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Announcement of Pulsejet Project combustor construction phase completion!!

Discussion in 'General' started by E=MC2, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. E=MC2

    E=MC2 Well-Known Member

    he didn't have the acoustics right. Fluid dynamics are something I have yet to learn and is why my project is going to be based on the different thrusts produced by using different fuels. I understand stoichiometry and bond enthalpies so I can do that. Eric Beck of www.beck-technologies.com provided me with a pulsejet design that has some of the best acoustical properties of all his designs. I'm planning on using water injection to create more thrust using the excess heat (yes it works, and very well) so increased the tailpipe and intake length slightly to compensate for a more powerful force coming from the combustion chamber. One of the limits of water injection is that it will actually blow the flamefront out of the tailpipe and you lose your ignition source.
  2. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Of course you could just ignore those who call you out for your tasteless stupidity and actual anti-semitic comments. . .

    But I may bring this up every now and then.
  3. E=MC2

    E=MC2 Well-Known Member

    i was in typing that post when ddt posted
  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Nick, anytime you feel like typing something unrelated to motorcycles or one of your crazy projects, just shut up. Seriously. And I don't want to see you in the dungeon again until you are 21 or out of college, whichever comes first. People keep make excuses for you every time you post something stupid but you have now exceeded your quota. I know you are the baby in here and trying to sound cool like the "grown-ups", but it's not working for you because unfortunately you are trying to emulate the wrong ones.

    Nice job on the pulse jet. I look forward to seeing the video.
  5. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    everyone here watches southpark.

    get real.

    jews, they are so lame

    jews, they play lame games

    sing it with me!!!
  6. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    here's a little dreidel
    that's small and made of clay
    but i'm not gonna play with it
    'cause dreidel's fucking gay.
  7. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    kyle, i'm sorry i called you a dirty jew. you're not a jew.

    yes i am cartman!

    nah, don't be so hard on yourself.
  8. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    took the wife to the mall yesterday.
    to compliment her purchases of chanticleer and the vienna boys choir,
    i got mr. hankey's christmas classics. it has the lyrics.:D
    also, brad, your posts of pantera reminded me how much i liked their music but only had one tape...so, i bought three of their cds.
    christmas is gonna rock.
  9. tim503

    tim503 Well-Known Member

    Nick, that's a cool project. Post up any time you come up with cool stuff. SOME of us like to hear it when young guys are interested in becoming successful engineers, etc.

    Oh... and ignore the whiners here. I'm sure you've noticed that they're all the usual suspects. That being said, if you want your threads to stay on subject, try to refrain from stepping on the toes of the ultra PC. :rolleyes:
  10. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Yeah, ignore the whiners here, they'll just go away. Listen to Tim, he's the smart.
  11. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    the smart what?
  12. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I have absolutely zero problem wrapping him with Nick in a two-for-the-price-of-one ban package.
  13. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Your call dude, you run the show during the day.
  14. tim503

    tim503 Well-Known Member

    What? Ban me for disagreeing with you?

    Let me tell you something that I don't normally tell people: Part of my family left germany in the '30's specifically because they were jewish and could see the writing on the wall. The ones from that part of the family who didn't leave were put on cattle cars to the camps. That doesn't make me happy. Not at all. - But I don't choose to wear that little bit of history like a chip on my shoulder the way a lot of people do. I do not expect "reparations" or anything else. It happened, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

    Nick is a kid who made a joke. Big deal. It doesn't bother me and I personally don't think it should bother you or anyone else. People should have thicker skin than that. - But, on the other hand, this has probably been a learning experience for him on watching how he says things. That's just part of life.

    And I really do like hearing the wild stuff he comes up with. I think that, as long as he doesn't blow himself up in the process, he'll probably have a great career ahead of him doing exactly the sort of things he's interested in.
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    No, for encouraging him to do something he is being asked not to do. So you don't get banned until he gets banned, which means you don't get banned for disagreeing.

    Your family history and your personal feelings on this are your business. If I hear from people telling me they are offended by something that is posted on this BBS (and believe me, you are not privy to everything that goes on here), the fact that you aren't doesn't mean squat. But that's not even the issue here. The point is that heis 16 and somebody needs to teach him a few things. If he doesn't learn it at home, he will be told elsewhere. And today, that elsewhere was here. What is pissing me off about his attitude is not his joke, but his response to what a few people have told him. "Get over it" just doesn't cut it with me.

    Not that I owed you an explanation, but I figured there might be other people wondering.
  16. tim503

    tim503 Well-Known Member

    Well, I can feel the love, but I'm not gonna argue with you cause you're the boss (or rather one of them) here. Thanks for the explanation.
  17. Stillie

    Stillie Off that like Jay-Z

    Two points struck it home for me. 1. When I visited the Holocaust Museum the first time. 2. When I met a Jewish friend's grandmother and noticed the numbers tattooed on her arm.
  18. cav115

    cav115 Well-Known Member

    Dave-intelligent, productive reply! Good to see an adult response.
  19. WERA74

    WERA74 Poser and proud of it!

    My friend's father (from New York) had the tattoos on his arm from the concentration camp. He wouldn't talk about it, though.

    Just the same, my siblings and I have had rocks thrown at us and we were beat up on the school bus for being Gentiles (Catholic). I was very young at the time and didn't understand why they were picking on us. Note that this was in the '60's. I guess the Holocaust was still fresh in everyone's minds at that time. The community was about 80% Jewish with a strong Hassidic presence.

    Ignorance can go both ways.

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2006
  20. Tortuga

    Tortuga Well-Known Member

    Where to begin? wera74 so sorry that you had rocks thrown at your school bus. If you didn't have your head up your ass you probably would have noticed that the funny looking people were throwing rocks at ALL the cars driving on the sabbath. It wasn't personal or because you're a gentile in fact they may have been really mad at you because they thought you were jewish and driving on the sabbath and thus breaking the law. See education can go both ways too. As for the little boy genius who apparently can figure out everything someone else has written in his science texts, but has trouble figuring out things on his own (and this goes for a couple others of you as well) the reason people are upset is because when historical events of such unimanginable horror become jokes and can be laughed off as insignificant then it becomes possible for those things to happen again. The hatred and indifference of the common man gives evil governments thier power. Learn your history as well as your science.

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