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Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by prospected, May 9, 2017.

  1. mtcam77

    mtcam77 Well-Known Member

    Because it's not in pictures?
  2. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    In 2017 unnamed sources = fabrication.

    The media made it this way. It's their bed to lay in.
  3. LilBabyGirl

    LilBabyGirl Whiney Cunt

    Wow what a shit show. And it's only been a hundred days! :crackup:
    SnacktimeKC likes this.
  4. Newsshooter

    Newsshooter Well-Known Member

    It's only in russian pictures since they were the only ones allowed. :)
  5. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    100 hundred of obstruction from the Democraps. 100 days of Democraps refusing to respect the rule of law, refusing to accept the legally elected leader of this country, 100 days of treason if you ask me.

    This is a cold civil war and it will not end soon. The Dems will continue to "resist" and either Trump will stay or eventually the Dems will regain power, at which time all Republicans owe it to their party, themselves, and this country to resist that Dem leader with an equal level of viciousness that they have shown our guy.

    Compromise is over. Forever.
  6. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    Obstruction from the Democrats!?!? The Republicans have a majority in the House and the Senate, and he still can't get shit done. Don't blame just the Democrats.
    Not to mention if Obama or Clinton did what Trump just did in regards to classified information half the people on this forum would be calling for their heads.
  7. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    Yeah, there is no obstruction:


    And FWIW, Trump has the right to reveal anything he wishes to anyone he wishes. Sorry you dont like that but your scandal is a nothingburger. It is being pumped up to distract from the legislative agenda and it will work.

    Lawfare said it best:

    First, this is not a question of “leaking classified information” or breaking a criminal law. Let’s dispense with one easy rabbit hole that a lot of people are likely to go down this evening: the President did not “leak” classified information in violation of law. He is allowed to do what he did. If anyone other than the President disclosed codeword intelligence to the Russians in such fashion, he’d likely be facing a long prison term. But Nixon’s infamous comment that “when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal” is actually true about some things. Classified information is one of them. The nature of the system is that the President gets to disclose what he wants.
  8. Newsshooter

    Newsshooter Well-Known Member

  9. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

  10. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    When you rely on the ignorance of the populace to further your agenda, you cannot lose. Go Dems.
  11. speeddaddy

    speeddaddy Well-Known Member

    The swamp is thick. 96% of Washington voted against Trump. Battle of epic proportions, impressed he has the balls to even attempt it.
  12. pkaustin

    pkaustin Well-Known Member

  13. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Resistance from all the entrenched cronies would be a better way to describe it. All those lifetime crooks like McCain are just as bad as the Dems. Drain the Swamp!
    turtlecreek and SnacktimeKC like this.
  14. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    Whole heartedly agree, term limits! But McConnell said that was a dealbreaker out of the gate, as I'm sure Chuck Schumer would.
  15. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    It's going to take the will of the people to force term limits on them. They'll never willingly give up power, it's far too lucrative. It will most likely take a constitutional amendment. I'm curious of anyone, anywhere, has begun the grass roots efforts to get this done?
  16. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    No mention of classified information anywhere in those tweets.
    Once again, much ado about nothing.
    Although it is rich that they would bring up revealing classified data after they defended Hillary for spreading classified documents all over DC and beyond.
  17. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    I recall that Marty Meehan ran on a platform of term limits. Not only was he going to try for term limits for all, he swore he would voluntarily limit his term.


    Meehan successfully ran for the House in 1992 on a platform of reform, including a commitment to pushing through term limits for members of the House. As part of that platform, Meehan made a pledge not to serve more than four terms. On the House floor in 1995 he scolded members who might go back on their promise to limit their tenure in office. "The best test of any politicians' credibility on term limits," he said, "is whether they are willing to put their careers where their mouths are and limit their own service." Despite his pledge, Meehan again ran for Congress in the year 2000, exceeding four terms.

    He is currently President of UMass, a traditional political payoff position in MA.
    This is your dedicated man of the people who was going to go to Washington and change things.
    It took about 2 seconds before he was bought and paid for.
    Money changes everything.
  18. jeffr1ey

    jeffr1ey Well-Known Member

    most of the guys on here are dug in deeper than an Alabama tick.. lol.. :D
  19. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    I thought Newt Gingrich's contract with America also had term limits in it? But like it's been said, once you get all that money and power it's pretty hard to walk away from.
    turtlecreek likes this.
  20. Newsshooter

    Newsshooter Well-Known Member

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