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$560+ phone bill

Discussion in 'General' started by duggram, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Will you ever use more than the 5gb?
  2. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    My wife has 2g and never touches it. At some of my clients with secure networks my only interwebernet access is through the phone as a hotspot. Dont know what i use but i don't want to worry about it either.
  3. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    Maybe, but never more than the 10gb the package I'm looking at offers.
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Then bail if it saves you serious cash. You just have to remember that you're handcuffed to it and f@cked in the butt if you go over.
  5. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Depends on your usage. As stated before, my daughter is our biggest data user...movies, Pandora, FB, ad nauseum. Once she is off our plan, data is not nearly as much a factor.
  6. Spooner

    Spooner Well-Known Member

    I have sprint and have my wife and my mom on my plan and its right at $200. All smartphones, 1500 minutes, unlimited everything else. I had a discount from being a best buy employee over 10 years ago in college that used to be great but they finally figured it out last year haha!
  7. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    My wife pays 60 $ a month with verizon. Unlimited talk and text and 5g data. I haven't had a phone bill for almost 10 years so I have no idea what mine costs (but judging by my bbs usage I'd say my data is up there lol).
  8. EngineNoO9

    EngineNoO9 Well-Known Member

    $150 for two smartphones on Verizon's share everything plan: unlimited talk and text with 4gb data. That's with my discount too. Though about maybe combining our plan with my in-laws to save a few bills but not sure it's worth it.

    We gave up the unlimited data plans so my wife could upgrade her phone. Turns out it saved us money cause we don't come close to maxing our 4gb data even. Only time I've had a mega bill over $300 was the first month I was in Afghanistan. We'd talk every day but I failed to realize when I was calling wasn't during the free nights and weekend shit and of course wasn't verizon to verizon so we went way way over. Wanna say it was a normal bill of $180 at the time and it was a $360 bill. OUCH!
  9. crossroader

    crossroader road racing junkie

    $40 and change/mo. 400 minutes I never use, 100 texts/mo. Free nights and weekends. Data is extra, don't use it. Plan is one I have grandfathered- no longer available with Verizon. Verizon coverage is like having a landline.
  10. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    4 fancy phones, unlimited data and text for $220 with Sprint. We get pretty decent service in Austin.
  11. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    TMo: 3 phones 2.5Gb,4GB and 500mb, unlimited everything else $160
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Actually Verizon and ATT are both really good about this these days - like $10 more per gig if you're over, no big deal since that's about what I'm paying per gig up to 5.

    Our stuff is 200 something a month, 3 phones, shared data. But it's also our work internet connection on the road uploading results and the like. It's our home phone. So all in all, not really overpriced.
  13. TrackStar

    TrackStar www.trackstar1.com

    2 IPhones with unlimited everything $160 a month.
  14. lazlo

    lazlo Stand up guy who corners low.

    How many of you still have a land line?

    Two phones, wife and I, kids are grown and gone, unlimited errythang, $ 165.00, Verizon.

    When we went unlimited errythang, I shut down the land line.
  15. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    I still have a "land line." it's actually no real different to have it or not because of Triple Play discounts.
  16. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    $14 Tracfone....I spend about $200 a year on minutes...

    Data Smata.....:D

    I just really dont care to have my life revolve around some fancy phone / computer.

    I gotta buy motorcycles, or tools, ya know?:up:
  17. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    Fuck that shit. I don't care if I'm making a million a year, I wouldn't spend $560 a month on phone service. That is retarded. Kids don't need cell phones, let alone star class data plans. If they want phones, they can do without until they're old enough to pay for their own.

    The only people who should pay that much are people who need to spend that much for business use. For personal use, that is just fucking stupid.

    I'm Scottish and Indian, I'd probably cut off my pinky finger sooner than spend that much on cell phones.
  18. Nine29

    Nine29 Well-Known Member

    $280 a month with AT&T for 4 iPhones (2 with unlimited data and 2 with 2Gb data), unlimited messaging and 1400 minutes with rollover, and 1 iPad with 250Mb data.
  19. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    Sorry Acree, but I always have to laugh at the "it's deductible" argument. I had a merchant services provider tell me that crap when we were looking for a new credit card terminal for a store and I laughed at him. $50 a month for 2 years for their crappy machine when I could just buy it for $250 online. Even though I can expense the lease rather than depreciate the equipment it still makes zero sense to pay that much more. There must be a lot of dipshits out there. I want in on that equipment leasing racket!

    Expenses only provide a benefit proportional to your marginal tax rate. If your marginal tax rate is 0.3, and you spend $1000 on telecom service, it still cost you $700 cash. You're just fooling yourself with the "it's deductible" crap so it doesn't feel so painful. :D
  20. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    If I didn't use mine for WERA stuff a lot I'd sure as hell cut back on all of it from minutes to data.

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