2013 vintage rules

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by promod, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Duck150

    Duck150 Well-Known Member

    Yea.....I don't over build...I hate going boom,but still I don't think I ever seen or race one with more than 33-35 hp....what does your 250 make? mine has 28 hp but your always seems to pull me somewhat....btw hows the weather up there..see you at the track soon ....
  2. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Robin...apologies sir....its been a rough day and I skimmed it.....I owe you a brew buddy.

    I just started thinking about it with all the 2 stroke stuff here...using the 350 to throw stones at...and said, "what the heck? We have never won, we are the majority, so why shouldnt we be equal?"
  3. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    The factory 350's made mid 40's, full desmo engines and they revved them to 10,000....they could rebuild them every week. I knew of a couple of 350's in the UK making 38-40, these were good bikes and I believe the numbers were fairly genuine.

    Only dyno'd my bike once, back in the late 90's, made 27BHP but it was a bit of a dog then and is a lot better now, my best guess would be around 29.

    As for the weather it's bloody freezing today.

    Thanks Charlie, whatever you do, don't leave my beer with anyone from the KWC to pass onto me....I'll end up with an empty bottle.:D
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2013
  4. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Directly into your hand sir....got it.

    Hey, It was your accent that threw me off! :D
  5. WERA33

    WERA33 Well-Known Member

    Steve Mahanes told me his Duc 350 Dyno'ed at 38 rwhp. It did have alot of work into it though. Was a beautiful ride!
  6. charles

    charles The Transporter

    As we all know, it's not just about horsepower (that's what Buff told me once)...to end the 2-stroke controversy, here's what the deal is: in a piston port motor, you ramp up the power output and you then must ride in a very narrow power band, and few accomplsh that without regret of some sort..all things being equal, let the poor little DS7 rock on...I doubt if all of a sudden we are going to experience a ravaging horde of works-DS7s ridden by former GP heroes...the Yamaha factory kinda moved on since then, thinking such controversies as extinct as the dodo bird...but hey, this is the WERA beeb.
  7. Moore007

    Moore007 Well-Known Member

    Good stuff guys, interesting reading.
    Now CharlieY, you know "Sir Robin of Hazardous" wasn't referiing to me about the beer delivery, I think he means Samir ( big hulk ). I'll pick it up at Tally, no problemo....
    My GP bike made 29 and my V1 did 36.....i have the dyno sheets also.
  8. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    mmmm...trust Mr. 1% with my beer.....really?

    Where did you get your bike dyno'd? Local shop here was very circumspect about doing it because it had a carburettor, I shit you not.
  9. compmoto

    compmoto Team Geno

    I have a stock RD250 to throw into the fray... The Sheriff wants to race it !
  10. mgmark

    mgmark George Tirebiter for President

    With the current rules it is all us DS7 guys can do to get into the top 5 against the Hondas and Doug's all conquering Ducati. Leave it alone.
    And I don't want to hear any more crap about how so and so back in the 90s built one and won a race, or how somebody might someday again win a race and "ruin" the class.

    Without the 2mm OS pistons the motor cannot be easily rebuilt because original pistons are gone. Its about availability, not performance.

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2013
  11. mgmark

    mgmark George Tirebiter for President

    Now This is an extra large institutional sized can of worms!
    So you're suggesting that since a large majority of the GP grid is made up of Hondas with a couple of Yamahas, that the class structure should be changed to make the Honda the "standard" class bike instead of the older bikes the class was originally written for, since time has passed by the older bikes and they are no longer raced?
    Change the class to reflect the changes in the grid over the years? Too much to comprehend.......:D

  12. Moore007

    Moore007 Well-Known Member

    There is a racecar shop next door to me and we trade work. They have dyno'd for me and Mike and several other bikes with no problems at all. It's an " inground" set up so it's pretty easy and quick. You want to do yours sometime I'm sure we can work it out.
  13. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Yo Mark...funny how reality is sometimes incomprehensable, huh?;)

    I'm not really saying change the class structure....but I am saying that if other bikes can be indexed in, without limitations, or with parts specs due to availability (DS7, which I agree with BTW), then why should the bikes that show up (CB350's), and have kept the class(es) afloat, be choked down with their index rule?...It's kinda like punishing your best performer.

    Bob, just for the record, when I see numbers like you quoted, I double them cuz its a 2 stroke. Even without that, every little bit matters....to flip that around but still applying your logic, what would adding another 1mm (2mm total) to the CB overbore matter?....we dont win races or titles in the class...

    Heres a WILD idea twds Marks statement....why dont we make it a CB350 class, and index in Ducati 250 / 350 singles, and the DS7?:rolleyes: .....maybe a sprint?

    I had and have no problem with the DS7 rule as it was previously written. I dont know what happened. Anyone have some old rulebooks lying around and can accuratly state the past?...I'm going from memory, and could be wrong here....what does Hurst recall?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2013
  14. Duck150

    Duck150 Well-Known Member

    any good piston company will make you pistons if you send them one to copy,so the piston excuse is not there...I send JE old pistons to make copy from and its not cheap,there no more singles pistons around so I bite the bullet and send them off to be made.So why is there a rule change just for one special person or bike......
  15. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Dougie, from my memory, that DS7 3mm rule has always been there. I recall asking David about it several years ago.

    That is all I know.

    Hey MGmark....what pistons are in yours?....you and John Cook had a good battle going on at Tally!
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Lots of rule changes for a single type of bike, that's the entire point of performance indexing. Hell, I revived and entire class just because YOU asked me to. It's all part of what we do to try and make our customers happy.
  17. Duck150

    Duck150 Well-Known Member

    Bullshit....I never ask,that was Joey up north...I said me and my son would support it some as we did....look at yours notes............
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Um, no. I did it because you asked for you and your son. I was kind of there during the decision making process in my head so I'm pretty sure I know why I did it.

    But hey, look at it this way, this proves yet again how great it is to try and do things for people....
  19. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    Doug is kinda getting up there in years so we may need to forgive his memory. :)

    All in fun Doug, all in fun.......
  20. Duck150

    Duck150 Well-Known Member

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