OPL is a great show, but law enforcement officers have been dealing with crimes where they have witness statements like these for over 50 years: the first one says it was a guy, the next one says it was a gal, the third one says they don't know but they were some kind of long-haired hippy. LEOs will use the best description they have. If it is obvious in appearance, they will say male or female. If not, they frequently will just refer to them as "the suspect" or "the suspects." I am sure more than one drag queen has been identified as "female" and that has been going on for decades too. The best parent irrelevant of gender should get custody of the child or shared custody can work too if they are relatively equal. The parent that pays child support is the one that can best afford it. That should have nothing do to with someone's gender or preferred pronoun. Messed up families have been happening for decades. Before that, kids that were "odd" were frequently just sent into "facilities." Before that they were just abandoned or beaten. I think those kids would be better off with a non-binary parent than no parents or parents that beat them. With that said, social media taking over our young people's lives and the resulting need to get attention in any way possible is a real problem. You aren't going to solve that by refusing to call someone by their preferred pronoun.
Quoting this again so the rest of you morons can read what should be so obvious that it defies all reason why you still believe that kowtowing to the shrieking idiots is appropriate.
Then again, it's a bit of a tempest in a tea pot is it not? Honestly, as absurd as these nouners are, the anti-nouns are getting to be just as stupid in their 'Need to be pissed-off' circle jerk over-reactions....
It’s the WAY over the top reaction of being triggered and offended by these pronoun-Nazi’s that is so goddam absurd. When they scream “act of violence” and “I don’t feel safe” because you said “him” instead of “her” when your brain tells you “that’s a dude!” is immediately when I refuse to play that stupid game. I used to have a tech who was transitioning from him to her and I had to really concentrate to say “her” when referring to this person. 99 times I got it right. When I missed ONE TIME and said “he” I got a visit from HR almost immediately. Fuck THAT.
Epic Jerky Boys like call from a comedian I can't quite remember the name of, but Bob and Tom played that bit a lot years ago. love it.
“Yeah, but…yeah, but…” Respect is a two way street. After long enough being constantly disrespected by the perpetually offended contingent, the disrespected have simply chosen to give what they get. And leave it to you people to piss and moan about getting a heaping helping of your own medicine.
You colonials are so quaint. Lord Dave, if you will kindly refer to your copy of Burke's Peerage, you will see that as I am a duke, I expect your obeisance as a given.
Seems like it to me. But then I have yet to personally encounter someone who gave me shit for using the wrong pronoun. So yeah, doesn't even rise to the 'give a shit' level, let alone warrant getting wound up about.