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This is crazy

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by lrrs517, Jul 7, 2018.

  1. Montoya

    Montoya Well-Known Member

    Are officers allowed to use pepper spray or mace, on kids? Almost imagine that could have been more effective and less intense to use.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Don't know, but the outcry probably would have been even louder.
  3. jase

    jase Your kind makes me sick!!

    ...also, being an asshole and mouthing off to LEO isn't against the law. Maybe not recommended, but not illegal.
  4. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    True. I'm all for exercising your right to be stupid, but if you wake up dead, your rights mean jack.
  5. jase

    jase Your kind makes me sick!!

    As a LEO, if you cant restrain yourself because a bunch of snot nose kids are talking shit to you, you may have thin skin and maybe look to do something else.
    That LEO, got raddled because a bunch of kids were yelling and calling him names.
  6. condon66

    condon66 Member well known

    You've got to be freakin kidding me. Had he sprayed one of those little shits with mace that whole fuckin county would have been on fire! He pulled the gun because he knew if the kids came any closer he would lose control of the situation. Once a LEO loses control of a bad situation, his life, and the lives of all involved, become threatened. By doing what he did he immediately took control of the situation. Nobody was hurt, or sprayed with mace, or anything else. If you don't want a cop to pull a gun on you, don't continue to approach them when they tell you to get back. What the fuck is so hard to understand about that?
    BHP41 likes this.
  7. condon66

    condon66 Member well known

    I don't know what version you watched but the version I saw showed he pulled his gun after telling them to get back numerous times until they were close enough to almost touch him. Your statement that he did it because they were calling him names is fucking pathetic.
  8. rafa

    rafa Well-Known Member

    You cant blame the cop for pulling the gun out. I will be the first to say that i dont know what are the parameters to pull a gun out or not to.
    But if the kids had just backed out when he told them to, no gun was going to be pulled out.

    The number of "issues" with cops would be dramatically lower if people just did what the cop asked them to. Cops are there just trying to do their job, almost all of them are not waking up in the morning trying to get into conflicts with citizens.
  9. jase

    jase Your kind makes me sick!!

    They're kids. Kids dont always do what they are told. His life was not threaten in anyway. He's a fucking pussy for pulling a gun on kids.
  10. condon66

    condon66 Member well known

    The whiners, like jase, do not understand the concept of doing exactly what a LEO tells you to do. Then when there is a result that follows that noncompliance their job is to defend the unruly citizens who threaten the safety of others.
    BHP41 and rafa like this.
  11. condon66

    condon66 Member well known

  12. jase

    jase Your kind makes me sick!!

    Yea, i forgot, you're a bad ass.

    For me, when it comes to kids, you have to show a bit more restraint. Just my opinion. Right or wrong, it's my opinion.
  13. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck


    Yeah and with pack mentality if a couple decided to jump him the rest would have piled on in seconds.
    brex likes this.
  14. jase

    jase Your kind makes me sick!!

    No, it's not pathetic, it's an opinion.
  15. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Then the parents need to be shot. I really don't think you have enough information to determine the threat level. In some locales, that many kids would end your life and you would never find the remains.
  16. condon66

    condon66 Member well known

    Ok, fine. Then it's a pathetic opinion.
    Rebel635, BHP41, brex and 2 others like this.
  17. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    They are still alive, that is restraint.
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  18. jase

    jase Your kind makes me sick!!

    Do your kids always do what they are told? When you was in your parents house, did you always do what your parents told you to do?

    Kids are kids. They dont always listen, they dont always do what they are told. Pulling a gun on children, for me is a bit over the top. That's all im saying. Other may feel different about it, and that's ok, it's their opinion. It's not right, wrong or pathetic, it's their opinion.
  19. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    I might not have always done what my parents told me, but I would dang sure do what a police officer or frankly anyone with a gun told me to do. The problem is the media, video games and the parents teach these brats to defy and harass the police instead of respect them.

    Every time I watch Live PD, I feel sorry for the police and the morons they have to deal with on a regular basis. I would lose my mind dealing with that much stupidity every day.
    jksoft, bigtime, G 97 and 3 others like this.
  20. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Hat fits both ways. He told them to back off multiple times ... they didn’t listen. So he should wait until the mob mentality they were already displaying led to other less desirable outcomes, then get blamed after the fact for not controlling the scene? They don’t always listen. They weren’t listening. They were getting bolder. He made a decision to ensure they listened. That got their attention and they listened from that point on. While possibly extreme, it got the desired results with no injury or further issue. Seems like it should be viewed as a win given that the racist, bigoted, blood-thirsty officer didn’t kill or maim anyone, no? But then what would you bitch about?

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