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2018 Vintage Classes

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by Mongo, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    30 minutes and no complaints? Everyone must be at lunch :D
  2. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    V6 MW in with Clubman and the others? Big speed differential there.
  3. Duck150

    Duck150 Well-Known Member

    So you kept gp 500... nuke gp350 , f-500 V1 and V2 all rest the same rules but move around ?
  4. Duck150

    Duck150 Well-Known Member

    And F 2 stroke ?
  5. Killswitch

    Killswitch Redneckistanian

    I understand why all this has to be done and I can live with it, but it kinda sucks for me because one of my bikes is for V5/V6LW and the other is for DSS/DSB ... so now I have to choose where I want to try and get points. And, if I'm shooting for a championship I have to pick either vintage or modern. Just glad I didn't buy a 250 too :)
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I've already rethought and changed it. V6 MW is in with LWT SS instead of V5 and I put V5 behind the V6 HW and V7 MW. As always we'll be adjusting as we go along and figure out what works.
    VFR#52 and Killswitch like this.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Essentially yes, that's what I'm thinking. We keep one small bike class, the rest ride up to wherever they fit best.
    videojack likes this.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I really am sorry.
    VFR#52 and Killswitch like this.
  9. Duck150

    Duck150 Well-Known Member

  10. No Brakes

    No Brakes Well-Known Member

    Race 6 totally screws me. I raced both FSS and V6 LW last year in two different races and to make matters worse I bought a SV SB bike to race this year
  11. Killswitch

    Killswitch Redneckistanian

    This actually helps me out ... I can run D stuff on the Ducati and run the Kawi in V5 ... if it stays this way :) I can live without racing V6LW as a bump up
  12. videojack

    videojack Racing for Therapy

    I like the small bike class idea. I'll grow that grid as fast as I can!
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Any suggestions?
  14. JBall

    JBall REALLY senior member

    Some cross over between V6LW and DSS (FZR 400's and EX500s, the few that remain in SS condition).

    Posted anything in general or announcements about the demise of HW Twins? I expect to hear Chaotic's head exploding from where ever he is to here in Ohio...
    Killswitch likes this.
  15. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yeah there is some potential crossover but the majority of the V6 LW's are SB already and legal for DSB so can't put them there.

    I put the HWT and F3 stuff in the Announcements yesterday and on Facetubes today. Shitstorm should be starting any moment. Was thinking about watching the Falcons at home tomorrow but may go to the bar just be around alcohol and far from a computer, I'll need the break by then :D
    pscook, JBall, VFR#52 and 1 other person like this.
  16. VFR#52

    VFR#52 Well-Known Member

    Think maybe you could put V7MW in front of the V6HW guys on grid?
    600s have a hard time out rnning 1000s to turn 1 and less hectic in turn 1.
    Thank you.

  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The listing on the schedule isn't the official order they'll be gridded in at all, it's just a list. We do the grids looking at the bikes/riders entered and adjust as needed.
    videojack and Duck150 like this.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Also on the schedule - it's not remotely final so if you've got ideas please post them up. This version will probably go up for Auto Club since I want to get that up today/tomorrow but no Vintage riders show there so not too concerned on that score.
  19. videojack

    videojack Racing for Therapy

    So, how many different race weekends will this apply to?
  20. JBall

    JBall REALLY senior member

    So does this mean no more Solos? Just double headers every weekend (except when the real racers race, which is endurance).
    videojack likes this.

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