You Lie, Mr. Obama!!

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by CMMFL, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. CMMFL

    CMMFL Well-Known Member

    So......Mr. Obama hasn't been following the news or antics of ACORN very closely. Also, can you beleive he didn't know they were receiving federal funding?? At least that's what he said on George Stephanopolis' program on ABC this morning........HMMMMM

    You lie, Mr. President!!! :mad:
  2. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    The man folllows a lot of things very closely, or this is the most common phrase on his teleprompter.
  3. todzuki

    todzuki got OBS?

    They've been receiving federal funds for years. Not news. Not Obama's fault either.
  4. Lever

    Lever Well-Known Member

    Yeah...why do anything to stop corruption when you're the primary beneficiary of its efforts :rolleyes:
  5. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    I keep reading this but no one seems to know if that funding goes up or down with a certain party?
  6. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Who cares it's just our Tax money.
  7. 88/532

    88/532 Simply Antagonistical

    True. But, you knew, and I knew. Hell everyone knew, but him??? He was a community organizer in Chicago, and he didn't know. That makes him (1) stupid or (2) a liar.
  8. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    He's the President of the USA...not the President of ACORN.

    So it turns out the many on the right are correct that ACORN has a bunch of Douche's working there...So if the ACLU does something is it Obama's job to know everything about them? Or is it his job to delegate people to find out and then report to him?
  9. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I really don't give a crap about this other than Obama is familiar with ACORN from past dealings. Any claim to the contrary is disingenious at best. I would rather he say that he has no specific information on a given instance an has someone looking into the allegations than to claim total ignorance.
  10. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

  11. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    Well since he was their lawyer I would think he would smart enough to know. Also he told them that he was going to involve them in the "change" and that they would be brought in to the WH to help structure policy. Seems like he knows a good deal about ACORN when he wants to.

    Nice try but I thought part of Obama's greatness was transparency and change, not lies and status quo.
  12. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    How long ago was he their lawyer?

    OMG...are you trying to say that he might have discussed possibilities with ACORN so they would help get him elected?
  13. PAzYearazzUP

    PAzYearazzUP Banned

    Chew see that "Mack Daddy" endorse some other Acorn program on TV? "Dis is a pubic message you are again getting it stuck up pure ass is wit dis program now."

    You don't like the rape of your tax is that a fact?
  14. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    When you take 100's of 1000's of dollars from them, you should know what they are doing....well that has been the Lefts stance on the Right, forfuckingever anyway.

    Sometimes a Duck is a Duck, not a Swan...and Shit is just Shit...Not Chocolate Puddin, and sometimes a Liar is just a Liar, not a Saint to be defended at every corner.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2009
  15. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    and sometimes a mistakes is a mistake....and a man is a man.
  16. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    What mistake? That is a stretch if you actually believe that is the kind of mistake the man you think is capable of leading the free world makes. What makes it a big deal is that again he is just flat out lying, knowing people like you will not call him on it.................I don't get it.
  17. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    That is true, and somtimes the total of a mans "Mistakes" begain to show the true Character of the man.

    But then we are not just talking about Joe down at the Service Station who works on your car, who orders the wrong part, we are talking about the President of the United States of America.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2009
  18. MV

    MV Well-Known Member

    Here's his actual quote:

    "Frankly, it's not really something I've followed closely," Obama said. "I didn't even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money."
  19. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Oh hell that explains it all....""I didn't even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money"".

    If it ain't BILLIONS, it ain't a whole lot, to him.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2009
  20. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    Using your logic Britt what should we have done with George W. Bush? His lack of character...or mistakes...if they were flip-flopped from right to left would qualify him to be shot. So Obama got the ACORN thing wrong. He acted too quickly on Healthcare...none of which compares to Bush getting us into Iraq. Should we maybe start a list of all the stuff that W got wrong and compare?

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