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$2.4 Million in Bribes!! Another right wing Congressman bites the dust!

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Shyster d'Oil, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: $2.4 Million in Bribes!! Another right wing Congressman

    Yep.. One of the most f*cked up taxes there is....
  2. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: $2.4 Million in Bribes!! Another right wing Congress

    I think I was actually thinking about the Inheritance Tax. Don't know the specifics on it, but when my Grandfather was dying of cancer, he was figuring out ways to get around it and he wasn't worth no $1.5 million. I seem to recall $10k as "gifts" as some kind of limit...
  3. RB

    RB Well-Known Member

    Popping the flaps is as old as flaps themselves. It was used a lot by all sides in WWII. If the Mig had a better gun site he would have gotten his ass killed at the very start of the last engagement when he played 'chicken' with the Mig, forgetting that it carried guns. The book is "Fox Two" co-written by the late Jeff Ethell.

    Stupid, typical invincible fighter pilot move taking the bribes. It's just money. You can't take it with you. The government's going to pay you a big ass pay check and then a pension the rest of your life. Just ego. Now the money's gone along with his reputation. I would not be surprised that he does not take his own life. A sad end.
  4. Kal

    Kal Well-Known Member

    Why the hatred for fighter pilots? Most of them have the highest of integrity. Just because they may be a little bit cocky doesn't make them pricks. You sound like a tanker pilot.
    Unfortunately Duke Cunningham lost the big picture on this one and let greed destroy his legendary status.
  5. RB

    RB Well-Known Member

    I didn't mean to come off that way, I'm just pissed that one of my hero's turned out to be an idiot. My bookcases are full of airwar books and my boyhood dream was to be a fighter pilot. Most aren't a 'little bit cocky' they are a lot cocky or they wouldn't be able to get in the cockpit mission after mission.

    You're right, an icon lost. The last Navy ace.

    What do you have against tanker pilots????? You should read "Air War South Atlantic" By Ethell and Price for a story about some heroic tanker pilots.
  6. Kal

    Kal Well-Known Member

    The tanker pilot comment was not meant to be disrespectful. I have much respect for them and what job they are doing. I have to agree with you that I looked up to Duke and I'm dissapointed he turned into a steaming pile. He was a living legend and porked his whole reputation away.
  7. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    Neither Glenn nor McCain should have ever been investigated. Clearly, the Democrats sacrificed Glenn for no reason other than to try to get McCain.
  8. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Not sure I agree:


    Not sure of the politcal tilt of the author yet, but it seems McCain was in a bit of murky shit with Keating. I will do more reading on this. Mccain is a very interesting guy. Even if I vote for Hillary instead of him I'm still a fan. :p
  9. Robert

    Robert Flies all green 'n buzzin

    "I'd rather vote for someone you consider to be a deranged back-stabbing lesbian lunatic, but make no mistake, I do think highly of you."

  10. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Politics makes for strange bedfellows, not that there's anything wrong with that. . .
  11. Trent

    Trent I just wanna ride motorcycles and eat pizza

    Any chance you'll look up the lists of Dems V Rep that have been busted over the last 20 years?
  12. Trent

    Trent I just wanna ride motorcycles and eat pizza

    Huh? Did you mean three months? Or you're just that funny? :D
  13. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Probably true, but how many people don't? How many die intestate? Truly wealthy people usually are savvy enough to protect their money, but average people often don't, or just put it off until it's too late. Even average people can amass quite a substantial estate these days. Lawyers think about stuff like trusts and astate planning, but a lot of people don't.

    One of the reasons not mentioned for loss of small family farms, at least in my area, is that an increase in population makes the land worth so much the owner can't afford the taxes. NH does have some programs to help these people, but most have sold out already in my area.

    And lets not forget all the people who buy new homes built near a farm and then campaign to get various actions taken against the farmer because his farm produces unpleasant odors or attracts pests. The fact that the farm was there for 200 years before their house was built doesn't seem to matter.

    Oh, and that disappearing estate tax? I'd be willing to bet it will be reinstated. There's already a lot of people pushing for it.
  14. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    So, how do you guys feel about those guys that pull those advertising banners with the biplanes?

    Pretty tricky manuever snagging the banner, don'tcha think?
  15. RB

    RB Well-Known Member

    The trickiest manuever in a bipe is landing in any kind of crosswind.

    I was spectating at Road A once [ cars ] and there was a guy in an Agcat pulling a banner and he was low, I mean LOW. I had just driven across the bridge and was about to start down the hill and turned to watch him fly over the track from T2 towards T5. He wasn't much [ if any ] above the infield trees. Next thing I hear is sputter sputter sputter silence. He hasn't kept up with his tanks. The side boards of the bridge then blocked my view but he managed to whip it up and get it over the infield and put it down where there was nobody and only dinged up a wingtip . I went over and talked to the pilot. His main concern was that the FAA was going to hand him his ass. He was one lucky f%^&.
  16. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    That would be fun!! I do remember that Rostenkowski (Dem) got popped for a scheme where he stole $37,000 in a postage stamp scam.

    At least the Repubs make the crime potentially worthwhile. I could see risking your career and freedom over $2.4 million, but for $37,000?!?!?! WTF??????
  17. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    the part that makes it better for me is that, while most Dems are patronizing whimps, the GOP has made it's charge to power all about ethics and morals...this high-and-mighty BS...and when you start looking at the list of current gaffs, it's just an embarassment. Delay...Libby...now this.

    I don't care which party you're in...this kind of hypocritical egg on the face is priceless.:D
  18. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.


    what's the difference between taking big bribes and this?

    Seems like the same thing to me.
  19. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Campaign contributions are reported, monitored and must be spent only for certain purposes.

    What Cunninhyam got went either directly to his own pocket for personal (not campaign) use or were payments made on his behalf to facilitate his luxuriious lifestyle.
  20. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Still buying votes, though, right?

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