident where a college professor disallowed the use of conservative sources in the crafting of essays. I will however point to a recent survey.

    The Luntz Research Companies, a respected polling company, conducted a survey last spring of the opinions of the liberal arts and social science faculty at Ivy League colleges and universities.

    Only 3% identified themselves as Republican, while 57% admitted they are Democrats.

    64% identified themselves as liberal, 23% as moderate, and only 6% as conservative.

    Here is how they voted in the 2000 election: 61% for Al Gore, 5% for Ralph Nader, 6% for George W. Bush, and 28% either did not vote or refused to answer.

    Here is how they answered the question "who do you think has been the best President in the past 40 years?": 26% Bill Clinton, 17% John F. Kennedy, 15% Lyndon Johnson, 13% Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan came in a poor fifth at 4%.

    79% said George W. Bush's political views are "too conservative."

    74% said that we "should not spend the money that would be required for research and possible development of a missile defense system."

    61% believe "the federal government should do more to solve our country's problems" rather than individuals, communities or private enterprise.

    80% disagree that "if the federal budget has a surplus in any a given year, this money should be returned to taxpayers in the form of a tax cut."

    I think this qualifies as a "liberal bias." I know you'll counter that by asserting that despite the overwhelmigly liberal views by those polled, their approach toward their students was surely neutral. I think it only human to impart one's views on those over whom one has so much influence. Especially when those over whom one has so much influence happen to be college students who are so easily influenced.

    "Any man who is under 30 and is a conservative, has no heart. And any man who is over 30 and is a liberal, has no brain."

    -- Sir Winston Chuchill

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