Keto Diet

Discussion in 'General' started by ryoung57, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    Sadly enough - my way of eating isn't a fad diet. It's a necessity or my body will start having nutrient absorption issues. Leaky gut is no fun. Gluten makes my body attack itself. That is no fun either.
    What pisses me off is all the other fuckers out there that ruin it for me - and make people think gluten free is a fucking fad. Or that low carb is a fad. It's a lifestyle change yo, not a diet.

    My stress levels are high as hell lately - and I have been night time snacking on the kids fruit gummies. I feel like shit and my guts are a mess from it. Must mean I need to eat more carbs ;)

    I don't care what anyone else eats. Honestly. I just know what works for me :D
    BigBird likes this.
  2. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Well, considering the path of human history, we ate a paleo/keto diet for far longer than a grain based diet. Most of the "science" that backs up a SAD falsely blames fats for problems caused by sugars. Where are these millions of people? Based on the anecdotal evidence I see, people as a whole are fatter and sicker than than at any point in human history.
  3. There are countries made up of people who have an entire diet based off carbs, every meal, every day.

    They are some of the smallest, and most productive people on the planet.
  4. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    The Keebler elves aren't real, dude.
    badmoon692008 likes this.
  5. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Who? How is overall food availability/production in those countries? (if you tell me that all the people in Haiti and Central Africa are skinny even though they eat a lot of carbs I'm going to smack you!) Also, don't forget that the genetic makeup of a Phillipino will be different from that of a European.
  6. Rebel635

    Rebel635 Well-Known Member

    Carbs range from calorie inefficient rice to calorie rich and nature's processed sugars.

    It's easy to eat rice all day and be skinny. You gotta shove a lot of rice to get a lot of calories vs eating a single slice of cheesecake like in the western world.
    AJ likes this.
  7. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    Where are your sources for this statement?

    If your are referring to indigenous tribes we know of today - Their main sources of food are fish, small game and insects and foraged roots/vegetable matter and fruits. Grains are only a supplement - And the grain sources are hand ground and not processed the way American grains are.

    Native Americans ate guts and grease as their main diet, they foraged for wild rice (which is actually a grass), and grew corn as a supplement - the corn looked NOTHING like we eat today and it was hand ground. - European settlers introduced wheat to them - and it became a requirement to survive when they were forced onto reservations. The native population in America is more unhealthy than the general population today.

    Grains have been and always will be a part of the human diet - I will not dispute that - but humans cannot live a healthy life eating grain all day every day in the quantities that Americans eat it - especially with the way it is processed now, completely stripped of nutrition and then "enriched'. I find that statement you made a bit of a stretch.

    Any poor countries we make grain drops in to help them survive are some of the most unhealthiest humans in existence, in the opposite way of Americans. They survive on grain and are only productive because they will starve to death if they aren't.

    One of the doctors I work with is from China, where they eat rice all day every day. He is thin and looks like he is really healthy - but he isn't and he stopped eating the typical Asian diet because they found so much fat around his organs. Visceral fat is dangerous - you can be a skinny mother fucker and have your organs coated in gel. It puts you at risk for all the major killers - stroke, heart attack, diabetes, cancer.

    The other issue here is sugar. This is America's drug. I am not even going to go into it.

    Cut the processed grains, cut the processed sugar - and you have a shot at a healthy and long life. Without those two things - it's really difficult to be unhealthy - unless you eat a pound of oranges a day I suppose...

    I suggest everyone do it - I like looking at hot bodies.
    But even if no one does, I don't care, I don't have to live in their creaking arthritis ridden, fat coated body :P
  8. AJ

    AJ Well-Known Member

    100% true for me at least.
  9. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    those fruit gummies are the debil...they taste so good, and it's hard to just have one, and followed by a dark chocolate peanut butter cup. I feel like crap after, but it's so good for those moments.
  10. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Cheesecake is so yummy though.
    ruckusracing and BigBird like this.
  11. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    Darren started it. I was doing so good. Then we got in to an argument that ended with us in bed next to each other silently eating packages of fruit gummies. I have to put the breaks on that one because now I want tacos. Tacos are my weakness.

    Dinner last night was eggs covered in blackbeans, taco meat, and cheese trying to calm the taco didn't work.
  12. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    This has got to be one of the funniest visuals ever: two angry spouses, backs to each other in bed, furiously shoveling gummy bears into their mouths:D

    It would only be better if you were wearing those old-timey sleeping gowns.
  13. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    That was about the way it looked. :crackup:

    Wearing clothes to bed is for prudes.
  14. China, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Brazil, to name a few. Those countries eat tens of thousands of metric tons of rice per year. Not to mention all the breads, pastries, and pasta. And if anyone thinks those countries are full of nothing but starving, poor, farm workers who are barely surviving on handfulls of rice, I would suggest leaving the stereotypes at home and actually get out into the world.

    For the record, I have never once said “the keto diet doesn’t work”. Not once in this entire thread have I said “don’t do that, it sucks”.

    The only time I take issue with it is when people state things as absolute facts.

    If you do not breathe, you will die.
    If you do not ingest liquids, you will die.
    If you don’t take in nourishment of some sort, you will die.

    Beyond that, things can vary for each person. To say “if you eat ____ you will feel like ____”...or “if you eat _____ you will be miserable”...or “if you eat _____ you will gain weight/have less energy/store more bodyfat (so on and so forth)....”....those things aren’t facts.

    They might apply to some people, but everyone is different. There are many ways to have success.

    Hell, I can disprove many of those things just by using myself as an example. So if something doesn’t apply even to just me, then it can’t be considered a “fact”.

    If I wasn’t getting off work, I would sit here and google research for having a well balanced diet, and I am sure I could find tons of people who go against many of the things stated in this thread as if they are facts.

    But I am getting off work, and this shit isn’t worth my own time. :D
    pscook likes this.
  15. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Right. You've got to go do three Insanity workouts in a row, climb the Empire State Building on the stairmaster, and lift 5000lbs of weight in order to burn off all those carbs :D
    Gorilla George and badmoon692008 like this.
  16. ruckusracing

    ruckusracing Well-Known Member

    Yes.....I was drinking 3 large tumblers w whiskey and soda....after I was more drunk just drinking one w siltzse water.
    BigBird likes this.
  17. :crackup:

    I wasn’t necessarily talking about my diet. :D

    Quantity and portion controls are the things. A “balanced diet” doesn’t mean eating so much lasagne that you have to unbutton your pants, then following it up with ice cream.

    Many people simply have shitty eating habits, and going on a different (controlled) diet forces them to pay attention, cut out junk, control portions, etc. In many cases, depending on the individual, the “what” isn’t as important as the “how much”.
  18. That is also based on evolution. Cavemen had no idea how long it would be before they ate again, so when they had an opportunity to eat...they ate.

    Put that with the whole “clean your plate” thing from grandma, and it is engrained in us to keep eating until our bellies are slap full...and then take a nap. :crackup:
  19. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn I’m just here for the food.

    And if anyone thinks that china is full of skinny productive office workers, they also need to get out more.

    China has one of the fastest growing obesity problems in that part of the world.
    Here are some obesity stats from 2017:
    1. United States of America – 109,342,839
    2. China – 97,256,700
    3. India – 65,619,826
    4. Brazil – 41,857,656
    China has more fat kids than any other country in the world right now...
  20. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Well that's the solution. Everyone on that list except us has a rapidly growing middle class. We should just make everyone poor so they don't have the money to get fat!

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