Daytona 200 canceled

Discussion in 'General' started by notbostrom, Sep 11, 2020.

  1. R1Racer99

    R1Racer99 Well-Known Member

    What are the correct numbers?
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    :crackup: Try again.
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    No idea. They have lied about it and changed how deaths got classified to the point there is no way to tell. Not remotely as high as the ones the media keeps going on about to keep you frightened and tuning back in.
  4. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

  5. bleacht

    bleacht Well-Known Member

    I have a family member who is an OB-GYN in NYC. At the beginning of the pandemic, she was sent to a hospital to work in an ER to help support the staff there. At the beginning of June, when people were rioting and looting in NYC, she was told by city officials to not report anyone who tests positive for Covid that was protesting or rioting. They didn't want to create fear and keep people from protesting. :rolleyes:

    My point, we don't know the actual numbers. There's been so much fuckery that we have no idea.
  6. OldSwartout

    OldSwartout Well-Known Member

    OK, here you go. You don't have to believe the crap you're reading on the internet. Go here: The Regenstrief Institute is a non-political, strictly medical company that relies on direct feed from hospitals without government interference. My son-in-law was the project manager of the team that developed the software. You can question the accuracy, but only as far as the natural human errors in any reporting system, not political interference.
  7. knedragon29

    knedragon29 Well-Known Member

    I'm sticking with CDC's number , 6% of the 180,000 died from covid alone , the rest of the numbers are just that . Numbers . Did someone get run over by a truck and had covid and its counted as covid ? Or did someone 90 year old pretty much on a death bed with 2 or 3 underlying conditions such as cancer or heart troubles , diabetes etc catch covid and then passed ?
    TurboBlew and 418 like this.
  8. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    'direct from hospitals' is no good if the criteria they are told to report by is bad. That's the problem.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    And yet one more time the numbers are bad. The hospitals are reporting deaths per the CDC guidelines which are fucked up and not the same as they are for other viruses. The software may be great but garbage in still results in garbage out. The CDC guidelines I don't think are political as much as their management having a vested interest in this being perceived as worse than it truly is, they screwed up to start and are doubling down to not look like the fools they are.
    backcountryme, 418 and OldSchlPunk like this.
  10. 418

    418 Expert #59

    It doesn't matter whos doing the reporting. It matters who they're getting they're data from and how accurate is that data is. This is what you seem to miss in this whole conversation

    They're testing everyone and their mom to pump these numbers up yet many people are asymptomatic and have no idea they even have it.

    If you're vurnable or elderly you should take precautions. For the rest of us, the prorevebial boogie man is not coming, this is not The Plauge. You're gonna have to find something else in your life to freak the f@ck out over.

    This thing is the definition of 1st world problems.
    TurboBlew likes this.
  11. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Ignore the alphabet soup.

    Apparently I wasn't awake yet.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  12. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    There's also the other fundamental issue that too many of these legislators and string pullers don't care to take notice of.....

    Back in Jan/Feb/Mar the medical community did not have a full grasp on how to treat sick people with it, so they blew their lungs out with ventilators and ended up killing alot more people than they should have. 10 months later now and they've done alot of trial and error to understand what treatment protocols work and which ones don't as well. They don't know everything about it, but they know a fair bit more than they did at the start of the year and how to treat it effectively.

    That is why case numbers continue to climb to "record spikes in cases" as the media puts it to scare people.....but actual deaths from it have fallen through the floor like this latest data out of Spain shows.

    TLR67 and 418 like this.
  13. Knotcher

    Knotcher Well-Known Member

    Excess deaths doesn't incorporate classification of cause. Far more people are dying every month than the same month in previous years. Avoiding medical care wouldn't account for the spike on its own.

  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep, now are they from covid directly or from the panic and fear? I'll agree they are overall caused by this whole thing but there is no way to tell if it is due directly to the virus - because yet again the numbers are bullshit. Also I'm curious, why doe the orange line drop lower for the last couple of months than any time in the last three years?
  15. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    Also note we're comparing 'raw' vs averaged and seasonally adjusted numbers. Show me the range bars for those numbers and lets see if we're still within normal swings or not.
  16. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    What's the hippest color for a lacrosse uniform?
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

  18. cBJr

    cBJr Well-Known Member

    Why are you lying?
  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

  20. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Those raw numbers don't mean anything without context.

    For's a bunch of excess deaths.

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