Your morning and how it determines your day

Discussion in 'General' started by codyjphoto, May 16, 2018.

  1. derblott

    derblott Well-Known Member

    This is hilarious and while not my routine, basically perfectly sums up traveling for work.
  2. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    Been my hrs. too for years.Me,and 2 small dogs sleep life away until after lunch.
    I use to love to get up at sunrise,and enjoy my day but driving a truck on a dedicated account gives me vampire hrs.
    It is what it is..
  3. I was up at 1:30am and my days been crap, my theory sucks :).
    Phl218 and BigBird like this.
  4. I don’t work out and stay at nice hotels but this sums up my traveling. My wife knows it’s not a vacation as she travels for work a good bit too but my friends think when I go to the UK I stay at Buckingham Palace and when in China I’m greeted with a ceremony and stay at some royal palace, this along with asking me about sightseeing all day. I sure do, airport, rental car/ taxi, hotel, office, hotel, airport.
    Phl218 and BigBird like this.
  5. Sweatypants

    Sweatypants I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    haha THIS is why grad school in particular fucked me up. i did a concentration for my MBA in international business instead of a traditional program thinking, "lemme be some big time global strategy consultant and travel all around being a pimp." then my two capstone courses where we had to do a big project and go to China and India to present them to the companies and tour all around, made me realize i'd just be away from home, sitting in an office for 12-14 hours a day, and not even get to see anything of any of these new places. grad school had the complete OPPOSITE affect on me as it did a majority of the people in my class. it made me turned off from any of that, where as the typical person i'd say became MORE business/power/money hungry... fuuuuuuck that. i don't want to even go away for a training once a year any more. i like my routine.
    BigBird likes this.
  6. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    when my brother started working, I always thought it was so awesome that he got to fly across the world and the US. Seeing these great sites and so proud, til he was like nope...He was like I didn't get to see the XYZ because it's 12 hours at the client, then another 6 in the hotel room everyday, and then leave on Friday.

    I am still proud of him, he still travels 60-70% of the time, but I don't ask him if he's seen any touristy things anymore. I did gift him my the Bose QC headphones that didn't work for me, so hopefully it made his flights a bit better.
  7. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    this. only exceptions are dinners. but those get old too.

    leisure travelers don't understand...
    Funkm05 likes this.
  8. sharky nrk

    sharky nrk Rubber Side Up

    Love my dog but she is the laziest member of my family lol. She doesn't get up until my wife is walking about the door and that is only so she can go on a car ride with the kids going to school. If she wakes me up in the morning its not to lovingly start my day .... it's because she wants something stupid like to go out back and chase a rabbit for 30 seconds and then come back in and go to bed again lol. She is very happy to meet me at the door when I get home in the afternoon.

    Gorilla George likes this.
  9. sharky nrk

    sharky nrk Rubber Side Up

    Also, this thread wears me out. I typically don't get home from my 2nd job until 9 PM 3 or 4 days a week and the other days I am normally at church volunteering until 8 or 9 as well. Getting up at and starting my morning fresh and lovely ..... sounds nice but reality is more like sleep as long as I can until I have to get up help get kids to school and then to work on time by 8 am.
    BigBird likes this.
  10. codyjphoto

    codyjphoto Well-Known Member

    I shook things up this morning with installing an exhaust on the ole panigaler.
    I did, however, get up around 6 and take Sophie out. I made my coffee and started a little bit of work on the bike.
    Finished up obsessing over the sound of the new exhaust around 815 and headed into the office.
  11. cBJr

    cBJr Well-Known Member

    What’s your recipe?
  12. charles

    charles The Transporter

    In order to achieve happiness and joy each day, you must learn that each morning starts off with these critical things:

    To crush your enemies!
    To see them driven before you!
    And to hear the lamentation of their women!
    rd49 and Gorilla George like this.
  13. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    so your days are pretty sad then :Poke: :D
  14. dsapsis

    dsapsis El Jefe de los Monos

    3 large scoops Major Dickason, fill to top to hot water. Stir. Let sit 10 secs, plunge. I'd guess it makes about 5 oz. of high octane...

    It's a rare day when that isn't all the coffee I will drink.
    Last edited: May 17, 2018
    cBJr likes this.
  15. Most nights I order room service, well maybe 50/50 depending where I am and who I’m with.
    Phl218 likes this.
  16. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

  17. Traveling is over rated.

    I’ve probably been to around 25-30 different countries, sometimes spending several days there for one reason or another. It sucks.

    At first it was like “I remember seeing this in a movie, it’s cool to actually see it....”. But then after a while it turns into “ok, which side of the fucking road do they drive on, what kind of money do they use, what fucking time is it, and where can I get some damn American food?”.

    It is more aggravating than anything else.

    But that may be because I have never gotten any enjoyment out of seeing shit. I like to DO stuff, like swim, or ride a motorcycle, or play with animals. But just seeing sights does absolutely nothing for me.
  18. codyjphoto

    codyjphoto Well-Known Member

    What an awesome morning its been. Up at five, watched Frasier for a bit and hung out with Sophie (thepup) had 3 double espressos, fed the koi, rearranged a room, did laundry, took the trash out, played fetch with Sophie, had time to just cruise on into work and get here early. I'm jacked up on espresso and cinnamon rolls.

    Hope you all have a pretty awesome Saturday and enjoy yourself.
  19. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    I woke up to rain. It's gonna rain all day. There's a trailer in the driveway, recently returned from two interrupted weeks on the road. The bike in the back that needs tires, ride height adjustment, sprocket and a good once over. The trailer needs restocking, laundry needs washed and I have to turn it all around to leave tomorrow morning, early, for an eleven hour drive to another couple days of riding.
    I'm sitting here, still working on the first pot of coffee...should be an interesting day. :D
  20. codyjphoto

    codyjphoto Well-Known Member

    Sounds like the chance for a productive one

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