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"Go fund me" racers all over my facebook

Discussion in 'General' started by nigel smith, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. shakazulu12

    shakazulu12 Well-Known Member

    I've seen several that weren't even racing yet.
  2. BSA43

    BSA43 Well-Known Member

    I remember (way back when) that racers would print and sell t-shirts to help with expenses.

    I guess the internet has made begging too easy for anyone to go to that much trouble now.
  3. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Yes. :up:
  4. John29

    John29 Road racing since 1973

    Yeah Draik seems to be a hard worker. Kudos to him, and his parents.
  5. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Another reason I'm glad to not be on Facebook :D
  6. John29

    John29 Road racing since 1973

    Last year some kid I met once at Fontana asked me to fund his racing in Europe and I explained to him that I was already fully committed and couldn't help him. So his dad fires off a nasty gram addressed to Roadracing World saying what a bad guy I am for not agreeing to fund his 13 year old's racing program! My point is, some people just feel entitled.
  7. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    That's amazing. The example that sets for that kid is horrible.

    Ride safe,
  8. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Draik definitely puts the work in. Whether in racing or another endeavour, it will serve him well. I fear the kids who benefit from handouts are receiving the wrong lessons.
  9. OGs750

    OGs750 Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'm missing something here, but how is this different than the thread from last week where a member was asking for assistance to get a relative to band camp? People were quick to say that helping a child fulfill a dream of band camp was a noble thing to do. What if the kid wanted to go to a race school instead?

    Just playing devil's advocate. I'm not paying for another persons hobby.
  10. Rebel635

    Rebel635 Well-Known Member

    There's a dude in Toronto who's looking for donations to get a bike. Here's the kicker. He prefers an 08+ R6. Man there is no shame left.
  11. KWyman133

    KWyman133 Well-Known Member

    Go fund yourself.

    Oh, and kudos to Draik as well :up:
  12. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Because what happens at band camp stays at band camp......

  13. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    Not at all. If you do not want to donate any, move along and dont complain about it
  14. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    NO, the internet has made it too easy for people to slag and complain about other people
  15. backcountryme

    backcountryme Word to your mother.

    That is nuts.

    BTW wanna sponsor my daughter. HAHA :D
  16. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    I hold no love for the gofundme generation of racers...but I have asked for donations in the past so I guess I can't throw stones. But then again I still live at home and drive a 1999 Saturn to be able to afford to do what I do.

    shit...even racers (myself) who do proper fundraisers get flamed once in a while. I have never done one without it being some sort of raffle so the donors had a chance to win something but even that backfired on me with the now defunct NESBA forum a couple years ago.

    I have more of a problem with kids out there making comments about working hard all kinds of b/s when their parents are the ones funding their racing. They have no idea what it means...

    But in the grand scheme of things...I have no problem with people asking...it's a free world. You choose to donate or not. The more people that do it though lessens the chance of ANYONE getting any return out of it so they're all just hurting eachother.

    Rant over. :)
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
  17. ped

    ped Banned

    It's almost as bad as asking for a sponsorship
  18. 675AV8R

    675AV8R Jetski Extraordinaire

    You're exactly who I was thinking of in regards to professional racing. Your funding effort was for the freaking Macau GP. That's damn cool and unique.
  19. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    Healthy Rant
  20. OGs750

    OGs750 Well-Known Member


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