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777 Missing

Discussion in 'General' started by mfbRSV, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Yeah, well. The French are idiots, you have to take that into consideration. :D
  2. Falcondrvr

    Falcondrvr Well-Known Member

    Interesting. The things you learn here....
  3. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    It is SE Asia though. They're not really known for being the most environmentally conscious folks around.
  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    They are the ones catching foreign ships off their coast. What does that make those other guys? :D
  5. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Some people have a propaganda driven version of reality.

    As Chaotic mentioned, fines put at risk, can bankrupt even the most financially sound company.

    If we were to assume companies are indeed driven by greed and profit, they will protect the bottom line. Fines are detrimental. As is, in general, any spill.

    Slightly off-topic, but still on the spill discussion.

    To conceive that a company, energy transported would deliberately cause or induce a leak is ludricrous.

    Does it happen? Yes.
    Is negligence a play? At times.
    Is it costly? Yes. By all all measureable means. Financially, ecologically, etc.
  6. Not true.

    I have worked in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, it is just as tough there. ABS, Moduspec, WEST and all kinds of other inspectors are worldwide.

    The aforementioned 2bbl spill i referred to happened hundreds of miles off the coast of Angola in 7,500' of water. About as "in the middle of nowhere" as you can get...and it ended up being a huge issue.
  7. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    Disrespectul of the French?
  8. Yep. That is why i said rigs, platforms and ships. You are right, contrary to popular belief, it usually isn't oil tankers. They know better.
  9. Absolutely. I know of a guy who got terminated after 20 years with the company because he poured 1qt of hydraulic oil overboard. He simply didnt feel like walking over to the waste oil container and thought it would be a big deal, so he just poured it over the handrail. Immediate termination.

    To think that any company/ship/rig/platform/tanker would knowingly, willingly pour oil into the water simply to save disposal costs is ridiculous. The disposal costs total less than one penny on the dollar versus what it could cost if that same amount of oil hit the water.
  10. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    But you're speaking of the oil industry, which is pretty much global. If you were on some rusted hulk of a Vietnamese fishing boat it would be a different story.
  11. For sure. And I even said that in my first post on this subject.

  12. GoldStarRon

    GoldStarRon Well-Known Member

    Given what little known at this time, do not dismiss Terrorism. They KNOW the plane made a u-turn, this requires communication by law. No communication.? Did all the elctronics simultaneously fail..? I don;t think that is possible. And there were Americans on board... Just have to wait until more is known... Sad to hear, is all I can really say...
  13. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    The turn could be related to the crash. Maybe the aircraft was already in trouble and unable to communicate. This plane will be found. We found that Air France plane in a much more remote area in water 30x deeper.
  14. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    :stupid: = Dungeon material.
  15. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    I was threatened with a $10000.00 fine one time. I was changing a fuel filter on the genset and about a maybe a cup or so of diesel leaked down into the bilge. Bilge pump goes on, some fuel got pumped over and made a sheen on the water. Next thing I know somebody from the marina thought a boat had a fuel leak and the coast guard was there. Wish I would have known the fuel was in the bilge, dawn dishwashing liquid does wonders... Glad I got a pass on that one. The fine seemed kind of excessive...
  16. notbostrom

    notbostrom DaveK broke the interwebs

    sadly I keep thinking about the U turn and no radio call... hard to call the tower with a weapon pointed at your head.. wondering if the cockpit was compromised...
  17. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Communication is third on the list of priorities;

    1. Aviate
    2. Navigate
    3. Communicate

    Aircraft losing comm's is not uncommon. I don't think I've ever crossed either pond without being lost comm's at some point and time. However, a newer aircraft such as this it is less common, but still a possibility.

    One unconfirmed report going around is that a JAL aircraft had relay comm's with MH370, but could not make out what the response was from them. A second is that there was secondary paint, (i.e. transponder) coverage on them. Again, these are unconfirmed reports floating around. Nothing more than rumor at this point.
  18. cgordon3

    cgordon3 I need a new bike...

    IF the cockpit was compromised... that creates a whole lot of other issues
  19. Spooner

    Spooner Well-Known Member

    You would think that if the cockpit was compromised that they would have beat on the door or something and the pilots would have alerted the tower.
  20. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member

    What if it was one of the pilots?

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