Trump is a Winning Machine

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by blkduc, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. R1Racer99

    R1Racer99 Well-Known Member

    I haven't been following this DACA stuff very closely, but is this basically what's happened so far? He promised to end it as a candidate, he reversed his position in June and said he wouldn't end it, he reversed his position in September and announced he was ending it, a few days later he meets with the Democratic leaders and agrees to not end it. I think those are the basic facts, can someone explain how there is any kind of winning for him on this one?

    Oh I forgot the part about the wall. Their agreement excludes a wall. Then he tweets today that the wall is already being built in the form of new renovation of old and existing fences and walls. How the fuck does "new renovation" of "old" walls turn into him building a wall?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2017
    418 likes this.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    It's done with mirrors, same as always.
  3. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    And smoke, don't forget the smoke.
  4. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Well no, everything you just typed is wrong. DACA was an executive action from Obama. It was unconstitutional and would not get signed into law so he did it as E.A. and it just expired. It had an expiration date from Obama. Trump is not going to renew the E.A., and has kicked it to Congress to figure out, which is exactly what he should have done. If it's going to be what we do, it needs to be signed into law so let the legislators actually do their job. There is no change on the plan for a wall yet. Chuck and Nancy lied about their meeting and were called out on it. Trump is hinting at making a deal but has never said he's not doing the wall.

    Look, Trump wants to make a deal. It's what he does. I think he's throwing a carrot out for the Democrats to chase and courting them with a potential deal. This is because the idiot Republicans who are opposing him are part of the swamp that he needs to drain. So Trump is willing to negotiate with the Dems if the repubs keep fucking around. If he goes around the RINO establishment and works with the Dems, he's cutting them off at the knees. Who can blame him? The Republicans can do anything they want and it's a rare moment in history with an awesome opportunity to fix the Democrats rapid destruction of America and the idiot establishment Republicans are doing nothing. This is why people are asking where's the legislation wins? Great question, it's the moron establishment opposing Trump. The man is going to work with the Democrats if the Republicans keep fucking up. (but I'm sure most have forgotten that Trump was always a NY Democrat up until the election)
  5. R1Racer99

    R1Racer99 Well-Known Member

    Can you explain what I said was wrong? Did he not flip-flop four times? Did he not say the wall was being built today? What am I missing?

    I was listening to some right wing radio today after that post to see how they would spin it and that nut Hannity was basically saying what you just did, anything to not blame Trump. We'll see I guess.
  6. turtlecreek

    turtlecreek Well-Known Member

    i think you are both right.... my "hope" is that he is simply doing what trump does...negotiate. he is pushing/pulling to maneuver things into a place where he can get something, anything done. yes, he appears to be waffling on some of the biggest issues. however, as the president, he doesn't actually make any of those laws. so he has to get congress to take action and ask blkduc said, they arent doing anything.

    what trump does/says in the process isn't something i get worried about. what the outcome is, that is what you have to watch.

    if trump falls for the old dem trick of "support our agenda NOW and we promise to help you later" and then they just never fund whatever the conservatives want while paying lip service to it or attaching some onerous liberal crap bomb of a bill to it, then i will feel he has truly failed.
  7. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    The only thing more disgusting that Trump's complete abandonment of those of us that supported him is the efforts made by the apologists on his behalf.

    He fucked us. End of story.
  8. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    For those under the DACA umbrella...get in line and follow the process. Is it easy? No. Should it be easy? No. Can it be done? Yes. I couldn't give a rat's ass who-shot-John or who's at fault for is what it is, figure it out and take the proper actions. Oh yeah, if you're a gang member, committed a crime..sorry, who needs any more of that? The other question I don't understand is why is any country going to take the miscreants back? What do you do with them then? Put them on Barbuda? :confused:
  9. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    Isn't it too early to declare this? If that ends up being what happens, I'll turn on him too but unless I'm missing something then nothing has happened yet.

    In 8 months Trump has reduced a ton of damaging executive actions, pulled us out of the climate scam club, brought in lots of $ from foreign investors to bring back manufacturing, improved China relations, restored military strength, revived the economy, appointed a constitutionalist to the SC, and we've won every special election. The only reason we don't have more wins such as getting rid of Obamacare is due to Republican obstruction.

    I'm with you that I expect the guy to deliver and if he doesn't, I won't vote for him again. Unless I missed the news this morning and there is some deal that does not include border security, how has "he fucked us"?
    turtlecreek and badmoon692008 like this.
  10. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    I fully expect him to push on the Republicans that promised to get things done and are failing to do so. Mid-term elections will determine just how ready the country is to push out the RINOs.
    R Acree likes this.
  11. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

  12. SnacktimeKC

    SnacktimeKC Well-Known Member

    But Trump is a RINO...
  13. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    He's not a RINO he just looks like one because he is good at deals, and, believe me, everyone, everyone is, when you see how happy he's going to make people with his deals, they'll be thanking him. Believe me.
    The Great One and SuddenBraking like this.
  14. jase

    jase Your kind makes me sick!!

    He also knows more about ISIS than the Generals.
    SnacktimeKC and jeffr1ey like this.
  15. jeffr1ey

    jeffr1ey Well-Known Member

    like the deals he is making with the Dems?! those deals? :D

    put the joint down already..
    SnacktimeKC likes this.
  16. SuddenBraking

    SuddenBraking The Iron Price

    Pretty sure that was sarcasm, killer :Poke:
    jeffr1ey likes this.
  17. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    I have always believed that doing the wrong thing is still better than doing nothing at all. I will be watching this presidency play out with great interest.
  18. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Yes, may we live in interesting times......
  19. jeffr1ey

    jeffr1ey Well-Known Member

    my post or chino's?
  20. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Currently in DC and get access to a big name yacht club. There are some big parties being thrown on the large boats in the marina with the shuttlebutt being Trump is courting the dems to make deals. Big buzzword around the place is "Medicare for all." Ryan and McConnell are being mocked.

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