New Walking Dead in T minus sixty minutes

Discussion in 'General' started by Dits, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. gpstar748

    gpstar748 Well-Known Member

    I must be in the minority...I wasn't a big fan of this episode.

    Does seem like this season could take some interesting turns though...
  2. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

  3. zx6rfool

    zx6rfool Stacks Wood

    They had to brush over a lot to get to the new plot for this season. I mean they cant sneeze with out hoards of walkers, but make it from GA to Richmond VA with out any issues.

    They are getting back to what I've gleaned is the graphic novel story line though, I expect to see a lot characters dropping dead.

    This seems like the 6 months of training shown in a 2 min montage clip so we can get to the 30 min of fighting that will last 10 episodes clip.
  4. mcracr

    mcracr 2smoke racing 4 life!

    OK - haven't found a decent answer anywhere..

    What's with all the half-zombie bodies in the back of that truck they hit? I have to rewatch that scene, but I was wondering where the upper halves of the bodies outside the broken fence were when Rick, Glen and Michonne were yapping about what matters in a zombie apocalypse.

    What the hell is with those half bodies??? It's gotta mean something!!!
  5. Schitzo42

    Schitzo42 dweeb

    It does. I'm guessing it is setting up a certain story arc that'll probably be part of the season ending cliff hanger. It's a nod to a story line in the comics and there were two other small nods to it in that episode.

  6. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    Would that be the biker gang arc?
  7. Crybaby™

    Crybaby™ Well-Known Member

    Easy with the hints. This ain't about the comics, it's about the TV show.

    And on Talking Bad the director stated that the half bodies would be explained later this season.

    Anyone know if the radio broadcast was just hallucinations or was that supposed to be explaining real events?
  8. Nick_OMC

    Nick_OMC Will crash your bike

    The radio broadcast was a hallucination of an inverted reality referencing the group as rebels.
  9. Schitzo42

    Schitzo42 dweeb

    Except that Scott Gimple said during one of The Talking Dead episodes that they were working more of the books story lines into things and there have already been casting callouts for this character. Hence, the whole "tainted meat" and this past weeks episode in that neighborhood was a nod back to one of the early original issues.

  10. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Anybody here play the talking dead live quiz?
  11. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    My wife and I both weren't fans of this last episode. We were both VERY surprised when little Noah took a chunk out of Ty though. It hasn't taken away my desire to watch the series at all, we're both still very hooked. I see less jumping the shark than ever, they're back to being nomads and just surviving. Carol offing the kid and Beth dying are still those moments that make this show more "real fantasy" than any other show out there.
  12. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Finally just watched the (and my) last episode.

    There's an hour I'll never get back. :down:
  13. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    A bit slow but not totally sucking.
  14. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Steeltoe and myself were talking over a Whiskey drink about how it's extremely racist that they keep killing off these colored folk!
  15. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    BUT, every time they lose one they gain one. My wife jokingly said the other night, now that they've got the preacher which black guy is gonna get killed. LOL

    This episode was good at the end. I thought it was a dream until they walked out the next morning. ZOMBIE 'NADO! Looks like the preview showing the next big plot. :)
  16. Cawk Star

    Cawk Star Well-Known Member

    When's the black guy from the first season - who went mental and is now tracking them - going to come back?
  17. casjoker

    casjoker Refusing middle age

    Good question, that guy is up to no good. Love the zombienado, Clay....Dude at the end is bad news. Next episode looks high energy. Daryl is breaking down, next to go?
  18. used2Bfast

    used2Bfast Still healing

    They won't kill off Daryl, thats what all the wives watch it for.
  19. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Chris Hardwick on Talking Dead speaking about all of the women who watch...

    "50 Shades of Gray and Daryl crying in the same weekend? I'M READY TO MATE!"
  20. automan

    automan It's all about the drive!

    Well, wander where this is going, with this Aaron guy?

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