Y'all would love Finland - no gender pronouns. "Hän" is he/she in written language and formal speech, but in casual conversation people are referred to as "Se", meaning "it". Instead of "Where did he/she go?" you'll hear "Where did it go?".
Wow, going through this thread, you can see the people that just don’t give a shit about the many young REAL women/ladies that trained and worked hard towards their goals, only to be thwarted by cowardice losers, that can’t take one on the chin like a fucking man, when they aren’t good enough for whatever sport they suck at. And funny the hypocrisy coming from our school administrator, yet no surprise here. The guy writes up some “feel good” post about how we are supposed to have more respect for each other in the “race community “in another thread……..but then turns around and plays along with this lying nonsense, that has now screwed over some of our own racer’s daughters………yeah, where’s that mutual respect now? Fucking trash.
One of the problems with "School Administrators" is their false sense of authority because they are THE authority in their little bubble for 8 hours a day. I have had a few interactions with Alex's Ass Principal at his Middle school. I like to hear both sides and get to the bottom of shit. Alex had his chrome book taken by a teacher while he was in the bathroom....came back and it was gone (some kids were messing with it). She didn't return it after class and he had no idea where it was. That introduces a liability because she didn't get it back to him. He/Me are on the hook for that property's cost, not her. So, I met with Ass Principal with Alex. I told him to get that teacher to get her ass in the office now...he said "I cannot do that..she's in class"...it was Field Day so I knew that was bullshit. I advised him his shuck and jive dance bullshit didn't fly. Alex got to see me completely dress the Ass Principal down, call him on his condescending "School Administrator" authority bullshit and direct the Ass Principal that Alex WOULD have his laptop back immediately and that I WOULD have an email stating so from said Ass Principal before noon. Alex had his laptop and I had my email at 1130.
I was asked in an interview how I identified. I responded excuse me? And she said you know "how do you WANT to be identified" (forcefully). I said "OH, well for sure Southern by the grace of God". She tells me that they have a no religion policy and I said "well John works fine for me then". At that point she gave up. They did offer me the job surprisingly.
How about this, "FUCK YOU and the horse you rode in on." Not once in this thread, have I made any comment on the whole pronoun issue, one way or the other. I made comment on Darrin stating that nobody cared about Beac's sexuality. Just for the record, so some more half-witts won't draw conclusions from a lack of facts. I am unequivically against the use of pronouns other than the ones we have traditionally used in modern American English, he for males and she for females. If somebody can't decide which gender they are, don't expect me to know what they want. There, is that clear enouggh for you. As far as all of the educator hate on here, I agree that there are some/many that do not belong in that field, just like there are bad mechanics, electricians welders and any other profession, but it is painting with a pretty broad brush to include everybody in a given profession as bad. You have no fucking clue what I have done professionally, but I will tell you that I have done more than my share of good by helping students and families in need and have eliminated more than my share of poor teachers from my schools. BTW Fuck off !!!
Yeah totally fine with me. And as I said it was a different thread that you insinuated some lying BS about me some time ago. So yeah, right back at ya
At Barber a decade ago fast Michigander was sitting between me and Pegram at the autograph table and a little Hispanic kid and his hot mom came up… the kid said to Heysoos…. Our Grattan boy asked how to spell it? The hot mom was amazed … we told him he’s going straight to hell
And for crying out loud…….did you give them the correct “o” or “a” for masculine or feminine????? Engrish ain’t da only wun doon dat
I’m usually alright if I’m only speaking Spanish my Spanglish is where it gets all hermaphrodited jota I know I know “joto”
Yeah...they tried to force that shit down the Latin community's throats with that "Latinx" bullshit too. That went over like a good Taco Bell fart at the Vatican on Easter Sunday.
It's just a generation of undisciplined brats that were not given any limits of what is and isn't acceptable approaching adulthood. They're unable to cope with things that don't always work to their favor. They think "Their Struggle is Real", but they've truly never struggled. That's the quick summary of what I feel we are seeing.
get in here and yell “loud noises!” with all of them and get heard! hope all is well with you and yours on nitro acres Britt
Only listed mine once as: fuh/que saw a story a while back about some kid that had to list them for a college class, so he put: his grace, the duke of Worcestershire. If I remember right, the teacher was not pleased, but I don’t recall how it all panned out.