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Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by prospected, May 9, 2017.

  1. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Would you have an issue with how I spent my money if it was of detriment to you? What if I spent it to hire somebody to burn your house down?

    A rich person should not have more representation in congress than a poor person.
  2. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Oh fucking please.

    You hire someone to burn my house down you've committed a crime against my property. If you're going to fabricate a relevant simile, do so.

    And a rich person has no more representation than a poor person. Access, perhaps? Influence, perhaps. But certainly no more representation. If that ridiculous assertion were correct then I'm denied equal representation since my US senators are both dyed-in-the-wool fucktardio dumbocraps. :moon:
  3. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    OK let me set something straight for you.

    First EVERYONE that was in the room says the story is shit. So unless the spies are still spying on our president or someone illegally bugged the room it is BS. Some of the 'sources' are people from the Obama administration who would not have been present.

    Second the ultimate person who can declassify ANY information is...... wait for it......... the president. So yes Obama and BJ Clinton could disperse information legally, Hillary was only president in Hollywood's wet dream. So while I object to some of what the Clinton presidency released if authorized by BJ then it was legal. As to Obama I am not aware of him doing it nor his people outside of Hillary whom Obama said was not authorized.

    Put down the bottle it is to early :beer:
    R Acree likes this.
  4. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Now if Fox News had said that Barry had slipped classified information to the.... heck, ....the Muslims!

    Phuckin' Hell , no fake news then fo'sure!.... :crackup:
    DirtTrackin221 and SnacktimeKC like this.
  5. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    "everybody in the room" you mean everybody that works for Trump and is loyal to him? Sorry, I'm not going to take their word for it since this administration has proven time and time again it has no idea what it's talking about.
  6. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    As opposed to many on the left that do know and intentionally mislead? Which is worse?
  7. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Instead you are trusting someone that was not there :whoosh:

    OK then on that note should I tell you about the threesome between Hillary, Justice Ginsberg and Bernie Sanders while BJ and Barack watched and threw small pickles at them? I mean I wasn't there but it had to happen right?
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I'm going to lose 30 lbs getting that mental picture out of my mind. :Puke:
    XFBO and sheepofblue like this.
  9. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Extreme hyperbole but still the same narrative. In a more realistic example, I use my money to buy political influence and rezone your neighborhood so I can build cheap apartments at the end of your street. As a result, your house value drops by 50%.
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    It is not remotely close to the same narrative. You've gotta be freebasing some damn good elmers glue to think so.
  11. LilBabyGirl

    LilBabyGirl Whiney Cunt

    This just keeps getting better! Bwahahaha!
  12. pkaustin

    pkaustin Well-Known Member

  13. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    They're both equally as Bad in my book, I knew whoever won between Hillary and Trump would be the most corrupt president in history...
  14. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member


    Back on topic, I don't trust anybody in that White House right now. What's even scarier is the fact that he didn't know the information was classified, or where it came from. I mean, how out of touch is this guy? again if this were Obama or if Hillary would've one and it was her, this page would be going berserk.
    jase likes this.
  15. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I use my money to make your house worthless :D
  16. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Still functions as a house?

    Cool. Guess I'm not out anything since I bought a house, and not a pile of money. :moon:
  17. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Lately it appears that the Democrats might be gaining some ground with their plan to get Trump out of office. Just in the last week we've seen two major dustups get plastered all over the news constantly. Of course there's the Russian/Trump connection story that's been going on since forever. Then we have the story about Trump spilling sensitive intel to the Russians and today it seems that Trump ordered, or at least suggested, that Comey drop his investigation on Flynn. It's difficult to think that all of it is BS put out by the Democrats so maybe some of it's true. At this point who knows? I know I, at least for one, am getting really tired and discouraged with the happenings going on in Washington and want it to end.

    With Trump's reputation of popping off without actually thinking about what's falling out of his mouth I'm beginning to think that maybe there's something to part of these news stories so maybe one of my hopes from a year ago might be coming true. I always hoped that Trump would beat Sanders and Hillary and get elected then within a few months kicked out of office leaving Pence as President. Trump drives me nuts because he's such a frigging idiot.
  18. Newsshooter

    Newsshooter Well-Known Member

    No, no, it's all lies and fake news, Trump is a tremendously impressive, tremendous, I mean really really good as president. :D
  19. Hooper

    Hooper Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna have to agree with Orvis on this one. I can't even turn on the news anymore. :(
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  20. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    It takes money to run campaigns or to buy ads. That's speech.
    Citizens United levels the playing field for groups that are affected by legislation but could not pool their money to represent themselves.
    The less control over political speech, the better. Who are you to determine who can say what?
    It's not free speech if you're in charge of political speech.

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