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Imagine that...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by H8R, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Here's one.

  2. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    I get your point but would ask it slightly differently. When was temperature first recorded with a thermometer in Colorado or Wyoming? Also when did the number of regularly recorded sites exceed 100?

    Then there is Europe where recordings do go back much further. But what was the tolerance of the thermometers used? I am betting 1 degree or less in almost every case once you get back beyond the 1800's.

    Of course as I pointed out you can read historical records that described conditions to verify a wide variance over the centuries in Europe (I bet China/Japan also but am not sure about it)
  3. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

  4. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

  5. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Read: We're going to need a LOT more money to research and debate and hypothesize and postulate and posture and pose and foment panic and further entrench governmental interference in all things.

    Or is that just the cynic in me? :D
  6. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I've not seen too many people deny that the globe appears to be in a warming trend. Kind of has to be to make it from ice age to ice age. :D

    The part the baffles me is the morons that think the warming is caused by man. Certainly not being helped by man but not caused. Then again, maybe we are helping now since the warming seems to have stalled a bit over the last 10 years. Time will tell. Regardless of what level of impact man really has doesn't mean we should ignore it and continue to be dumb.

    The freaking Chinese shutdown multiple power plants during the Olympics to clear the atmosphere enough so the athletes could breathe. :eek:
  7. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    What comes after cynic?
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

  9. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    So you're starting a middle-aged boy ban? :crackup:
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    You be Millie, I'll be Vanilli.
  11. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    They tend to come out after every exceptional cold-weather episode. Pay attention during the next one.
  12. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    Oh hell, I make those comments like, "gimme back my global warming" but I don't really consider a cold spell for 3 days as the end of global warming. :D

    If the Gore worshiping camp can't pick up on the joke then that's sad. :p

    We'll see if this 10 year stall means anything. Hopefully it does but I'm not confident in that.

    What's crazy in all of this is to think of global warming as being basically ~1.5 degree rise over the last century and how much of an impact such a small change can make. That's amazing to me.
  13. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    All I know is we are several degrees below normal right now. The northeast just had a blizzard.

    All because it's warmer.:rolleyes:
  14. svtinker

    svtinker Well-Known Member

    These aren't even debatable so try again. But dude, the Dark Ages?:crackup:
  15. kz2zx

    kz2zx zx2gsxr2zx

    The dark ages were because Roman civilization collapsed due to boiling English grapes (with their higher acid content, due to the cooler climate) in lead vessels to concentrate juices before making strong wine, which led to lead poisoning of their weaker public-servant minds, the ones who drank a lot of cheap wine and then went to work making public policy decisions, such as establishing welfare and distractions to a rabble (populace) to prevent them from rioting (due to the lack of cheap wine drunk by all the civil servants).

    See? Dark Ages caused by Global Cooling.

    Good thing we have Global Warming, and nothing at ALL about our situation can have parallels drawn to the collapse of the Roman Empire.
  16. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

  17. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien


    If you subscribe to the idea that man is that influential in the warming trend, then quit doing. Find yourself a good place in northwest Oregon and call it a day.

    Otherwise, evaluate your actions, what you do, and decide if there are things that you can minimze/eliminate from your life that add to the expedited failure that is our existence. :D
  18. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Recycling is bunk as well.
  19. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Maybe, but it got me laid once. Girl said I just scored huge points when she looked inside the cabinets under the kitchen sink. :D
  20. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    That was definitely worth the time it took to rinse out a couple tin cans....:D

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