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Cuting Groves in Slicks to make DOT's: How? info..

Discussion in 'General' started by gelly, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. vonstallin

    vonstallin Я - Ребенок Люциферов

    First off, Fuck you and check your own spelling asshole.

    Second, anyone who know me, knows I would never create a Post on my local BBS then create a false name on here of a chick I had legal issues with.

    Its someone from my local BBS, and while they find it funny, Once I find out who. I will be laughing also.

    Anyway, can a Admin IP bann this person.

    Oh, and the quote "Яêa£ ÑÏggÅz DΘηt Diê " came from my favorite NWA song and WERA is not the place I would even use or say that.

    Ok, Im going to bed before I get mad.

    The only good thing is that the OP is local, and as god as my witness I will catch up with him.

    PM me the IP address so I can get my other mod buddys to track him on my loacal BBS.

    Sorry, that you had to go thru this BS.
  2. GSVR 946

    GSVR 946 Banned

    fuck that. just ban both of your dumbass'...Yours for asking about cutting shitty slicks, and the other retard for being a troll.
  3. vonstallin

    vonstallin Я - Ребенок Люциферов

    And as any Admin can tell, All my log ins are from the same 2 to 3 addresses inside of DC.

    The only thing that tip me off that something was going on over here was Demented FBing me and saying Cut the tires... I was like...um, ok. Then read my post on .NET then came over here and was awe struck at the 10 pages.
  4. vonstallin

    vonstallin Я - Ребенок Люциферов

  5. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

  6. Handicapped Racer

    Handicapped Racer Well-Known Member

    I see someone's been watching too much of season 5 of the wire.

    Change it to Marlo Stanfield!
  7. Handicapped Racer

    Handicapped Racer Well-Known Member

    A whole lot. That's a pretty huge area. imagine the drive from down town atlanta to Road A exit that's pretty large swuare mile area.
  8. Handicapped Racer

    Handicapped Racer Well-Known Member

    No not I said the , Nor me said the flea!
  9. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    awwww shit...Omar comin!!!
  10. gelly

    gelly Active Member

  11. sk8rat

    sk8rat Well-Known Member

    Dis b some funny ish son
  12. bEeR

    bEeR Hookers & Blow

    I hate trying to read shit that isn't spelled correctly, who talks like that anyways.
  13. oldmonk

    oldmonk Just trying something!

    It's a joke, but somebody is not laughing.
    Goodbye Gover, i mean grover, wait groover, Oh hell! bye Gelly, it was fun for some while it lasted.
  14. oldmonk

    oldmonk Just trying something!

    It's a joke, but somebody is not laughing.
    Goodbye Gover, i mean grover, wait groover, Oh hell! bye Gelly, it was fun for some while it lasted.
  15. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

  16. Cannoli

    Cannoli Typical Uccio

    This thread is a cluster fcuk, no doubt. But I know Moe and can't for the life of me see him acting like this. I've been wrong before, but my gut instinct tells me it's not him posting as gelly or whatever that screen name is.
  17. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    Asking the question isn't a bad thing per se, and Moe's actually really good people both on and off the BBS. No reason to call for him being banned.
  18. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Dang! I was hoping this was directed at 2Fer. :D
  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I meant real not fake ass wannabes :D

    I knew I'd heard the term before too - the NWA song is it.
  20. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    I clicked the 'Like' button for this thread.

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