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New Mozilla CEO - Anti Prop 8

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Dutch, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Incidentally, I really like that man.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    He is shaking things up a bit, for sure. I haven't followed him all that closely, but he does appear to be trying to live a good example.
  3. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

  4. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    Sherman. He gave ol' Johnny Reb the what's for.
  5. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    This presupposes that any religious person is incapable of independent thought. I don't believe that this is true. Religions have adapted over time and will in all likelihood continue to do so. There are several Christian sects that accept homosexual marriage. This was certainly not the case historically.
    As far as arriving at your beliefs on your own, no one has a blue sky belief system. You are the product of your experiences and your intellect.
  6. Sweatypants

    Sweatypants I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    i would find it hard for you to argue that it doesn't lean EXTREMELY in the other direction, as many conversations or debates tend to end with "well, that's god's will" or "but that's what the bible says." not saying that its impossible to muster independent thought, but it'd be damn hard.

    and keep in mind, this is not addressing the half-assed christian/jew/muslim/etc... that goes to their respective church like 3 times a year or less or on big holidays only. because those aren't the people that are bringing it up as their reasoning for a decision anyways. im sure there's plenty of christians that don't give a damn and still identify themselves as being christian if asked... but a guy (the Mozilla CEO for example) who goes out of their way to voice their viewpoint within reference to their faith is not part of that group.

    also, thanks for the Sherman correct.
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I think you are confusing thoughts and beliefs.

    For instance, thinking can make you question your faith when certain events occur in life. You lose a child to cancer, there is a very real possibility that you might ask yourself is a loving God would do that to you and start having serious doubts. Your beliefs eventually bring you back to that faith.

    By the way, this is the second post today that I made up as I went along in response to your questions. I'm enjoying this conversation. Makes me think. :)
  8. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I'm not sure I equate a donation with going out of the way to voice a viewpoint. I give to any number of organizations, some more than others. I don't consider myself rabidly devoted to the cause of any of them. Faith is not necessarily a bad reason for holding a position. Quite frankly, the louder someone is in claiming their faith, the more skeptical I am of their actual beliefs. I find many of them to be opportunistic shysters and no different that those pandering to supporters of the other side. When it comes to political power, "whatever works" is the real mantra.
  9. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Christian fundamentalists are just as misguided as militant LGBT activists. I'll give you that. It's only somewhere in the middle that progress can be made. Whether or not you approve of the actions of this particular CEO, his career should not be on the line because of his beliefs. I haven't followed the case closely. Was he confrontational or belittling in his actions?
  10. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    The faith issue means nothing in this case, the important issue is the attempt to bully into silence those who disagree with you politically.
    Telling someone they have no right to voice their opinion would seem to fly in the face of tolerance and respecting people's rights.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Finer points of Christianity require a full huge set of beliefs that aren't changeable or debatable.
  12. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

    The one thing y'all seem to be missing is that no one is forcing him to step down. No congressman or law enforcement officer is stripping him for his chair. He has the right to express his beliefs. And so do those who don't agree with him. As loud as they want. Period.
  13. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Please define the belief they are expressing with this behavior.
  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The belief that he is wrong....
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    The belief that people should know this about him.
  16. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

  17. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Okay. We know. Now STFU.
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Pardon me I have to go remove Firefox from my computer.
  19. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

  20. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    The only difference is those that don't believe in that lifestyle can't run a shame campaign without being strung up by their tows.

    When a florist says I won't supply flowers for your gay wedding it's discrimination. When OKCupid says we won't let Mozilla users access our content it's a stand against intolerance.

    Hypocrite much.

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