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Discussion in 'General' started by Pitlizard, Oct 24, 2001.


    GSXRGIRL Guest

    I don't have any vacation days left cause we got stranded on the honeymoon. Plus, we aren't racing this weekend just hanging out and helping some friends in their pits. We will be there Saturday morning bright and early. Just wait until you see my costume. [​IMG]
  2. Guoseph

    Guoseph Soil Sampler

    Unfortunately, I do have a deadline on Friday morning. But I will be checking in while compiling code and downloading and all that BS [​IMG]
  3. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    Just in case you get your boobs, here's a warning I received via e-mail. It sounds pretty serious....a word of caution

    Subject: FW: Mrs. Obvious... Scam Warning...

    This was sent to me by a female friend of mine. Do not ignore this! I
    think it's real.

    I don't generally send these scam warnings, but this one is
    serious; I think you'd be wise to take it seriously. If you have women
    in your life that you love, please make them aware of this.

    f a man comes to your front door saying he is conducting a
    survey and asks you to show him your boobs . . .


    This is a scam, and he is only trying to SEE YOUR BOOBS.

    I wish I had heard about this before yesterday. I feel so stupid.
  4. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    Dontcha mean BBS? [​IMG]
  5. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    So, you're here, aren't ya?? [​IMG]
  6. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    Wow!! You take credit cards! HOT DAMN! [​IMG]

    A quarter, huh? Hmmm...with my current financial situation I'll have to split that between several different cards, but I think I can swing it...
  7. Guoseph

    Guoseph Soil Sampler

    Wonder where she swipes it? [​IMG]

    I'm gonna go wash my brain now...it's been a dirty dirty morning between this thread and the pearl necklace thread [​IMG]
  8. Go Karter

    Go Karter Well-Known Member

    Somebody call weirdos?

    Whaddya want?
  9. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    Duuuuuuddde! [​IMG]

    Well said, 10 points for Guo! [​IMG]

    And that pearl neckalce portion of the other thread is just wrong. Well, at least here on this family oriented BBS...heh.
  10. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Well I could say i swiped it in the bountiful "cleavage" of my breasts - BUT you guys haven't given to the Boob fund, yet... so therefore there are no breasts to speak of.

    [This message has been edited by pitlizard (edited 10-25-2001).]
  11. Guoseph

    Guoseph Soil Sampler

    Looks like you've got yourself a Catch-22 there. In order to have money for the boob job, you must have cleavage to swipe the credit cards; yet without the money from the credit cards, you can't get a boob job and obtain the cleavage with which to swipe the credit cards. [​IMG]

    Apparently my self induced washing of the brain did not work this morning [​IMG]
  12. Guoseph

    Guoseph Soil Sampler

    LOL, the lurker thread has gone to two pages!

    And it only took us one set of boobs (or lack there of, apparently) to get us here.

    Way to go lurkers! Keep it up!
  13. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    One set of boobs (w/soccer butt) and several bizarre brains. [​IMG] [​IMG]
  14. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    Well, I certainly don't want you to wipe my credit card(s) anywhere else! Those things have to go back in my wallet, ya know! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  15. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    Okay - stop giving me visuals. I can't stop laughing...

    2 pages - WOWZERS! Lurkers rule!

    I'm gonna have to come out of the Batcave more often.

    GSXRGIRL Guest

    I contributed a little to this thread, don't my (*)(*) count?? [​IMG]
  17. Sean Jordan

    Sean Jordan Well-Known Member

    This is sad. So very sad. I can't wait until all the normal people come back. I'm bored off my ass here!
  18. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    Well, since you apparently don't need surgical enhancement, yes, your (*)(*) count quite a bit! [​IMG]

    (though, alas, you are married, so they don't count as much as they might have otherwise!! [​IMG] )
  19. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    GSXRGIRL - let's not start with the one-ups -man-ship! I can just see you standing there with your hands on your hips saying "My boobs are better than her boobs".

    Small chested girls need love too. [​IMG]
  20. EMathy

    EMathy Dreaming of a *****...

    So go start yer own thread and entertain yourself over there. [​IMG]

    Stop rainin' on the parade, eh? [​IMG] [​IMG]

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