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Ronald Reagan is coming to....

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Dave K, Jul 12, 2003.

  1. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    And you forgot that Roosevelt was the one who pushed for use of the a-bomb on innocent civilians, although it was after he was dead that it was actually dropped on them,. By Truman.

  2. mtk

    mtk All-Pro Bike Crasher

    Which saved 400,000 to 1,000,000 American servicemen's lives, by avoiding the invasion of Japan. Given that 400,000 men were killed, in total, in WWII, we're not talking about insignificant numbers of people.

    They weren't "innocent civilians" either. They were citizens of an agressor nation that ATTACKED US. They deserved EVERYTHING they got.
  3. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    I agree. All those 5 year olds deserved to be turned into crispy critters. Fuck 'em. They were wrong to have sided with Japan and desrved to die - slowly - painfully. And i hear those five year olds were getting ready to defend the homeland. We had to kill them.

    And i also agree that killing 50,000 innocent kids was OK b/c it was a relatively small number as compared to what those real bad guys the Nazis did.

  4. No, I didn't forget. Roosevelt funded the development of atomic weapons because it was believed that Hitler might come up with one, and Hitler had automated delivery technology. Roosevelt wanted to use the A-bomb on Germany, on behalf of Stalin.

    It's sadly ironic that Stalin's best buddy among the Western powers was responsible for the Cold War.
  5. I don't know why I'm responding to this, because I promised myself last time I wouldn't, but....Roger, you have no idea what you're talking about. mtk is totally correct, as shown by statements by the Japanese government.

    So Rodger, tell me about the leaflets. You know about the leaflets, right?
  6. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    If I did, I forgot. Let's hear it.
  7. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Too bad the war with Germany awas over before we could a-bomb them too. Those Nazi kids were worse than those Jap kids!
  8. Why bother? All you'll do is post another stupid, dismissive one-liner. Not worth it.
  9. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Oh go ahead. i promise I'll give a serious answer.

    And it is you chum who is dismissive - at least i repond with sarcasm.;)

  10. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Yeah the Roosevelt that led us through the most crippling economic times the world had ever seen. The Roosevelt who, for all intense purposes, let us to victory in World War II. Yeah the Roosevelt who instituted such horrible things as Social Security, unemployment insurance, overtime pay and the 40 hour work week. The Roosevelt who though he was for intense purposes a cripple, through sheer will kept England supplied to fight.

    Oh yeah, Roosevelt was dead for months when they dropped the Atom bomb on Japan. Up until the point it was dropped, the Soviets were told nothing about the bomb (even though spies sold the secrets to them, but that's another discussion).

    You'd do better to attack Teddy Roosevelt.

    NEXT! :Poke:
  11. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Waiting. Patiently.
  12. Keep waiting. It builds character.
  13. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Oh pleeeaaassseee?
  14. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I'll play with you Poughkeepsie boy. :D

    Sling shots at 20 paces? :D
  15. Give me a more difficult target next time! ;)

    From Historian Paul Johnson:

    "....The received view is that Hoover, because of his ideological attachment to laissez-faire, refused to use government money to reflate the economy and so prolonged and deepened the Depression until the election of Roosevelt, who then promptly reversed official policy, introducing the New Deal, a form of Keynesianism, and pulled America out of the trough. Hoover is presented as the symbol of the dead, discredited past, Roosevelt as the harbinger of the future, and the benevolent new managed economics and social welfare of Keynes. Such a version of events began as the quasi-journalistic propaganda of Roosevelt's colleagues and admirers and was then constructed into a solid historical matrix by two entire generations of liberal-democrat historians.

    This most durable of historical myths has very little truth to it. The reality is much more complex and interesting."
  16. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Propaganda or truth, I'd vote TODAY for the long dead liberal Democrat chair jockey.

    That's saying a lot, since I'm a staunch Republican. :D
  17. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    But of course its too complex for slowboy to post post here.
  18. Why allow me to spoon-feed knowledge to you, when you can buy the book and learn something on your own?
  19. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    or should i say scaredboy?:Poke: :D

    I slay me.

    And this must be Evil Dave K, talkin' all warm and fuzzy about a Commie like FDR.

    And enough with the Pougkeepsie Boy crap. i was the Mean Bad Motherf%^&er of Mansion Street.

  20. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    You are too funny history boy. Give a guy a computer and he thinks he knows everything.;)

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